Profile for hermeline

Member since June 20, 2022
If you know how I can change my username, please be a dear and message me.
If you could rate my name lists that would also be nice.

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Opinions Response
Re: Purging my PNL (kind of long)
Submitted Name
Marjing   m   Far Eastern Mythology
Marjing is the God of horses, polo, hockey, sports and war in Sanamahism, the indigenous religion of Manipur. The guardianship of the north eastern direction is alluded to Marjing and the other directions to Koupalu (north west), Thangching (south west) and Wangpulen (south east)... [more]
Submitted Name
Samulayo   m   Polynesian Mythology
In the mythology of Fiji, Samulayo is a god or spirit of war and those dead souls who died in battle. He lives in underworld.
Submitted Name
Ülgen   m   Tengrism
Ülgen is a Turkic and Mongolian creator-deity, usually distinct from Tengri but sometimes identified with him in the same manner as Helios and Apollo... [more]
Submitted Name
Kyzaghan   m   Tengrism
Kyzaghan is a Turkic deity of war. Kyzaghan is often depicted with a sword or bow in one hand and a horn in the other... [more]
Submitted Name
Myōken   m   Buddhism
Myōken, also known as Sonjō-Ō (尊星王, "Venerable Star King", also Sonsei-Ō or Sonshō-Ō), is a Buddhist deification of the North Star worshiped mainly in the Shingon, Tendai and Nichiren schools of Japanese Buddhism.
Submitted Name
Gwendoloena   f   Arthurian Cycle
Arthur’s queen in De Ortu Waluuanii, probably a variation of Guinevere.... [more]

Name List: Americana

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Name List: big sur

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Name List: Germanisch

Name List: hehehe

Name List: Isles