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[Games] Kaesy's Congrats Signups [closed]
I decided to do an old-fashioned type of congrats, where the host gives you a new addition every round. My plan is to give people personalized namebanks in future rounds, built off the names they've chosen before. To sign up, make a couple and their first child from the namebanks! (Though you can go outside the namebanks too for this round, if you really want.) Capping it at 15 participants because I don't want to overstretch myself!Boys
Reynard Mattis Cyrus Caradoc Ignaas Gillis Jon Irwin Baptist Rhys Patrick Aleksandar Yuhanna Georges Jed Rune Saxon Henri Kolton Arthur Janus Ali Asaf Aubrey Randulf Kapil Sulaiman Arjun Mephisto Ercan Efe Turgay Baki Cornelis Kyle Elam Benjamin Diomid Lycurgus Abel Zaiden Ford Len Arron Gareth Sage Attila Sotos Mads Sholto Josiah Winfred Abihu Lavrenti Garegin Torgils Thomas Yeshua Obi Norbert Socrates Lucius Jugurtha Loherangrin Patricio Amit Truman Sherif Leofric Rajani Alkeides Albert Christos Levi Bernardo Clarus Genadi Faruk Henrik TavishGirls
Henna Kinslee Pauleen Leyla Sonje Charmaine Addy Kelda Efthymia Danette Meri Abioye Margaretha Nadya Eneida Niobe Pratima Zenovia Aamu Silvia Zhanna Nasrin Lilach Robyn Felicia Roxanne Cassandre Indira Onyekachi Paloma Orna Venus Ellen Angelika Feriha Briseida Zhenya Niamh Ghislaine Sameera Marcella Gracie Kehinde Sigal Trine Malvina Evgeniya Karine Kristal Morrigan Rosalyn Sara Justine Dylis Gemma Sedna Keila Marika Arcadia Elsa Cora Cammie Emmaline Hafsa Linnea Sol Fleur Shazia Aeron Brynhild Lorette Ryanne Radhika Catherine BellonaSurnames
Huxley Stoke Qasim Kulkarni Vicente Laurens Page Medina Kappel Pavlovsky Huddleston Iglesias Chaplin Glynn Carlisle Umar Mishra Olayinka Cloutier Isayev Adamou Lund Mohan Hood Dirix Ayodele Khan Dunbar Sharpe Paz Fontaine Reyes Peynirci Julian Samson Singh Nordstrom Nelson Anastasiou Sherazi Isakov Partanen Araya-----

This message was edited 2/11/2025, 10:28 AM

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DH: Gareth Mephisto Arjun [Qasim Dunbar] Mesimbar [bisexual, trans; he/him]
DW: Briseida Aeron [Medina] Mesimbar [pansexual, trans; she/her]
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LN: HuxleyDH: Jon Arthur Benjamin
DW: Sara Linnea DS: Thomas Abel "Tom"
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DH: Cornelis Albert Laurens
DW: Ghislaine Fleur (Cloutier) Laurens DD: Silvia Cassandre Laurens
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H: Sholto Tavish Dunbar
W: Eneida Paloma IglesiasD: Silvia Niobe Dunbar
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DH: Mattis Caradoc Arthur Carlisle
DW: Sedna Zhanna Roxanne PartanenDS: Arthur Leofric Carlisle*****
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DH: Benjamin Rhys Page "Ben"
DW: Silvia Roxanne Lund PageDD: Cora Linnea Page
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LN: Huddleston
DH: Josiah Gareth Huddleston
DW: Gracie Ellen (Reyes) Huddleston
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Rhys Caradoc Nelson & Silvia Niamh Nelson {nee Fontaine}
Indira Fleur
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DH: Henri Georges Carlisle
DW: Elsa Felicia (Partanen) CarlisleDD: Linnea Ellen Carlisle
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H: Josiah Gareth Isakov
W: Silvia Paloma [Reyes] Isakov D1: Linnea Marcella Isakov Joss & Silvia || Linnea

This message was edited 2/10/2025, 12:11 PM

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DH: Aubrey Winfred Thomas Huddleston
DW: Indira Cassandre Laurens-SinghDS: Thomas Norbert Huddleston
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H: Sage Mattis Medina
W: Justine Cassandre [Fontaine] Medina
D: Pauleen Felicia Medina
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DH: Cyrus Genadi Anastasiou
DW: Marcella Roxanne (Nordstrom) AnastasiouDD: Ghislaine Silvia Anastasiou

This message was edited 2/10/2025, 9:42 AM

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H: Gareth Aubrey Huxley
W: Radhika Singh D: Fleur Pratima Huxley
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