[Opinions] Re: Name colours
Well, I have color-grapheme synesthesia, so I do associate names with colors, based on the letters in the name.
Juliette is for me like lime green color, Juliet is pale yellowish. But I understand how did you associate red with Juliette.
Although I feel this is not what you are looking for, here are a few girl names that I associate with green and blue, and I will also give you exact shade of them.
Blue names: Beatrix (#1e1759), Penelope (#2e1e5c), Roberta (#1b147d)
Green names: Edwina (#5c9605), Erika (#059633), Flora (#00611a)Elena is for example in between green and blue, like turquoise (#006137)


Name colours  ·  isla_may  ·  12/23/2024, 4:31 AM
Re: Name colours  ·  namesarecool285  ·  12/29/2024, 7:54 AM
Re: Name colours  ·  TMyers  ·  12/23/2024, 10:09 PM
Re: Name colours  ·  nesstya  ·  12/23/2024, 11:02 AM
Re: Name colours  ·  Manipura  ·  12/23/2024, 10:26 AM
Re: Name colours  ·  kingdom_of_daydreams  ·  12/23/2024, 5:45 AM
Re: Name colours  ·  kolkvicija  ·  12/23/2024, 6:10 AM
Re: Name colours  ·  Anya Mel’nik or Mel’nyk  ·  12/23/2024, 5:44 AM
Re: Name colours  ·  kolkvicija  ·  12/23/2024, 5:43 AM
Re: Name colours  ·  kingdom_of_daydreams  ·  12/23/2024, 5:51 AM
Re: Name colours  ·  Anneza  ·  12/23/2024, 5:09 AM