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[Games] Blossom by Blossom (18)
previous round:🪻“Blossom by blossom, the spring begins.” – Algernon Charles Swinburne

Choose your favourite grape hyacinths. Choose TWO from part one (1-12), and ONE “wild card” (13-17)
1) Muscari ‘Mount Hood’
2) Muscari ‘Baby Breath’
3) Muscari ‘Gul Delight’
4) Muscari ‘Dark Eyes’
5) Muscari ‘Grape Ice’
6) Muscari ‘Azureum’
7) Muscari ‘Pink Sunrise’
8) Muscari ‘Mountain Lady’
9) Muscari ‘Super Star’
10) Muscari ‘Touch of Snow’
11) Muscari ‘Latifolium
13) Leopoldia ˈMonstrosum’? (Tassle Hyacinth)
14) Muscari ‘Golden Fragrance’
15) Muscari ‘Bellevalia‘
16) Leopoldia ‘Plumosum’ (Lunatic Flower)
17) Muscari ‘Blue Spike’
THE NEXT GENERATION- If you get the same child twice it means they have twins
1) Child ONE, a daughter
- Her first and middle name have namedays in Poland in the month April, May, September and/or October (
2) Child SIX, a daughter
- Her first name is an English adjective (
- Her middle name contains the letters “CH”, but doesn’t start with them
3) Child FIVE, a gender your choice
- Their first name is ‘canine’ (
- Their middle name is ‘dark’ (
4) Child TWO, a daughter
- Her first and middle name are on the the 300-400, France, 1918 (
5) Child THREE, a son
- His first name ends in the letters “EN” (*en)
- His middle name is currently out of the US top 1000 AND starts with a vowel (
6) Child ONE, a son
- His first name and middle name are of Orthodox Saints (
7) Child FOUR, a son
- His first name (or nickname) ends in the letter ‘O’ (e.g. Kristo, Jack “Jacko”)
- His middle name is from this list:
8) Child THREE, a daughter
- Her first name contains the letters “VI” (*vi*)
- Her middle name is or has a time period in it’s meaning (
9) Child TWO, a daughter
- His first name is a ‘mother’ (
- His middle name is ‘wealth’ (
10) Child SIX, a son
- His first name is from this list:
- His middle name is after a chess Grandmaster (
11) Child FIVE, gender your choice
- Their first name ‘golden’ (
- Their middle name ends in the letters “AH” (*ah)
12) Child FOUR, gender your choice
- Their first name is from this list:
- Their middle name ends in the letter “R” (*r)🪻
The main parents have adopted a pet of your choice 13) His/her name is a bug (e.g. Ladybug)
14) His/her name is a baby animal (e.g. Bunny)
15) His/her name is a type of weather (e.g. Sunny)
16) His/her name is a chicken breed (e.g. Silkie)
17) His/her name is a type of bird (e.g. Nightingale)
formerly Belphoebe⭐️I am in the mood
to dissolve
in the sky.
- Virginia Woolf
vote up1


Blossom by Blossom (18)  ·  Amoret  ·  3/6/2025, 10:59 AM
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Re: Blossom by Blossom (18)  ·  Story  ·  3/14/2025, 8:50 PM
Re: Blossom by Blossom (18)  ·  Pink Princess  ·  3/10/2025, 3:54 PM
Re: Blossom by Blossom (18)  ·  Istas  ·  3/9/2025, 7:57 PM
Re: Blossom by Blossom (18)  ·  starletinwaiting  ·  3/8/2025, 12:50 PM
Re: Blossom by Blossom (18)  ·  ValerieK  ·  3/8/2025, 12:09 PM
Re: Blossom by Blossom (18)  ·  Ohad Yigal  ·  3/8/2025, 11:42 AM
Re: Blossom by Blossom (18)  ·  Amoret  ·  3/8/2025, 9:35 AM
Re: Blossom by Blossom (18)  ·  WillowBelle  ·  3/7/2025, 10:38 PM
Re: Blossom by Blossom (18)  ·  CN  ·  3/7/2025, 9:49 AM
Re: Blossom by Blossom (18)  ·  lanaaaaa_d  ·  3/7/2025, 8:29 AM
Re: Blossom by Blossom (18)  ·  Uilos  ·  3/6/2025, 11:49 PM
Re: Blossom by Blossom (18)  ·  Jessamine  ·  3/6/2025, 6:45 PM
Re: Blossom by Blossom (18)  ·  LadyBug18  ·  3/6/2025, 6:42 PM
Re: Blossom by Blossom (18)  ·  AnonymousNameNerd123  ·  3/6/2025, 6:17 PM
Re: Blossom by Blossom (18)  ·  Cactus2000  ·  3/6/2025, 1:49 PM
Re: Blossom by Blossom (18)  ·  ari.  ·  3/6/2025, 1:27 PM
Re: Blossom by Blossom (18)  ·  Kaesy  ·  3/6/2025, 1:06 PM
Re: Blossom by Blossom (18)  ·  Wordsmith  ·  3/6/2025, 12:58 PM
Re: Blossom by Blossom (18)  ·  Katie  ·  3/6/2025, 11:29 AM