[Opinions] Thai last name
Hello!Is there anyone knowledgeable in Thai and Thai surnames? I have a Thai character in my story and need help regarding their last name. I have some ideas that I came up with but I'm not sure if maybe certain words are not normally used as last names. I found a website where I can put the last name in and find out whether it is already established in Thailand or not so I don't need help with that. Thank you for any responses!


Ooh, good luck with that. Thai surnames are tricky as they are usually very long and each family has their own individual surname. That means that no two people who are not related can share a surname, to my understanding.I believe new surnames are still being created, but I don't know how to go about making one. Sorry.
This board is for given names. The place to ask about surnames is the surnames board, or you can post it on the writing board because it is for a story.