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[Facts] "Tippy" -- Help?
Any idea as to what name this might be a NN for? It was used on a young girl, no idea about ethnic background but she seemed fairly 'American', if you will.
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TippiTippi Hedren, mom of Melanie Griffith and star of Alfred Hitchcock's The Birds" is originally a Nathalie
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and(from Wikipedia)Her father gave her the moniker "Tippi" even though her birth name is Nathalie Kay Hedren. "My father thought Nathalie was a little bit much for a brand new baby," Hedren remembered at a 2004 screening of The Birds. Tippi comes from the Swedish nickname "Tupsa" or "sweetheart".- mirfak
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Tupsa?I had a teacher in nursery school who called me "Tufsen", and I've heard "Tufsa", but "Tupsa"!?Short and sweet like Swedish summer....
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Ha! :)
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Could the nickname have come from her surmame or prehapes her real name was a surname
The real name of actress Tippy Walker was Elizabeth Tipton Walker


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My uncle's NN was Tippy, and his full name was Philip. Perhaps her name is Phillipa?Could have been Tziporah, too. Or Xanthippe.
What are the convulsions of a city in comparison with the insurrections of the soul?
Man is a depth still greater than the people.
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