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[Opinions] Vern and Vernon
I know a toddler with this name. wdyt?
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I knew a stuck up, snobby man named Vern (full name Vernon) who thought he was better than everyone else. My work experience with him completely turned me off the name.
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I find both names quite tasteless, and I’d feel sorry for anyone named Vern or Vernon.
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I'm surprised and pleased. A friend of mine had quite a long relationship with a Vernon, so my associations are positive. I don't think Vernon was ever popular enough to become dated: just vintage and nice.
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I like it. It's not as clunky as some of the other names I'd batch it with (Norman, Stanley).
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Don't like either, very dated
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It reminds me of vermin. I don't like Vern as a NN either. A name with a similar vibe is Bertrand. I much prefer that. I am not against older names being used, but certain ones just sound unattractive to me.
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hey Vern!Ya know whaddamean, Vern?When I was growing up, there was a comedian called Jm Varney who had a character called Ernest P. Worrell, a very dumb, very cliched hillbily who was always telling of his adventures to his unseen, unheard friend Vern. He always began with "Hey Vern!" and usually ended with "Ya know whaddamean, Vern?"
The Ernest character was very popular and there were several movies about him, including "Ernest Saves Christmas" and "Ernest Scared Stupid."
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Oh man I had forgotten all about that guy! I remember loving his "Scared Stupid" Halloween movie.
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It’s a cool name!
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I had a great uncle Vernon. He always seemed very nice, very laid back. I like both these names. I love the idea of a toddler named Vernon!!! That makes me so happy.
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Cute! Vernon's very handsome and dignified (but in an approachable way).
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I think that Vernon is a very handsome name, and highly underrated at that. I also like Verna on a girl and find it very pretty.
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