-The largest objects that orbit the Sun are the eight planets.
The first four planets from the Sun are Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars. These inner planets also are known as terrestrial planets because they have solid surfaces. The giant planets in the outer solar system don't have hard surfaces. Instead, they have swirling gases above a core. Jupiter and Saturn are gas giants. Uranus and Neptune are ice giants.
Choose your favourite planet or the one you find most beautiful/facinating
1) Mercury

2) Venus

3) Earth

4) Mars

5) Jupiter

6) Saturn

7) Uranus

8) Neptune

1) Rory Casper Leon Kenneth Severin Max Ari Sylvan Thomas Riley Zachary Lawrence Sam
2) Raphael James Walter Vincent Benjamin Alexis Jack Cesar Eric Atticus Pierce Gerald Andreas
3) Jonah Allan Ernest Dominic(k) Augustus Marshall Eli Justice Miles Killian Stephen Crispin
4) Gregor(y) Ross Thaddeus Elliot Lewis Maximilian Jonas Forrest Lucas Casimir Innes Alexander
5) BOOM! Ravage Faucria Tuesday Doou Vendetta Mourning Playa Beautiful Viuxaucra Lignia Riso Ultra
6) Maryse Alice Kathryn Opal Mina Alexandra Selena Elizabeth Millie Linnea Georgina Anneliese
7) Jane Rosalie Honora Christina Julia Melanie Hester Kaya Marianne Annabel(le) Jessa(mine) Giselle
8) Thea Caroline Nina Eloise Violet Anastasia Livia Claudia Elise Holly Amber Grace
formerly Belphoebe
I am in the mood
to dissolve
in the sky.
- Virginia Woolf