[Opinions] Elmira
Elmira enters, exits, and reenters my list with alarming frequency. I think she's here to stay. What do you think of it, and do you pronounce the second syllable like "me" or "my"?Some combos (some of which don't work depending on the pronunciation of that second syllable):Elmira Zoe/Zoë
Elmira Chloe/Chloë
Elmira Lillian
Elmira Daisy
Elmira Enid
Elmira Lois
Elmira Lucy
Elmira Ingrid
Elmira Xanthe
Elmira Cleo/Clio
Elmira Sibyl
Elmira Tanvi
Elmira Josephine
Elmira Daphne
Elmira Tanith
Elmira Celeste
Elmira Valentine
Elmira Eve
Elmira Edith
Elmira Lilac
Elmira Violet/Violette
Elmira Juliet
Elmira Cecile
Elmira Clemence
Elmira Cecily
Elmira Constance


I really like it. It has that old fashioned heavy glamour I enjoy. I think I say it like "el-MEE-ra" instinctively, but I also love the "-MY-rah" version. I think the first pronunciation might be better received in today's world. Elmira Juliet and Elmira Lucy are really lovely.
When I look at the name, I say el-MEER-ah in my head.
Elmira College is in New York State. I'm not sure, but I think they pronounce it el-MY-rah.Not a huge fan, but it's not terrible.I like these combos:
Elmira Zoe/Zoë
Elmira Chloe/Chloë
Elmira Lucy
Elmira Daphne
Elmira Cecily
I prefer Elvira but I like Elmira. I like Elmira Cecily and Elmira Juliet best.
I think it’s pretty, I say it El-meer-uh.
I pronounce it "el my ra"
I like Myra better than Elmira. Myra is also an anagram of Mary so it could be used to honor a relative.
I love the name Elmira! It reminds me of a sparkling emerald. It’s such a beauty that I’m surprised it has never been popular. I neither say ME nor MY, more like the I in Liz.
I love Elmira Josephine & Elmira Violette
I think this name is quite "glitzy and shimmery;" Elmira reminds me of pretty, silver glitter (though, I really hate glitter irl, because it's impossible to get off of you. But, I love how shiny it is too look at). It has such an enjoyable, classy sound, and I feel it's very underused. People where I am would tend to pronounce it "Ell-MY-ruh," but I prefer the "Ell-MEER-uh" pronunciation. From your list, I love the names Elmira Constance, Elmira Cecily, Elmira Daisy, Elmira Ingrid, Elmira Chloe, Elmira Tanith, Elmira Daphne, and Elmira Violet.
I think the communist Elmira, meaning "electrification of the world", is absolutely fantastic. el-MEE-ra.
I pronounce it Ell MEER uh. I don't really like the name
I pronounce it /ɛlʲˈmʲi.rɐ/ (ehl-MYEE-ruh). It's a nice name. My favourite is Elmira (2). Elmira (3) is also quite nice!

This message was edited 12/31/2024, 9:31 AM