Bad IPA on older submissionsNative Surzhyk speaker I speak in Russian, Ukrainian and English Learning BelarusianI contribute to this site with Yandex Browser. I mostly research there, but sometimes Google.As of 09/02/25: I have submitted... 42% of the Russian submitted surnames (≈2/5) 56% of the Ukrainian submitted surnames (≈3/5) 29% of the Belarusian submitted surnames (≈1/3) 83% of the Rusyn submitted surnames (≈4/5)I try to add at least 100 names every week.Working on cleaning up the submitted East Slavic surnames. It will take a while, because there's so many.Feel free to go rate my names list. 16 Nov 2024: 1,000 names added total! 21 Jan 2025: 2,000 names added total! 9 Mar 2025: 3,000 names added total!I ♡ 🇺🇦 + 🇧🇾ЗУПИНЯЙТЕ ВІЙНУ! ОБЕРІГАЙТЕ УКРАЇНУ! Слава Україні ♡ 🇺🇦 Places to help us Ukrainians (link at top is another)