[Opinions] Re: Briony, Gaius, Keziah...
Alastair - excellent classic
Aušra - interesting!
Briony - prefer Bryony
Elize - surprisingly good! Makes a nice change.
Etta - like a cartoon flapper. No.
Fleur - prefer Florence, or even Flora
Gaius - better than Caius
Honor - not a fan of virtue names
Jolina - not my taste, but interesting and usable
Keziah - good meaning, but the sound puts me right off
Milena - not a name I'd enjoy
Nadezhda - prefer Nadia - less heavy-sounding
Saga - eh? Like the very long traditional poem? No.
Zephyr - Gentle Zephyr? Where I live, the West wind brings rain; not my favourite direction!