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[Opinions] On a scale of 1- 10, how ugly is the name Olga?
On a scale of 1 - 10 (1 being "not ugly at all" and 10 being "severely ugly"), where do you rank the name Olga?
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I love the name Olga! I'd give it a 1 personally, I think it's pretty ❤️
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6. Actually, I don't think it's particularly "ugly", but I don't like the "ga" ending, so I gave it over 5...
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I rank it 7 in this context.
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2. I'm not actually bothered by it - I like its cross-culturalism. It also has a nice sound.

This message was edited 4/30/2024, 1:39 PM

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Maybe a 4 but I like the name anyway! I tend to like a lot of names that are ‘ugly’, I think they’re endearing. I would love to meet a young girl named Olga “Ollie”. Also I’m just now realizing Olga is an anagram for Goal, so that’s fun.
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10. It's by far the ugliest name I've ever heard.
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1—it's a gorgeous, rich, timeless name.
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8.5Maybe even a 9.I have never seen the charm in Olga, sorry.
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Olga is like one of those runway models that are technically hideous but somehow turn it into being otherworldly elegant. You know the type I mean? Maybe their eyes are a bit too buggy, they have an overbite or a gap in their teeth, the lips are too thin, the cheekbones too sharp. Yet they are beautiful in an alien sort of way. That's Olga to me. So it's a 1 and a 10 simultaneously.
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lolol. The models have the height.
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3, going from a 10.It was never ugly to me, it was just one of these grandmother or great(-great)-grandmother names in my country that I used to dislike. As these names here are coming into popularity again (not yet Olga, but I'm sure it'll get there), my taste is also changing to liking most of them.
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1, this one isn't ugly so much as slightly awkward and rather retro. I can think of several things I would term 'ugly' long before Olga.
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10. It's not helped by the fact that it sounds like ogre.

This message was edited 4/30/2024, 4:43 AM

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I'd give it a 2. I used to entirely detest it, but after meeting a sweet Olga, I've softened a bit. It's not a name that I would use, but I don't think it's the worst.
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3.5. Feels a bit like an old woman, yes, but a very sweet one. And the name itself just feels nice in my mouth
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I'd give it a 4. Not ugly exactly, but certainly not human. I always think of a goldfish named Olga, in which case it would rank a 1.
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8-latently ugly with potential improvment
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1. I rather like Olga. Helga on the other hand…
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10. It makes me think of 10% milk.
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