[Opinions] Moya
I used to love this name, even giving it to my cat. Thoughts on it?


Cute cat name.
Moya the Mewer? Could work! On a human, I'd far prefer Moira.
Question: isn't this a name where you live? Like it means wind in Swahili?
There are probably a few Swahili-speakers in South Africa, all of them immigrants, but it's not a local language at all. It happens much further North, around the Equator and beyond.
Adorable cat name :3 Cute "baby name" or nickname (like Mona for Monica) but not in my style, Máire better.
Don't really like it
Isn’t it from a tv show? I like Maya better.
Yes, and no. It's used in Farscape, but I've also heard of as an Irish name. Moya Brennan is an example- https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moya_BrennanI think it's Swahili as well.
It means "my" or "mine" in my langauge. I wouldn't give it to a person for that reason but for a cat it's fine.