[Test] Name link isn't working
I made an entry for the name Hurşă, an alternate transcription of Khurşӑ. In the bio it says "Alternative transcription of Khurşă." I've tried linking Khurşă as [Khurşă] and [Khurşă{u}], but it won't connect. Hurşă
https://www.behindthename.com/name/khurs15/submittedDoes it perhaps have anything to do with how in the link for Khurşӑ, it leaves out the ӑ (a21)? (khurs15 = khurş)
That may not be why, just a theory. But anyways, can someone either fix it or tell me how to fix it?


The problem is that the final "a" is actually a Cyrillic A, not a Latin A. All headwords should be in Latin text.
I fixed it and now the link works Updated version of Khurşă