[Facts] It's still none o' yer bizznizz
"I'd be offended if a someone named their child God or my future kid was in class with a kid named Thegreatestkidever."
You get offended too easily. Leather up, for crapsake.
And don't be thinking that you or anyone else has a right to make laws restricting other people in their choice of names for their own children.
Because, you have no more right to tell someone he can't name his kid "God" or "Adonai" (a favorite among hippies -- and, yes, that includes Jewish hippies, too), than some theistic neo-pagan has a right to tell you that you can't name your daughter "Artemis" (a name I noticed on your "personal names list") because they feel that would be disrespectful to "The Goddess".
-- Nanaea