[Opinions] Interesting names I found
I research surnames and history- sometimes while I do this I find interesting first names.
Tymish & Stepanyda - a son and a daughter of Bohdan Khmelnytskyy
I had never heard these before...
Yuriy-Bohdan & Osyp-Zinoviy - Roman Shukhevych's son and father
I have never seen double names in Ukraine, until I saw these two.
Atena-Svyatomyra - Atena-Svyatomyra Pashko was an Ukrainian activist and poet and engineer
Another double name + never heard Atena or Svyatomyra.
Lina - Lina Kostenko is a writer and she was Soviet dissendent
It sound like it is short for something but it is not.
Elina - Elina Bystritskaya is actor from Ukraine, live in Russia
Never heard Elina on Russian or Ukrainian.
Milosh - Milosh Eduardovich Vagner is Roskonadzor guy, I do not remember what he does but he works at Roskomnadzor
His name does not go together at all.
Rymma - Zelenskyy's mother
I never heard this, but I found Rimma on this site and maybe it is from there?
Tymish & Stepanyda - a son and a daughter of Bohdan Khmelnytskyy
I had never heard these before...
Yuriy-Bohdan & Osyp-Zinoviy - Roman Shukhevych's son and father
I have never seen double names in Ukraine, until I saw these two.
Atena-Svyatomyra - Atena-Svyatomyra Pashko was an Ukrainian activist and poet and engineer
Another double name + never heard Atena or Svyatomyra.
Lina - Lina Kostenko is a writer and she was Soviet dissendent
It sound like it is short for something but it is not.
Elina - Elina Bystritskaya is actor from Ukraine, live in Russia
Never heard Elina on Russian or Ukrainian.
Milosh - Milosh Eduardovich Vagner is Roskonadzor guy, I do not remember what he does but he works at Roskomnadzor
His name does not go together at all.
Rymma - Zelenskyy's mother
I never heard this, but I found Rimma on this site and maybe it is from there?