SO1's name and age:
Harry Alexander (19)
SO2's name and age:
Sarah Katherine (19)
Current childrens' names and ages:
Riley Benjamin (1) and
Daphne Alexandria (1)
Current place of residence: New
York City (England in the summer)
Languages spoken by family: English (also know other language; Greek, Italian, and Spanish)
Number of children (max four): 4
Age range: 1-teenager
Gender: any
Country of origin: England, Greece, Australia
Willing to accept children who do not speak English? yes
Siblings? yes
Twins? yes
Triplets? yes
Quads or more? yes
Willing to take children and their pets? yes
Disablilites (please indicate severity for each: mild, moderate or severe)--
-Physical? no
-Emotional? no
-Social? mild
-Mental? no
Other input? We also travel alot. Thanks you