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[Games] info about my "bash" game
I just wanted to know if everyone liked / hated it. I created this game so that I could find out what you thought of my combos. I forgot to put that if you might get your feelings hurt, not to play.
If you think it is to "mean", please tell me beause I don't want anyone thinking I am a "heartless" person. Please give me your honest thoughts on the "bash" game.Also - I thought of listing 20 boys and 20 girls names (random) and having everyone to "bash" them. After each round I would eliminate 5 names from the boys and 5 from the girls that had the best "bash" until 1 boy and 1 girl name was left. WDYT?
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yeah what i said on it was a little harsh and i feel badf if i hurt peoples feelings i just saw thats what people were doing and i thought that was the idea. Im not smart, okay? =D SORRY
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no the idea was to get everyone's worst opinions to help choose combos :)
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I like it!
"You're gonna be a cop? Do you have a gun?" ~My brothers friend Kyle when he found out I was in the Police Academy
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DittoI like it too, sometimes people may be holding back honesty because they don't want to hurt people's feelings. But you shouldn't be so sensitive ... if you're confident enough in a name or combo or whatever, you shouldn't care what anyone else thinks. But at the same time, it's good to hear what others might be thinking, for the benefit of your child!
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Totally agreeI like hearing what other people think, its not going to change my opinon of the name or combo, but if I thought my child may get made fun of for their name I would think twice about using it!
"You're gonna be a cop? Do you have a gun?" ~My brothers friend Kyle when he found out I was in the Police Academy
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Im just glad no one's feelings have been hurt
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I was a little shocked at the comments on my names, but I'm not too offended.
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I'm sorry,I thought that this game would be very helpful for people having trouble coming up with combos. It gives everyone everyone else's honest opinions. It really has helped me (reading everyone else's)I actually like alot of the combos people hate. :)
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No, it's okay; my combos are pretty weird, so I kind of expected to get them bashed. But I'm not offended at all!
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I missed the beginning of the game, and the posts on it are slowing down, but I wouldn't be offended. If I was, I wouldn't post!I tihnk that second idea is a good one! I'd participate!
Julia Keelan"I don't mean to be rude-" he began in a tone that threatened rudeness in every syllable.
"-yet, sadly, accidental rudeness occurs alarmingly often."
~ From Harry Potter and The Half Blood Prince by J.K. Rowling. Vernon Dursley to Albus Dumbledore.
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thank you for liking it, I think it could be usesful
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