Link to previous round:
Round 4:
...and on that farm he had a
Child 6:
Chickaletta (Paw Patrol)

Heihei (Moana)

Ginger (Chicken Run)

Chicken Little

Lady Kluck (Robin Hood)

Honourable mentions to Ernie the Giant Chicken from Family Guy, Foghorn Leghorn, Chica from Five Nights at Freddy's and Feathers McGraw from Wallace and Gromit.
How to name in this round...Child 5 should be named from the appropriate name bank. Feel free to change any name to a opposite-gender version (for example, you can change Josephine to Joseph, or Alexander to Alexandra). You can also change nicknames to full names.
Child 6's name should follow the naming instruction for the number you chose. You can use this instruction in the first name or middle name(s). The other name is your choice.
Namebank for child 5:Al Asher Beckett Berkley Brice Cali Callum Carlos Carter Chase Christian Coral Dean Deann Desmond Devan Diego Drew Eamon Elijah Eliot Ella Emily Everest Francois Gage Hartley Hawthorne Hiromi Horatio Iain Isabella Jackson Jaiden Jaxon Joey Jordan Julie Justin Kai Kaia Kallan Katherine Keegan Kim Kingsley Kingston Leo Liberty Lilly Lora Lucas Lucien Lucius Lukas Luke Luxton Markeda Marsai Marshall Mateo Max McKenna Mia Miranda North Nylan Owen Rex Rocky Roman Ron Rory Roxi Ryder Samuel Scott Shayle Skye Stuart Thandie Tianna Tristan Tymika Wilde Will Wyatt Yumi Zuma
Naming instructions for child 6: Contains the sequence 'pa' anywhere in the name.
Namebank for child 5:Aldo Alwyn Amelie Amity Arlo Aster Ata Auli'i Avery Awhimai Bailey Bodie Braelyn Caspian Cassian Charlotte Christophe Clay Cleo Cole Connor Cooper Cosmo Dagan Dara Douglas Dwayne Edward Eli Eliza Ellie Elsie Emma Gerald Grace Gurren Gustavo Hana Howard Hudson Ildar Isabel Ivy Jack Jasmine Jemaine Jeshwin Jessica Jorge Kaylee Kele Kelton Khaleesi Kina Korban Loto Louise Loȉc Maarama Mackenzie Maddox Maisie Margo Marina Matangi Mattheo Maui Maxine Michael Moana Nadine Natalie Neal Neil Nichole Noah Noemi Oceania Olive Oliver Oscar Paloma Pepper Peyton Praashi Rachel Reid Riley Rinoa Robert Rohan Rosalie Rose Rowen Ruth Saianna Sariah Sienna Simea Sina Stevie Tala Tamatoa Tautai Teddy Temuera Tiana Tofiga Troy Tui Vaiana Vien-Minh Violet Wesley Willow Yazhini Zuzia Óskar
Naming instructions for child 6: Contains the sequence 'mo' anywhere in the name.
Namebank for child 5:Albert Anja Anna Arthur Aubrey Bella Benjamin Beryl Bettina Carla Cary Chloe Clive Columbine Conrad Cormac Daniel Daphne David Elspeth Elvis Enid Fergus Fraser Freda Ginger Hannah Hugo Imelda Ingrid Jane Josie Julia Kate Lucretia Lydia Lynn Mac Maria Martin Maud Mel Melanie Melisha Mercy Molly Naomi Nick Nirvanah Octavia Ophelia Oriel Philomena Primrose Reginald Romesh Rosalind Rowena Saffron Sam Sidonie Simon Sophie Sylvanus Sylvia Thandiwe Thomas Tim Timothy Tom Tony Ulysses Vera Vivienne William Winston
Naming instructions for child 6: Contains the sequence 'ch' anywhere in the name.
Namebank for child 5:Abigail Abner Adam Agnes Aidan Alexander Alsatia Amy Andrew Annabelle Antonia Ari Augustus Basil Beatrice Belle Blair Catherine Clark Daisy Delia Dorian Edmund Elliot Eric Evan Evelyn Felix Francis Fred Garry Geraldine Glenn Gwendolyn Harry Hazel Hollis Holly Irene Joan Lane Lars Laurel Leon Linus Lucinda Mark Matthew Melvin Morgana Murray Neville Patrick Paul Percy Quentin Ramsay Sean Sebastian Teresina Theodore Topaz Victoria Vincent Vivian Wallace Walter Zachary
Naming instructions for child 6: Contains the sequence 'li' anywhere in the name.
Namebank for child 5:Alan Alastair Andy Angelo Anthony Barbara Brian Candy Carole Cecily Cedric Charles Clara Clyde Dale Dana Dori Elaine Eugenia Fiona Frederick George Godfrey Helen Henrietta Henry Iris Ives Jacques James Jasper John Jonathan Karl Ken Lila Mae Malcolm Marian Marinus Monica Mortimer Otto Pamela Pat Peter Phil Ralph Renee Richard Richie Robin Roger Rudy Sidney Silas Terry Toby Wilbur
Naming instructions for child 6: Contains the sequence 'ro' anywhere in the name.
trawling through name indexes and making lists of the interesting