[Opinions] Names on my PNL with low community ratings
Names on my PNL with low community ratings [>70%]: what are your opinions on these names and why don't people like them? Aleksandr – 65%
Arevik – 65%
Aygol – 67%
Dalya – 54%
Eevi – 64%
Erkan – 50%
Fflur – 66%
Fyodor – 66%
Iriney – 43%
Jana (1) – 68%
Jürgen – 69%
Jyrki – 40%
Klavdiya – 61%
Kyösti – 62%
Ljerka – 44%
Marje (2) – 60%
Mirjami – 49%
Mykyta – 68%
Nadzeya – 67%
Nazlı – 57%
Rifka – 69%
Ruska – 60%
Ruthĭ – 58%
Sahak – 54%
Tatyana – 62%
Unity – 45%
'Uri'el – 53% [the one with 's, not without]
Veriko – 67%
Viktar – 63%
Vladimir – 61%
Yahya – 63%
Yakiv – 69%
Yaren – 63%
Yrjänä – 60%
Zsóka – 58%
Zuzia – 67%

This message was edited 12/17/2024, 4:31 PM


The names get lower ratings because this site is dominated by English speakers.
I don't think of rankings in the 60s as low. Isn't 50 "no opinion" or the mid point? The names that people actively dislike are Unity – 45% and names that English speakers would associate with other things.
Iriney – 43% - spell check kept trying to change this to irony.
Jyrki – 40% - Jerky?
Ljerka – 44% - It sounds like a feminine jerk.
Mirjami - 49% - Eh, not the worst, but it makes me think of being in a jam. From this list, I like Erkan, Rifka, Yaren, and sometimes Vladimir. The others are okay but not my cup of tea.
So pretty much, English speaker problems is the reason? And the ones with j's in them, in those examples they're all pronounced as y so they don't really sound bad.
Unity might remind people of the Nazi Mitford sister. So it is more of an association problem?I cannot speak for everyone's reactions. The handful of names that I mentioned would have pronunciation issues and less than optimal associations in my area, which happens to be English speaking. You could ask a different language speaker their impressions and they will have their own associations whether positive or negative. Most of the names you listed had were over 50%, so more people saw the names positively than not.
I love Vladimir, Viktar, Zuzia, Marje, Aleksandr, Rifka, Klavdiya, Nadzeya
People probably dislike most of them because they're not familiar Anglo names.
That makes sense