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[Opinions] Day 23 of 26: What is your favourite name that starts with "W" for each gender?
Boy: William
Girl: Willow

This message was edited 9/25/2024, 5:12 PM

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Girl: Willow
Boy: William (Will)
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Boy: Wintry
Girl: Winifred / Winifreda
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M: Wayland
F: Wivina
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Boy: Warrick
Girl: WinifredWinnie
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William; Winona
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Wilder & Winslet. Not sure about the girl name that much though.
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Boy: Walter
Girl: Winifred
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Oh I love Walter too!
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Wallis & Willa
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Wilhelmina. And Wanda, Winifred, Willa.Wilfred, maybe? No, Wilbur. And Wendell, and Wenzel.
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Wesley & Willow
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Boy: Wilbur
Girl: Winter
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Boy: William
Girl: Wilhelmina
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Boy - Wells
Girl - Winifred
Unisex - Waverly or Willoughby
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B: William
G: WinifredWinnie
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F: Winifred (runner-up: Wulfrun)
M: Waldo (runner-up: Wojciech)
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Boy: Wes
Girl: Willow (Runner up: Willena)
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