[Opinions] Which 5 vintage, classic or “outdated” baby names for boys and girls do you think should make a comeback? Why?
As the title says, I’m curious! List five for each gender if you wish.“You see, you can’t please everyone, so you got to please yourself.”
Ricky Nelson, “Garden Party”My PNL's, you're free to peek and rate: https://www.behindthename.com/pnl/252617
Names I LOVE list: https://www.behindthename.com/pnl/252617/168616


Sigrid –I’d like to seem more girl names with consonant endings other than ‘n,’ and ‘d’ has Astrid, Ingrid, Enid, Winifred, Mildred, etc…
Consuelo – It would be fun to popularize a few ‘o’ ending names for girls. Clio, Rosario, Margo, and Callisto could follow.
HarrietRoland – I would like a variety of name endings to be in popular use. If Roland comes back, names like Richard, Alfred, Abelard might seem more approachable.
Ivo – It’s jaunty.
Bernard – It isn’t my style, but I like seeing dusty old man names on other people’s kids.
Yarrow – Herb and plant names for boys are fun. Yarrow was probably never popular enough to be considered vintage, so maybe bring back Basil.
These arent names inwould necessarily use, hut im shocked they don't rank higherLionel - With Leo, Lucas, Luke etc and internationally famous Lionel Messi, I'm not sure whybitnisnt back.Dominic - it just feels like it should be more popular? International, lots of NNs...Elise - fits in with all the other El names.Fiona - did Shrek hold it back?Leona - Leo names are in for boys, why not girls?
In the U.S., Fiona was unranked until 1990 and peaked in popularity in 2017. It's currently unranked in the UK though. Dominic peaked in popularity in 2013 in the United States, and Elise peaked in 2012. Lionel peaked in 2023.
Reuben, George, John, Edward, Francis
Helen, Alice, Magdalena, Mary, Jane
Myron - I don't understand why people don't like it
Raymond - especially since Ray / Rey seems to be a thing
Marvin - I think this is really bright and fun sounding. and Martin too
Gordon - a mellow manly name.
Gilbert - Gil is so jaunty.
Can I add Virgil as well pls. I think Virgil will come back.
Also Wilbur, Lee, and Vaughn.Edith - so much nicer than Edna or Enid or Lilith. Or Hazel or Penelope or any number of old names that came back. Why not Edith? I know it's already been mentioned so I will add Garnet as well. Garnet for either sex.
Mavis - this one has some chance of a small comeback
Corinna - ko-RIN-na. It could and should trend with, and above, fashionable Cora.
Virginia - this could be nicknamed Vin or Vinnie. Or Ginger or Virgie. If not this, then Verda, Verdie, Verla. I like this sound.
Betty - seems cooler than Ellie by far.
Runner up - Marion, I think someone already mentioned it. Ruth / Ruthie, too. Deanna.

This message was edited 11/18/2024, 12:16 PM

Well, I only feel this way because they're some of my favorite names! None of them are common anymore, so they'd make for a unique, unexpected choice!Girls:
Alice, Cadence, Theodora(Thea), Ethel, Frances
Amos, Hugo, Cornelius(not as a full name), Claude, VictorAlso, do you do quizbowl? That username looks mighty familiar.
I like all of the names on your list- especially the names Frances, Ethel, Cadence, Alice, Victor, and Claude! I had no idea that Cadence was a vintage name; I've only known one girl named Cadence, who is my age (20 years old). How interesting!
Jane/Janet, Donna, Kathleen, Suzanne, and Marianne.
Coy, Luther, Benedict, Ned (not necessarily as a full name; I think it should get a resurgence as a nickname, too), and Aloysius.
Janet is one of my absolute FAVORITE female names; I completely agree with all of your girl choices, as well! Great list!
I second all the boys you list! (except Cosmo. ?) and Muriel too.
The "why" is pretty boring. Its either because I like them or wouldn't mind seeing them.Flint - I like nature/gemstone names. Its
Archibald - Archie reached the charts so why not the full form?
Oswald - Same category as Desmond and Edward, just sounds a bit older.
Ozzie - Its cute and coincides with Oswald.
Ollie - Its cute and coincides with Oliver.Dorothea - If Dorothy can come back, so can this.
Felice - Fresher than Felicia, which people are tired of.
Noel - It's always been popular for boys, but dropped for girls. Noelle is also popular, so why not Noel for girls?
Euphemia - I used to dislike it but now it has a special place in my heart. I don't really like its nicknames, but Effie is tolerable. The strong-willed Dreamgirls character comes to mind. That's a positive association for me.
Casimira - Beautiful and rare, but not something I'm likely use in real life. So, it wouldn't hurt me to see it on other people's daughters/
I agree about Susannah, although I prefer Susanna. I also like Susanne. It's grown on me.