[Opinions] Gailawera
How would you pronounce Gailawera?I am considering this name for a character (see my previous post https://www.behindthename.com/bb/baby/5558237)I am considering modifying this name to Gailavera or Galavera to be pronounced like gay-luh-VEER-uh.Thoughts?


Gailawera is a mouthful.
The character is a walking storm, so it fits.
Even before I saw it was a hypothetical form of Elvira, my mind pronounced the W as a V. I would pronounce it as "Gail A Vera" - the 2 names connected by an "ah" sound.
That is what I thought the first time as well, which is why I want to change the W to V.
Gail-a-vera is a contender.
/gaɪ̯.ɫɐˈʋɛ.rɐ/ (simplification following site protocol: gie-lu-VEH-ru)If you want it to be pronounced gay-luh-VEER-uh the spelling I would go with is Geylavira.
I'm not sure how it will be pronounced yet. I'm open to suggestions and input. Geylavira is interesting. I was also thinking Galavira.I just realized that Galavera could rhyme with talavera, which is a type of decorative Mexican pottery.Sample of sound:

This message was edited 12/22/2024, 1:50 PM

So it could be like geh-luh-VEH-rah? Also, what language is your story going to be in?
The story will be in English, but it's set in an alternative fantasy world, so human ethnicity / nationality is not a factor.
Language matters because of pronounciation rules in linguistics and similar things. I still think the spelling I said is the most clear to English speakers as well as other European langauge speakers. That doesn't mean you have to use it, it's your book you can spell it however you want. Another opinion could be Gaylavira, English speakers would pronounce it the same as Geylavira.
I smiled when I saw the name Gail Avera. Avera is a surname in my family tree.
I would pronounce it as gie-la-VE-ra. Galavera is a beautiful spelling, but only pronounced ga-la-VE-ra. Gailawera, overall, is interesting. It has some appeal, although I prefer Geloyra by far.
I like the ga-la-VE-ra pronunciation as well.Does Geloyra rhyme with Moira?

This message was edited 12/22/2024, 1:22 PM

I pronounce Geloyra (kheh-LOI-ra) like that. I wonder if the Gothics pronounced it the same way.