[Facts] Re: what do you think about this nic name
by Gia Nadine (guest)
5/21/2001, 8:26 AM
This is an intersting conversation, but you know we do "crate" babies in a sense. Putting them in a crib can be considered crating, dont you think? But then they grow out of that kind of crate! And later when we dont let them go out of the yard unless mommy or daddy is with them.... that is the same as when you only let your dogs stray out of the yard unless mommy and daddy take them on a leash! So yes Nan having a dog is the same as having a kid. Except a dog is always like a kid, even when they grow up!
And to the point of naming kids after relatives. Ryan wanted to name our son Bucth after his grandfather and uncle and cousin...etc But I wouldnt let him cause I would of never called him that! What would of been the point unless your going to call your kids by that name? Plus Caleb is alot better name...LOL