(Note: all infants/toddlers currently in KAA care are from English speaking counrtires)
-(Personal Information)-
Your surname:
ChandlerYour given name:
Anna Your spouse's given name:
Micheal JamesYour children's names and ages:
Elisabeth "
Ella" (10),
Erik (8) and
Emilia '
Emily' (4½) -->
Ella and
Erik are adopted 8 years ago (they were born in the Netherlands)
Might you or your spouse's employment schedules hinder the child(ren)'s development/ take time out of your relationship/ leave the child(ren) in question alone for long periods of time?: no, the childs development allways comes first.
Do you have any pets?: yes, a cat named Dickie
- (Adoption Prefferances)-
Are you willing to adopt ...
Children with disabilities (i.e- physical, and/or educational issues)?: preferably not
Twins?: yes
Triplets?: no
Siblings?: only if they are twins
Children who are attached to personal pets?: yes, but no large dogs
Children who are from an English speaking country which is not your own?: yes