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[Opinions] Re: Estella, Estelle & Stella
Estelle is my favourite. It's the epitome of retro glamour. Pure art deco. Even though the height of its popularity was 1911, I associate it with the 30s and 40s, big time. I suppose all those 1911 Estelles were at the peak of their power in around then, so that makes sense! It's a perfect name, in my book. Sadly my partner is not a fan of any "stell" names because of a bad association.I like Stella a lot too; I understand why its rising right now. It's quirky-retro and fits in perfectly with the Violets and Hazels and Lilys. It's a lot lighter than Estelle, which has gravitas. I guess Stella runs the greatest risk of feeling dated in the future, because it's the most popular. It sure seems like a popular name for dogs, where I live, so it has a friendly, happy-go-lucky sort of aura to it.Estella is nice, but my least favourite. I don't know why I can't get into this version as much. I think maybe too much is happening and I find it distracting. It's not as calm and composed as Estelle, yet it also lacks Stella's sunny jazz energy.
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