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[Opinions] Re: Jerry
I love Jerry. It was enormously popular in North America, peaking in the 1940s, so it has a very familiar, retro sound to it. It is kind of a silly name, but I like that about it; it's very bright and energetic. And it's outdated enough that it has some counter-culture freshness to it. I'd love to meet a little kid named Jerry. Jerry on a girl is not common anymore, but I think it used to be. In my grandmother's high school year book, there were a few girls named Jerry and Jerrie.Jerry Heil sounds like a drag queen name to me, because of its connections to the slang term Jerry, "Heil Hitler", and former model Jerry Hall. I've never heard of Jerry Heil before, I'll have to check her out.


Well Heil in her name is pronounced like heyl, like English word hail, and heil, German word (it means "safety, unhurt, good" I think- but for long time I thinked that it meaned glory) it hayl (ay being like English word I). Jerry Heil is music maker and youtuber, but I never watched her youtube. Though I like some of her music! Her real name is Yana Shemayeva.