previous round:

This will be one big family where will try to find unusual names for the namebank. I encourage you to use the less common names!
CHILD EIGHT’s CHILDRENThey have five daughters, four daughters and expecting another..?
The big namebank might be overwhelming so you could make it a count-along CAF (
Ludevica Hebe Fidelity Battistina Arista Finnette Missouri Claranda Tryphena Grecia Thetis Dagmar Herminia Elsine Thyra Ima Lisabel Honorine Narcissa Vida Medenia Demetra Xaviera Jesusa Horatia Albertine Thisbe Vashti Ambrosina Italia Corisande Dulcibella Amedée Monimia Rhoda Selah Obedience Adamanta Lilla Theophila Anchoretta Ulrica Leopoldine Engracia Jerusha Philadelphia Forestina Alphene Pleasure Ernestina Blythe Gertrude Arthurina Phylotha Constantia Eola Lystra Susieva Phancy Jessina Hesse Pleasance Nineveh Myra Emerentiana Glennie Repentance Hortensia Christophera Zuleika Endora Regina
Chasemore Ottiwell Digby Correggio Handel Page Corin Ehud Wolf Horatio Rembrandt Claro Wallace Nemesis(male) Vane Crucifix Mozart Hippolyte Forward Latimer Arcangelo Vivian(male) Mauritius Stacey Baruch Gaius Cleanthus Hamlet Deodatus Tryphenius Cline Leicester March Perian Nebuchadnezzar Garibaldi Jocelyn(male) Vernon Maelgwyn Plato Wolfgang Devereaux Cicero Ido Elihu Cyprian Artemus Shovel Claudius Baskervyle Ivor Excelsior Aemilianus Horace Blair Wellington DeLacy
formerly Belphoebe
I am in the mood
to dissolve
in the sky.
- Virginia Woolf