[Games] Eighty Days (13)
Previous round: https://www.behindthename.com/bb/game/5534881
From Tbilisi we are flying to New Delhi, but we are not in here to explore this smoggy metropolitan city. We are heading landinwards to spot flora and fauna. Choose as many as you would love to see, but no more than six. Also choose at least one plant and one land animal, and one bird.
1) Chinese Hibiscus
2) Amaltas
3) Butterfly Pea
4) Indian Shot
5) Yellow Trumpetbush (aka Ginger-Thomas)
6) Pomegranate
7) Indian Leopards
8) Bengal Fox
9) Indian Spectacled Cobra
10) Monitor Lizard
11) Rhesus Macaque
12) Civet
13) Hoopoe
14) Demoiselle Cranes
15) Tawny Eagles
16) Black Drongo
17) Tailor-Bird (It stars as the “Darzee” in Kipling’s famous story Riki-tiki-tavi)
18) Golden Oriole
- Optional second middle name is in brackets
1) Child six has a daughter with this intitials HI(B)2) Child one has a son with this intitials AM(A)3) Child three has a son with this intitials PE(A) 4) Child two has a son with this intitials SH(O) 5) Child two has a son with this intitials GI(N) 6) Child four has a son with this intitials GR(A) 🇮🇳7) Child five has a daughter with this intitials LE(O) 8) Child two has a son with this intitials BE(N) 9) Child four has a daughter with this intitials CO(B) 10) Child four has a son with this intitials LI(Z) 11) Child three has a daughter with this intitials RH(E) 12) Child five has a son with this intitials CI(V) 🇮🇳13) Child six has a daughter with this intitials MA(R) 14) Child five has a son with this intitials DE(M) 15) Child three has a son with this intitials EA(G) 16) Child six has a daughter with this intitials NG(O) 17) Child one has a daughter with this intitials DA(R)18) Child two has a daughter with this intitials EU(R)
formerly Belphoebe⭐️I am in the mood
to dissolve
in the sky.
- Virginia Woolf
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DH: Jesse Albert Lane

DW: Daphne Honor {Stetson} LaneDAS: Abel Rodrigo Lane
-DW: Wendy Autumn {Roth} LaneDAD: Caitlin Kennedy {Lane} Egawa
-DH: Arthur Kiyoshi Egawa
—DD: Iris Satomi Egawa
—DS/DD: Gage Itsuki Egawa & Emily Umeko EgawaDAD: Millie Lucinda {Lane} Briggs
-DH: Nicholas Anderson Briggs
—DS: Kayden Vernon Briggs
—DD: Melody Edith BriggsDAS: Stephen Thomas Lane
-DW: Kelsey Agnes {Farmer} Lane
—DS: Harrison Ian Lane
—DS: Nathaniel Irving LaneDAS: Jared Dominic Lane
-DH: Roger Yngve Ulfsson
—DAD: Taya Kannika Lane-Ulfsson
—DAD: Evangeline Martha Lane-Ulfsson

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DH: Myles Gregory Huxley
DW: Riley Megara [Reynolds] HuxleyAD: Maureen Alannah [Huxley] Baines "Mo"
-DH: Taliesin Andrew Baines
—DS: George Ivan Baines
—DD: Katrina Hazel Baines
—DD: Olive Bethan BainesAS: Lorcan Magnus Huxley
-DW: Bianca Odette [Uccello] Huxley
—DD: Liana Marine Huxley
—DD: Alice Brigitte Huxley
—DS: Samuel Hector Huxley
—DS: Bastian Enzo Huxley
—DD: Elsa Ulyssa HuxleyAD: Lucinda Juno [Huxley] Hassan "Lucy"
-DH: Lutfi Ebrahim HassanAD: Juliana Sybil [Huxley] Metaxa “Jules”
-DH: Alekos Leonidas Metaxa
—DD: Dafni Olympia Metaxa
—DS: Giannis Rafail Metaxa
—DS: Lazaros Isaak Metaxa "Laz"AD: Emiliana Dagmar [Huxley] Abbott “Emmy”
-DH: Adrian Zander Abbott
—DS: Dominic Edgar AbbottAD: Ada Kismet Huxley-Shah
-DW: Rehka Avanti Huxley-Shah
—DS: Devraj Zavier Huxley-Shah "Dev"
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DH: Augustus Gregory Scott "Gus" Tipton
DW: Electra Ophelia Daphne "Elle" Tipton, née WoodhamADD: Selma Elanur Ada Flodqvist-Tipton, née Tipton
ADS: Sean Gregory Patrick Tipton
ADD: Vida Dalia Athene Abdoulaye, née Tipton
ADS: Hugo Humphrey Thomas Tipton
ADD: Nadia Yvette Christine Ausby, née Tipton
ADD: Amalia Duaa Fay Sweed, née Tipton~~~~~~~~~~ADD: Selma Elanur Ada Flodqvist-Tipton, née Tipton
DW: Kajsalena Olova Flodqvist-Tipton, née FlodqvistDS: Luka Alexander Flodqvist-Tipton
DD: Klara Henrietta Flodqvist-Tipton
DS: Anton Maximilian Flodqvist-Tipton~~~~~ADS: Sean Gregory Patrick Tipton
DW: Tae-ri Alyce "Alyce" BanDD: Moira Katherine Tipton-Ban
DD: Ailsa Beatrice Tipton-Ban
DD: Iona Sylvia Tipton-Ban~~~~~ADD: Vida Dalia Athene Abdoulaye, née Tipton
DH: Ismaël Tidjani Abdoulaye~~~~~ADS: Hugo Humphrey Thomas Tipton
DW: Annasophia Linden "Nance" Tipton, née MacKayDS/DD/DS: George Rylan "Rylan" Tipton & Chloe Olwen Tipton & Liam Ivor Tipton~~~~~ADD: Nadia Yvette Christine Ausby, née Tipton
DH: Alphonzo Zane "Zane" AusbyDS/DS: Noah Emmitt Ausby & Seth Holden Ausby
DD/DS: Leah Emerson Ausby & Dean Elliott Ausby~~~~~ADD: Amalia Duaa Fay Sweed, née Tipton
DH: Rashawn Andray Sweed
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SO1: Martin Lucius Benjamin Schubert
SO2: Nicola Jodi Penelope HumeC1: Nando Agustín Ismael Schubert
🥰: Florinda Adelaide SonnenbergC2: Sean Patrick Kelly Schubert
🥰: Ottavia Lucrezia Innocenti
DD: Ines Ludovica Schubert
DD: Elena Umberta Schubert C3: Marcellino Stefan Xavier Schubert
🥰: Aurora Beatrice Andersen-Ivers
DS: Dimitri Anthony Schubert
DD: Magnolia Evelyn Schubert
DS: Pascal Edric Schubert C4: Hugo Thomas Arthur Schubert
🥰: Augusta Leighton Montgomery
DD: Zula Enid Montgomery Schubert
DD: Matilde Octavia Montgomery Schubert
DS: Leonidas Igor Montgomery Schubert C5: Josias Aristotle Benjamin Schubert
🥰: Alexis Zinnia Andrzejewski

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H: Meade Ivan Alvey [he/they]
Sp: Jade Nicola Acker [they/it] D1: Esther Linda Comfort Alvey [she/her]
Š1: Rory Sean Alvey [they/he]
D2: Tiphaine Colette Alvey [she/her]
S1: Charles Edward Alvey [he/him]
D3: Leyla Ceren Alvey [she/her] --- D1: Esther Linda Comfort Alvey [she/her]
H: Tyreese Amour Brand-Alvey [he/him] Š1: Auburn Milo Alvey [he/him] --- Š1: Rory Sean Alvey [they/he]
Friend: Bettrys Ozana "Bettie" Ursache [they/she] D1: Evolet Ulya Renata Ursache [she/her] --- D2: Tiphaine Colette Alvey [she/her]
Gf: Liliosa Edna Honeysett [she/her] S1: Demetris Nicos Honeysett [he/him]
D1/D2: Lara Aderyn Maple Honeysett [she/they] / Maya Elanor Sable Honeysett [she/her] --- S1: Charles Edward Alvey [he/him]
Fé: Keylor Antony Figueroa [he/him] D1: Dylan Opal Brianna Figueroa [she/her]
Š1: Greer Rafael August Figueroa [they/them]
D2: Cade Ollie Blanca Figueroa [they/she] --- D3: Leyla Ceren Alvey [she/her]
Fé: Ricochet Yefrem Utkin [he/him]
QpBf: Bruneau Amias Hayter [he/him] Ď1: Androulla Demetra Hayter-Utkin [she/her]
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DH: Maxence Laurentin Janvier
DW: Inès Eupraxia DenmanADD: Mary Faustina "Mamie" Janvier
ADS: Patrick Brendan "Paddy" Janvier
ADD: Auguste Gabija "Gussie" Janvier
ADS: Arthur Orlando "Artie" Janvier
ADD: Frederica Rosa "Rikki" Janvier
ADD: Leyla Elmas "Ellie" Janvier***
ADD: Mary Faustina "Mamie" Janvier
DH: Kelvin Orson FlahertyDS: Torin Zachary Flaherty
DS: Aloisia Mary "Lola" Flaherty***
ADS: Patrick Brendan "Paddy" Janvier
DW: Thursa Albertine BarlowDD: Liana Albertine Janvier
DS: Arlo Demetrius Janvier
DS: Soren Hubertus Janvier***
ADD: Auguste Gabija "Gussie" Janvier
DH: Ignatius Thurgood ArlingtonDS: Ethan Augustus Gabriel Arlington***
ADS: Arthur Orlando "Artie" Janvier
DW: Gloria Heloise OwensDD/DD: Zola Euphrasie & Maude Oletha Janvier
DS: Lyle Isbrandt Janvier***
ADD: Frederica Rosa "Rikki" Janvier
DW: Richildis Eduarda "Ricki" SmithDS/DS: Norville Eduardo & Silas Hubert Janvier-Smith***
ADD: Leyla Elmas "Ellie" Janvier
DH: Simon Abdul-Aziz Fawaz-IvanishviliDD: Hildegarde Elise Natalia "Heddy" Fawaz-Janvier
DD: Herminia Inès Borena "Minnie" Fawaz-Janvier
DD: Novalie Gulnara Irene "Nellie" Fawaz-Janvier*****
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DH: Myles Abraham Thomson
DW: Rosa Tomiko {Woodham} ThomsonADD: Alannah Keavy {Thomson} Rettig
- DH: William Ansel Rettig
- DS: Luka David Rettig
- DD: Dahlia Adeline RettigADD: Kennedy Edel {Thomson} Echeverría
- DH: Alberto Kai Echeverría
- DD: Salome Elene Echeverría
- DD: Ramona Isabel Echeverría
- DS: Benjamin Efrain EcheverríaADD: Madeleine Estelle {Thomson} Berne
- DH: Niall Aran Berne
- DD: Maeve Emilia Berne ADS: Charles Rupert Thomson
- DW: Greta Halley {Olszewska} Thomson
- ADS: Nicholas Isaak Thomson
- ADS: Galen Robert ThomsonADD: Clara January {Thomson} Sharrow
- DH: Reece Ethan Sharrow
- DS: Gabriel Olin Sharrow
- DS: Silas Holden Sharrow
- DS: Callan Isaiah SharrowADS: Winston Victor Thomson
- DW: Skylar Asuka {Fujimura-Ikin} Thomson
- ADD: Myla Akemi Thomson
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DH: Basil Sebastian "Baz" Rantanen
DW: Dr. Honor Irena ParishDAD: Esther Comfort [Rantanen-Parish] Hayder
- DH: Khayyam Hayder
- DD: Khadija Honor Hayder
- DS: Ghassan Respect HayderDAS: Rory Sean Rantanen-Parish
- DW: Belinay Esra İnanç Rantanen-Parish
- DD: Ivy Simay Rantanen-Parish
- DD: Eve Ülkü Rantanen-ParishDAD: Dalia Žaneta [Rantanen-Parish] Hayes
- DW: Zainub Eliza Hayes
- DAD: Anastasia Beridze HayesDAS: Edward Francis [Rantanen-Parish] Fermanian
- DH: Khachatur Armeni Fermanian
- DS: Nazaret Isaac FermanianDAS: Lukas Matthäus Rantanen-Parish
- DW: Ruqayyat Yunadi [Usmanova] Rantanen-Parish
- DD: Lena Elita Rantanen-Parish
- DS: Chris Iznaur Rantanen-ParishDAD: Dua Iman Rantanen-Parish
- DP: Banan Al-Amin Rantanen-Parish
- DS/DD: Naz Rashid Rantanen-Parish/Norah Rayan Rantanen-Parish
- DS: Dana Zahir Rantanen-Parish
- DD: Hana Ikram Rantanen-Parish
- DD: Nada Ghadir Rantanen-ParishBaz and Honor with Esther, Rory, Dalia, Edward, Lukas, and Dua
- Esther and Khayyam with Khadija and Ghassan
- Rory and Belinay with Ivy and Eve
- Dalia and Zainub with Anastasia
- Edward and Khachatur with Nazaret
- Lukas and Ruqayyat with Lena and Chris
- Dua and Banan with Naz, Norah, Dana, Hana, and Nada
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H: Thomas Laurentin Beckett
W: Ines Veronica Mae Parish BeckettS: Vincent Angus Harrison Beckett
D: Tallulah Bridget Caoimhe Beckett
S: August Florian Emil Beckett
S: Edmund Peter Gabriel Beckett
S: Dominic Julian Albert Beckett
D: Nadia Laila Fay BeckettThomas & Veronica; Vincent, Tallulah, August, Edmund, Dominic, and Nadia.*H: Vincent Angus Harrison Beckett
W: Katrina Helen Underwood S: Adam Moses Anderson BeckettVincent & Katrina (Kat); Adam.**W: Tallulah Bridget Caoimhe Beckett Iles
H: Brady Elliot IlesD: Isadora Simone Annika IlesTallulah (Lulu) & Brady; Isadora (Dora).***H: August Florian Emil Beckett
W: Zoe Emilie Hebert BeckettS: Michael Antonis Hebert Beckett
S: Killian Victor Hebert Beckett
S: Ezra Alexander Gabriel BeckettAugust (Gus) & Zoe; Michael, Killian, and Ezra.****H: Edmund Peter Gabriel Beckett
H: Kieran Alaric FanningEdmund (Eddie) & Kieran.*****H: Dominic Julian Albert Beckett
W: Rhiannon Yvette Urich BeckettD: Georgia Irene Beckett.
D: Eliza Mae Beckett
S: Sean Horatio Beckett
D: Lucy Emmeline BeckettDominic & Rhiannon; Georgia, Eliza (Liza), Sean, and Lucy.******W: Nadia Laila Fay Beckett
W: Benjamina Alice HarperS: Damian Zachary Avi Harper-BeckettNadia & Benjamina (Mina); Damian.
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Hannibal Philip Wolf ❤️ Eupraxia Gwendolyn (née Denman)
Nana Mary Patience
Tadhg Patrick Declan
Hebe Artemis Eliza
Humphrey Philip Charles “Pip”
Dagny Erato Sandra
Wolfe Mercury Adam [Hannibal & Eupraxia || Nana, Tadhg, Hebe, Pip, Dagny, Wolfe]⭐️THE UPCHURCH FAMILY
Nana Mary Patience ❤️ Kingston Hugh
Sargent Hugh (nb)[Nana & Kingston || Sargent]
Tadhg Patrick Declan ❤️ Brie Elizabeth (née Ivers)
Anderson Darrell (nb)[Tadhg & Brie || Anderson]
Hebe Artemis Eliza ❤️ Zander Emmett
Mary-Ellen Samantha (nb)[Hebe & Zander || Mary-Ellen]
Humphrey Philip Charles “Pip” ❤️ Annabelle Sarah “Ash” (née Hill)
Graeme Richard Adam & Cynthia Ottoline Beatriz & Laurence Isaiah Zane (nb)[Pip & Ash || Graeme & Cynthia & Laurence ]
Dagny Erato Sandra ❤️ Shannon Hasse “Tony”
Larissa Erato Olivia “Lyssa” (nb) [Dagny & Tony || Lyssa]
Wolfe Mercury Adam ❤️ Medea Adrasteia (née Laird)
Evander Heraclides & Clematis Dulce-María (4)
Thurstan Benediktos & Innes Leonidas (2)
Mimosa Adrasteia (nb) [Wolfe & Medea || Evander & Clematis, Thurstan & Innes, Mimosa]
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DH: Ivan Philip Holland
DW: Alexandra Penelope "Lex" HumeaDD: Selma Elanur Holland
DH: Kerr Oswald Franklin
DD: Aliyah Jasmine Franklin
DD: Kimberly Hannah "Kim" FranklinaDD: Kennedy Bridget "Kenny" Holland
DH: Teodoro Armando Bueno
DD: Alessia Brunhilda Bueno
DD: Isabel Sophronia Bueno
DS: Santiago Holland BuenoaDD: Monika Aleksandra "Lexi" Holland
DH: Iraklis Theodosios Avgeropoulos
DS: Woodrow Abraham "Woody" Avegropoulos
DS: Ernest Alexander AvegropoulosaDD: Sybil Juliana Holland
DH: Georges Humbert Olivier
DD: Charlotte Ophelia Olivier
DS: Leonard Ignace OlivieraDS: Atticus Harold Holland
DW: Regina Esperanza SilvaaDS: Zhou-Ling Zachary Holland
DW: Simone Alexandra Frederickson-Irwin
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H: Heracles Leonard Montgomery
W: Cassiopeia Gwendolyn ParishAS1: Jasper Angus Montgomery
- W: Karen Hana UranoAS2: Declan Patrick Montgomery
- W: Birgit Elisabeth Ibsen
-- S: Brynjar Emrik MontgomeryAD1: Vida Aleksandra Montgomery
- H: Zephyr Éamon Halloran
-- S: Kilian Victor Halloran
-- D: Maeve Erin HalloranAD2: Kiera Margaret Montgomery
- H: Alistair Lachlan MacBeth
-- S: Grant Ramsay MacBethAD3: Bianca Mary-Rose Montgomery
- H: Adelmund Zyprian Achilles
-- D: Elena Marianne Achilles
-- S: Samuel Henrik Achilles
-- S: Dominik Edmund AchillesAD4: Mona Fay Montgomery
- H: Rasmus Aleksanteri Saarinen
-- D: Hilja Esteri Saarinen
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H: Benjamin Wolf (Schubert)
W: Daphne Carys (Woodham)AD: Alannah Bridget
-H: Samson Hosea (Inglewood)
-D: Odeya Birdie
-D: Daisy Astrid AD: Tallulah Caitlin
-H: Silas Hugo (Kleinfeld)
-S/D: Solomon Honor / Esther Unity AD: Millie Rosalind
-H: Ephraim Barnaby (Acer-Bennett)
-S: Michael Nicos
-S: Elijah AndreAS: Joseph Hugo
-W: Annie Skye (Hamilton)
-D/D: Zoe Elowen / Mae Olive
-S: Gideon RexAD: Adelaide Mariah
-H: Seth Harry (Atkinson)
-D: Georgia Eleni
-S: Charlie Isaac AD: Nadia Amal
-H: Moses Aaron (Lewis)
-S/D: David Zion / Hadassah Eve
-D: Neriah Guinevere
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DH: Matias Leonard Carver
DW: Dagny Fleur (Arvidsson) CarverDS: Theo George Carver
-DW: Willow Agatha (Rusk) Carver
-DS: George Levan Carver
-DS: Samuel Henry CarverDS: Rory Patrick Carver
-DW: Alyssa Kate (Everett) Carver
-DD: Marina Salome Carver
-DD: Rome Isabella Carver
-DS/DS/DD: Soren Howard Carver, Boone Edward Carver & Emelie Una CarverDS: Lucas August Carver
-DW: Nayla Adira (Babou) CarverDS: Hugo Philip Carver
-DW: Alexandra Louise (Montgomery) Carver
-DS: George Richard Alexander CarverDD: Clara Maria (Carver) Arvidsson
-DH: Arvid Zoran Arvidsson
-DS: Gabriel Oskar Arvidsson
-DS: Stellan Hugo Arvidsson
-DS: Carl Ivar ArvidssonDS: River Min Carver
-DW: Romilly Andrea (Smith) Carver
-DD: Hester Elsabeth Carver
-DD: Marion Annabell Carver
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DH: Daniel "Danny" Gregory Bergman
DW: Tawnee Calista (Crawford) Bergman
ADS: Archie Beau Bergman
-DW: Fenella Arianrhod (Selby) Bergman
ADS: Rory Patrick Bergman
-DW: Olivia Lourdes (Iglesias) Bergman
--DD: Isra Shiloh Bergman
ADD: Vida Auguste Bergman
-DH: Alistair Bradley Ashford-Irwin
ADD: Sybil Jean Bergman
-DH: Knightley August Ferris
--DS: Ian Wilfred 'Wil' Ferris
--DD/DD: Zoe Elizabeth 'Beth' & May Ostara 'Oz' Ferris
--DS: Guy Reynard 'Rey' Ferris
--DS: Lee Isaac 'Ike' Ferris
ADS: Dutch Stanley Bergman
-DW: Ruby Yvonne (Urban) Bergman
--ADD: Anya Siriwan Bergman
--DS: Simon Vitaly Bergman
--DS: Denis Emmanuel Bergman
ADS: Mesfin Yonas Bergman
-DW: Bianka Anna (Hüttner) Bergman
--DS: Demetrius Zyprian Alexander Bergman
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SO1: Raul Isaiah Thomson Huxley
SO2: Maria Ottilie Reynolds ZhouADD1: Eileen Bridget Thomson Reynolds
-SO: Kiefer Olli Faron Martinez
—S: Séamus Henri Faron ThomsonADS1: Lucas Ryan Thomson Reynolds
-SO: Theresa Anne Ball Ruiz
—D: Rita Índia Thomson Ball
—S: Àlex David Thomson BallADD2: Harriet Leonora Thomson Reynolds
-SO: Ibai Tomàs Adamsen Díaz
—S/D: Paul Ekain Adamsen Thomson / Roma Harriet Adamsen ThomsonADD3: Juliana Rose Thomson Reynolds
-SO: Ashley "Ash" Selma Hansen
—D1: Devon Oakley Selma Thomson
—D2: Carlisle Ocean Selma Thomson ADS2: Aiden Barnaby Thomson Reynolds
-SO: Sharron Hallie Alden Brown
—S1: Graham Oliver Thomson Alden
—S2: Derek Edward Thomson Alden ADS3: Valentín Elías Thomson Reynolds
-SO: Maialen Ainara Lennon Urrutia
—D1/D2: Haizea Ilargi Thomson Lennon / Naia Gabriela Thomson Lennon
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H: Theo Basil Solomon
W: Irena Tomiko {Adler} SolomonAdD: Yoon Talia
AdS: Conan Oisín
AdS: Ignatius Emil
AdD: Rose Eve
AdS: Xanthos Dominic
AdD: Ela Nour***AdD: Yoon Talia Solomon-Biskup
-W: Tallulah Anwen Solomon-Biskup--S: Lev Zakkai
--S: Abel Min-Jun ***AdS: Conan Oisín Solomon
-W: Bonnie Odessa {Underhill} Solomon--D: Una Ingrid
--D: Ivy Sunniva
--D: Etta Ursa ***AdS: Ignatius Emil Solomon
-W: Liriel Esmênia {Henriques} Solomon--S: Kurt Viggo
--D: Mercy Esmeralda***AdD: Rose Eve {Solomon} Malinowski
-H: Alaric Leopold Malinowski--S: Gavin Renato ***AdS: Xanthos Dominic Solomon
-W: Amaryllis Zelda {Axelsen} Solomon--D: Estelle Marigold
--D/S: Leona Odette / Donovan Moses***AdD Ela Nour {Solomon} Shirazi
-H: Rohan Azad Shirazi--S: Dov Absalom
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H: Grayson Augustus Huxley
W: Rachel Joan [Browne] HuxleyD: Fiona Eileen Huxley
D: Nessa Kiera Huxley
S: Valerian Sebastian Huxley
D: Margery Rose Huxley
D: Tessa Christine “Tess” Huxley
S: Amadeus Tristan Huxley⭐️D: Fiona [Huxley] Robinson
-H: Wade Aron Robinson⭐️D: Nessa [Huxley] Emerson
-H: Aidan Kyle Emerson-D: Rebecca Ivy Emerson
-D: India Star Emerson
-S: Bartleby Ezra Emerson (twin)
-D: Eloise Ursa Emerson (twin)⭐️S: Valerian Huxley
-W: Naya Azra [Baylin] Huxley-D: Michelle Erin Huxley
-S: Parker Ellis Huxley⭐️D: Margery [Huxley] Jones
-H: Alaric Leo Jones-S: Liam Ichabod Jones⭐️D: Tessa “Tess” [Huxley] Everdeen
-H: Abe Dorian Everdeen-S: Gideon Oliver Everdeen
-S: Silas Heathcliff Everdeen
-S: Dorian Edgar Everdeen⭐️S: Amadeus Huxley
-W: Doris Alma [Hayes] Huxley-S: Cassander Dakarai Huxley (twin)
-D: Rosina Lamia Huxley (twin)
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DH: Jesse Thomas Lane
DW: Adelaide Samantha Steele Lane "Addie"ADD: Bridget Fiona Lane
ADD: Nora Shea Lane
ADD: Eliza Juno Lane
ADD: Sinead Margaret Lane
ADD: Tessa Victoria Lane
ADS: Bowen Jiang Lane "Bo"--
ADD: Bridget Fiona Lane Rosen
DH: William Andrew Rosen "Liam"--
ADD: Nora Shea Lane Efimov
DH: Alexei Kliment Efimov "Alex"DD: Rose Irina Efimov
DD: Iliana Sofia Efimov
DS: Benedict Evgeni Efimov--
ADD: Eliza Juno Lane Borchard
DH: Nico Arthur BorchardDS/DS: Pascal Erik Borchard / Elias Axel Borchard--
ADD: Sinead Margaret Lane Frazier
DH: Kyle Adam FrazierDS: Nicholas Isaac Frazier "Nick"
DS: Logan Ian Frazier--
ADD: Tessa Victoria Lane Underberg
DH: Rasmus Yngve UnderbergDS: Gabriel Oliver Underberg
DS: Sander Hugo Underberg
DS: Daniel Emrik Underberg--
ADS: Bowen Jiang Lane
DW: Breanne Allison Hopkins LaneDD: Hanna Isabeau Lane
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DH: Cassian Scott Thomson
DW: Carys Ophelia Thomson (nee Stetson)ADD: Fiona Maureen Baran-Thomson
-DW: Teodora Agata Baran-Thomson
--DS: Amadeus Michael Baran-ThomsonADD: Edel Rosaleen Underwood-Thomson
-DW: Bridget Onyx Underwood-Thomson
--DS: Beckett Elijah Underwood-ThomsonADS: Cyprian Łukasz Thomson
-DW: Lestari Emmaline Thomson (nee Hanson)
--DS: Kasper Vladimir Thomson
--DS: Elias Andrey ThomsonADS: Gabriel Nicholaus Mushyan-Thomson
-DH: Aren Leo Mushyan-Thomson
--ADS: Kareem Hon Mushyan-Thomson
--DS/DD: Nikolas Isaac Mushyan-Thomson/ Donna Ophelia Mushyan-ThomsonADS: Julian Xanthos Thomson
-DW: Amelia Zan Thomson (nee Ao)
--ADD: Ran Kannika Thomson
--DD: Ella Mariska Thomson
--DS: Cian Isador ThomsonADD: Leyla Kismet Shah (nee Thomson)
-DH: Reese Anar Shah
--DS: Donovan Zachariah ShahCassian & Carys Thomson: Fiona, Edel, Cyprian, Gabriel, Julian, & Leyla
Fiona & Teodora Baran-Thomson: Amadeus
Edel & Bridget Underwood-Thomson: Beckett
Cyprian & Lestari Thomson: Kasper & Elias
Gabriel & Aren Mushyan-Thomson: Kareem, Nikolas, & Donna
Julian & Amelia Thomson: Ran, Ella, & Cian
Leyla & Reese Shah: Donovan

This message was edited 8/2/2024, 3:25 PM

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DH: Grayson Abraham Bergman
DW: Nadine Samantha {McKee} BergmanDS: Cohen Harrison Bergman
— DW: Kendall Hannah {Underwood} Bergman
— DS: Sebastian Henry Bergman
— DD: Odessa Bethany Bergman ADD: Fiona Maureen {Bergman} Isaacson
— DH: Brennan Elijah Isaacson
— DD: Rhiannon Isla Isaacson
— DD: Imelda Serene Isaacson
— DS: Benjamin Ellis Isaacson ADD: Colette Madeleine {Bergman} Hendrix
— DH: Zachary Edward Hendrix
— DS: Easton Alexander HendrixADS: Henry Francis Bergman
— DW: Kylee Anneliese {Ford} BergmanDS: Cian Andrew Bergman
— DW: Rebecca Yvonne {Upton} Bergman
— DS: Grant Oliver Bergman
— DS: Gregory Ian Bergman
— DD: Lena Elyse Bergman ADD: Leyla Kismet Bergman-Hollis
— DW: Brielle Alyssa Bergman-Hollis
— DS: Rai Adam Bergman-Hollis
— DD: Sina Rayan Bergman-Hollis
— DD: Hilda Iris Bergman-Hollis
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DH: Myles Augustus Huxley
DW: Daphne Saturnina [Jones] HuxleyAS: Jasper Beau Huxley
AS: Lochlann Seamus Huxley
AS: Tristan Anthony Huxley
AD: Eve Margery Huxley
AD: Janina Olympia Huxley
AD: Selma Yasemin HuxleyMyles and Daphne Huxley
Jasper, Lochlann, Tristan, Eve, Nina, and Selma
~~~AS: Jasper Beau Huxley
DW: Kassandra Ophelia [Friedman] HuxleyJasper and Kassy Huxley~~~AS: Lochlann Seamus Huxley-Bird
DH: Theodore Arthur Huxley-BirdLochlann and Theo Huxley-Bird~~~AS: Tristan Anthony Huxley
DW: Ingrid Tabitha [Adamson] HuxleyDD: Romana Imogen Huxley
DS: Plato Evander HuxleyTristan and Ingrid Huxley
Romy and Plato
~~~AD: Eve Margery Oleander-Huxley
DW: Gemma Hortensia Oleander-HuxleyDS: Neville Indigo Oleander-HuxleyEve and Gemma Oleander-Huxley
~~~AD: Janina Olympia [Huxley] Sanford
DH: Rhys Edgar SanfordDS: Graham Oliver Sanford
DS: Sean Hamish Sanford
DD: Lila Elisabeth Sanford Nina and Rhys Sanford
Graham, Sean, and Lila
~~~AD: Selma Yasemin [Huxley] Finlay-Iacobus
DH: Silas Aston Finlay-IacobusDS: Dexter Zev Finlay-Iacobus
DD: Margot Agnes Finlay-IacobusSelma and Silas Finlay-Iacobus
Dexter and Margot
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2 8 12 14 15H: Abraham Augustus Tipton
W: Irena Rosa AdlerS: Ferdinand Yoon Tipton
-W: Karuna Ophelia French
--S: Zurab Luka Tipton
--S: Amycus Marcel Tipton S: Gregor Flannán Tipton
-W: Tess Adelaide Bertrand
--D: Irma Salome Tipton
--S: Basil Edward Tipton S: Cyprian Emil Tipton
-H: Italo Tommaso Abagnale
--S: Ezio Archibald Abagnale-Tipton S: Inigo Francis Tipton
-W: Agatha Susan Himmel
--D: Dorothy Odette TiptonD: Dagmar Nadia Tipton
-H: Sidney Horatio Armstrong
--S: Clement Icarus Armstrong
--S: Dewey Everard ArmstrongS: Mekuria Solomon Tipton
-W: Meklit Amibesa Legesse
--S/S: Tadesse Barnaby Tipton & Iskinder Leopold Tipton
--S: Deginet Zacharias Tipton
--D: Hamelmal Eulalia Tipton
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DH: Cassian "Cash" Augustus Beauden Huxley [straight trans man; he/him]
DW: Aphrodite "Rhodey" Sebastiana [Arvidsson] Huxley [straight cis woman; she/her]ADS: Raúl Claudio Agustín Huxley [straight cis man; he/him]
-DW: Thelma Annabelle [Busch] Huxley [straight cis woman; she/her]
-DD: Darling Angelica Ruthmarie Huxley ADS: Oisín "Sheen" Gréagóir Conan Huxley-Underwood [bi cis man; he/him]
-DH: Beau Oliver Huxley-Underwood [gay, nonbinary; they/he]
-ADD: Ember Ulyssa Huxley-UnderwoodADS: Łukasz "Luke" Cyprian Ignacy Huxley [straight cis man; he/him]
-DW: Lillian Eloise [Hoffman] Huxley [straight cis woman; she/her]
-DS: Keegan Victor Huxley
-DD: Maeve Elspeth Huxley
-DS: Patrick Elias Huxley ADS: Hugo Charles Stephen Huxley [straight cis man; he/him]
-DW: Alice Luciana [Marquez] Huxley [straight cis woman; she/her]
-DS/DD: Nero Isaiah Mitchell Huxley / Diana Odette Beatrice Huxley
-DS/DS: Gaius Rockford Alexander Huxley / Lucius Isaac Zachariah Huxley ADC: Killian "Kili" Theseus Zachariah Akropoulo-Huxley [pansexual, nonbinary; they/them]
-DH: Azrael "Asa" Zeus Akropoulo-Huxley [bisexual cis man; he/him]
-ADD: Emery Micah Akropoulo-Huxley
-ADS: Charleston "Charlie" Ilia Vector Akropoulo-Huxley ADS: Elías "Eli" Sócrates Fabián Huxley [straight cis man; he/him]
-DW: Rayana "Rhea" Analia Suez Huxley [straight cis woman; she/her]
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