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[Opinions] How do you pronounce Aoife?
This name has always intrigued me but how do you pronounce it?From the guide on the page it seems like it should be pronounced Efa?
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I basically say it like "ifa"
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Ee fa
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It's pronounced EE-fuh.
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Honestly, I've been saying it Ay-oaf. Till I read the other messages.
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I would say EE-fa, with a soft f.
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EE-fa, stress on the first syllable usually, maybe a bit more nuance to the -fa when I've heard some people say it, but that's as close as.
It's a very beautiful name. It's also pretty damn common in Ireland and the UK Irish diaspora, I've come across it a lot.
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I've never heard an Irish person say it: it always sounds like Eva to me!
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You can hear the pronounciation here:
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Thank you! If I may ask a follow up, would Effie be a suitable nickname?
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A nickname can be anything you want it to be.
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It’s a different vowel sound at the start.
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I agree with AmheliseI think Effie can be used for any name starting with the letter F
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