[Opinions] Re: Name colours
Juliet is a distinctly greenish-yellow name. It starts a vivid, deep green, dips slightly into pink, and ends a light, flowery yellow.Romeo, on the other hand, is steeped in blaring red, with undertones of midnight blue.Blue- and green-coded names typically begin with the letters B, D, J, O, Q, T, and W. A similar dark-blue name would be Desdemona, which is indigo. Any names related to Juliet -- Julia, Juliette, Julie, Julieta, and Juliya -- would work for green.


Name colours  ·  isla_may  ·  12/23/2024, 4:31 AM
Re: Name colours  ·  namesarecool285  ·  12/29/2024, 7:54 AM
Re: Name colours  ·  TMyers  ·  12/23/2024, 10:09 PM
Re: Name colours  ·  nesstya  ·  12/23/2024, 11:02 AM
Re: Name colours  ·  Manipura  ·  12/23/2024, 10:26 AM
Re: Name colours  ·  kingdom_of_daydreams  ·  12/23/2024, 5:45 AM
Re: Name colours  ·  kolkvicija  ·  12/23/2024, 6:10 AM
Re: Name colours  ·  Anya Mel’nik or Mel’nyk  ·  12/23/2024, 5:44 AM
Re: Name colours  ·  kolkvicija  ·  12/23/2024, 5:43 AM
Re: Name colours  ·  kingdom_of_daydreams  ·  12/23/2024, 5:51 AM
Re: Name colours  ·  Anneza  ·  12/23/2024, 5:09 AM