[Opinions] Names With More Than Four Nicknames
As the title says, which names can you think of that have the option of four or more nicknames?For example Elizabeth has tons - Buffy, Eliza, Libby, Beth, Liz, Bess, Betty, Ellie, Lisa, Elsie, Lisette
Maria - Ria, Marie, Mia, Mari, Maja, Mimi, Mies
Penelope - Penny, Nell, Nellie, Poppy, Pip
Evangeline - Evie, Vange, Eva, Angie, Evan, Vannie
William - Will, Billy, Liam, Bo, Willy, Bill, Lee?
formerly Belphoebe⭐️I am in the mood
to dissolve
in the sky.
- Virginia Woolf


Miriam - Mia, Mirke, Mira, Miri, Mir, Mimi, Mi/Mee/Mie, Maia/MayaEverilda - Everline, Rilda/Hilda/Ilda, Evera, Vera, Erilda, Everda, Verilda, Everita, Rida, EvaMaxwell - Max, Wells, Maxie, Ell/El, Axel, Mawell, Mael, Maelito

This message was edited 1/9/2025, 12:03 PM

Nicknames are some of my favorite things to research!
Some of these are classics, some more unusual, and some from variations of spelling (i.e. Christopher, Cristofer, Kristoffer, etc.).
I also tried to not repeat any previously said nicknames.
Benjamin: Banjo, Ben, Benji/Benjy, Benno, Benny, Ian, Jamie, Jem, Jim
Christopher: Chris, Christo, Cris, Keir, Kester, Kit/Kitt, Kito/Kitto, Kris, Kristo, Risto, Toffer/Topher
Daniel: Dale, Dan, Danko, Danner, Dannie/Danny/Dany, Neil
Dominic: Dom, Don, Donnie/Donny, Mick, Nic/Nick/Nik, Nico/Niko
Franklin: Finn, Flynn, Frank, Frankie/Franky
Jeremiah: Jamie, Jem, Jemmy, Jerry, Miah, Remy
Jonathan: Anton, Joe, Jonah, Jonty, Nate, Noah
Joseph: Jef, Jo, Joe, Joey Jos/Joss/Josse, Sepp, Seth, Zef/Zeph
Kenneth: Ken, Kenny, Kent, Kit
Matthew: Hew, Hugh, Mads, Mat/Matt, Math, Mats/Matts, Mattie/Matty, Tam, Theo
Maximilian: Axel, Ian, Lex, Liam, Lian, Mack Maks, Mal, Max, Maxim, Maximo, Milo, Sam, Xan
Nathaniel: Ethan, Nat, Nate, Nathan, Neil, Nelly, Niall
Patrick: Paddy, Pat, Pate, Pink, Rick, Trick
Theodore: Doro, Odo, Otto, Ted, Teddy, Teo, Theo, Thor, Todd
Thomas: Maso, Mass, Moss, Tam, Thom/Tom, Thomy/Tommie/Tommy, Toma, Toms
Addison: Ada, Addie/Addy, Sid/Syd, Sonny/Sunny
Adeline: Ada, Addie/Addy, Annie, Della, Lena, Lina
Amelia: Aimee, Amy, Ellie, Lia, Melia, Mia, Mila, Milli/Millie/Milly, Mimi, Molly
Clementine: Clem, Clemma, Clemmie/Clemmy, Emmy, Nelly, Nina, Tina, Tiny
Eleanor: Ella, Elle, Ellie, Lea, Lena, Lenna, Lennie/Lenny, Leona, Leonie, Nell/Nelle, Nella, Nelli/Nellie/Nelly, Nor, Nora/Norah, Nori
Elvira: Elfie, Ella, Ellie, Elvie, Eva, Eve, Evie, Liv, Livi, Riva, Vera, Vira, Vivi
Felicity: City, Effie, Elle, Ellie, Elsie, Fee Flick Fliss, Letty, Liccy, Lissy, Lily, Liss, Lissa, Tilly
Kimberly: Bree, Immy, Kim, Kimber, Kimbra, Kimma, Kimmi/Kimmie/Kimmy, Lee/Lea/Leigh, Lea/Lia/Leah
Martha: Arty, Mari, Marty, Mattie/Matty, Patsy, Pattie/Patty
Melody: DeeDee, Lola, Mel, Mello, Molly
Penelope: Lola, Lolo, Nelo, Nopie, Opie, Pen, Peppa, Pippa, Pippi / Pippie / Pippy, Polly
Tabitha: Abby, Bea/Bee, Beth, Bitha, Bithy, Tabby, Tia, Tibby
Wilhelmina: Bill, Billie, Millie, Mina, Minnie, Will, Willa, Willie/Willy, Wilmie
I love long names that have a lot of different nicknames, but some of these nicknames are probably a stretch on my part.
Cassander - Cas/Cass, Sandy, Sander, Andy, Ander, Xander
Evander - Evan, Van, Ander, Ever, Andy
Jackson - Jack, Jackie/Jacky, Sonny, Jay, Jacks/Jax
Jameson - James, Jamie, Ames, Sonny, Jay, Jason
Leander - Lee, Ander, Andy, Leo
Nicholas/Nicolas/Nikolas - Nick/Nic/Nik, Nico, Nicky, Cole
Santiago - Tiago, Santi, Sandy, San
Frederick - Fred, Freddie, Derick, Rick, Ricky, Ed, Eddie, Red
Jonathan - Jon, Nathan, Jo, Johnny, Jay, Nat
Robinson - Robbie, Robin, Sonny, Rob

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Katherine: Kat, Kate, Katie, Kit, Kitty, Kathy, KathJosephine: Jo, Jodi, Josie, FifiRobert: Rob, Robby, Bob, Bobby, Bert, BertieRichard: Dick, Rick, Rich, RichieMargaret: Maggie, Meg, Marge, Margie, Greta, Peg, Peggy, RitaEdward: Ed, Eddie, Ned, Ted, TeddyCharles: Chuck, Charlie, Chuckie, Chas, Chick, ChipAnna: Ann, Annie, Nan, Nancymichael: Mike, Mick, Mickey, MikeyObviously some nns are more popular than others, some not used much anymore, some popular only in certain places, and some have crossed over and become full names in their own right.
Most if not all names from my country (Ukraine) as well as Russia and Belarus have more than 4 nicknames. Listing them all is too much. So,Examples; YevhenZhenya, Zheka, Zhenyok, Zhenchyk, Zhenko, Yevhenko, Henya, Zhesha, Hena, Yevhesha, Yevhekha, Yenya (Yevhen could also be Zhenusya or Zhenka but those are more common for a Yevheniya).OleksandraSasha (also Sashka, Sashko), Sanya, Olesya, Lesya, Sandra, Oleksasha, Sanka, Oleska, Shura (or Shurka), Olechko, Oleshko (Oleksandra could also be Olya or Olka but those are more common for an Olha).
Wow! Is there a reason for that, like many people having the same name, or is there just a fondness for nicknames there?
Diminutives in East Slavic countries follow ending patterns so they're applicable to most names.
A lot of the old classics have many nickname options. They had to, because everyone had the same names!Catherine/Katherine - Kat, Kit, Kitty, Kathy, Kathe, Katie, Kate
Theresa - Tess, Terri, Tree, Tessa, Tessie, Tracie
Alexandra - Al, Allie, Lexie, Alex, Sandra, Sandy, Sasha
Patricia- Patsy, Patty, Pat, Trisha, Tricia, Trish
Mary - Mamie, Molly, Mar, Marian, Polly
Dorothy - Dora, Dory, Dot, Dolly, Dottie
Frances - Fran, Franny, Fanny (though this is possibly obsolete now), Fan, Frank, Frankie, Sissy
Jane - Janie, Janet, Janelle, Jenny, Jay
Matilda - Mattie, Tillie, Tilda, Maudie

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Robert - Rob, Bob, Bobby, Robbie, Robin, Bert
Richard - Rick, Dick, Rich, Richie, Ricky, Dicky Margaret - Peg, Peggy, Meg, Maggie, Greta, Margie, Margo