[Games] Twenty Question CAF
This won't be judged, it's just for fun. Answer the questions to determine genders and naming rules; if you don't like any of the names, just pick the one that you hate the least. Have fun. :)
1. Last Name
Which variation of Anne do you like the best?
Anne - http://surnames.behindthename.com/top/lists/100scs2001.php
Anna - http://surnames.behindthename.com/top/lists/100uss1990.php
Anya - http://surnames.behindthename.com/php/search.php?terms=Swedish+Norwegian+Danish+Icelandic&title=Scandinavian+Names&type=u&operator=orm
Annika - http://surnames.behindthename.com/php/search.php?terms=Ukrainian&title=Ukrainian+Names&type=u
Annette - http://surnames.behindthename.com/php/search.php?terms=Jewish&title=Jewish+Names&type=u
Hannah - http://surnames.behindthename.com/php/search.php?terms=Basque&title=Basque+Names&type=u
2. First Parent's Name (you can pick the gender and age)
Which variation of Emily do you like best?
Emily - http://www.behindthename.com/namesakes/lists/saintalpha.php
Amelia - http://www.behindthename.com/namesakes/lists/biblicalalpha.php
Amélie - http://www.behindthename.com/namesakes/lists/bardindiv.php
Emilia - http://www.behindthename.com/namesakes/lists/nobelalpha.php
Emiliana - http://www.behindthename.com/namesakes/lists/oscaralpha.php
Emlyn - http://www.behindthename.com/namesakes/lists/hurricanealpha.php
3. Second Parent's Name (you can pick the gender and age)
Which variation of Christopher do you like the best?
Christopher - http://www.behindthename.com/updates/update63.php
Christóbal - http://www.behindthename.com/updates/update62.php
Christoph - http://www.behindthename.com/updates/update61.php
Kester - http://www.behindthename.com/updates/update60.php
Kristoffer - http://www.behindthename.com/updates/update59.php
Topher - http://www.behindthename.com/updates/update58.php
4. First Child (age 20)
Which virtue name do you like the best?
Hope - DD
Faith - DD
Justice - DD
Grace - DS
Felicity - DS
Constance - DS
5. First Child's Name
Which flower name do you like the best?
Rose - http://www.behindthename.com/php/search.php?terms=ros*+*se&nmd=n&gender=both&operator=or
Daisy - http://www.behindthename.com/php/search.php?terms=*ais*+dai*+d*y&nmd=n&gender=both&operator=or
Magnolia - http://www.behindthename.com/php/search.php?nmd=n&terms=mag*+*gn*+*nol*+ol*+lia*&submit=Go
Lily - http://www.behindthename.com/php/search.php?terms=lil*+*ly+l*y&nmd=n&gender=both&operator=or
Dahlia - http://www.behindthename.com/php/search.php?terms=*dah*+*hl*+d*ia+lia*&nmd=n&gender=both&operator=or
Iris - http://www.behindthename.com/php/search.php?terms=*iri*+*ris&nmd=n&gender=both&operator=or
6. Second Child (age 17)
Which variation of Mary do you like the best?
Mary - DS
Maria - DS
Marieke - DS
Moira - DD
Molly - DD
Polly - DD
7. Second Child's Name
Which common name do you like the best?
Sarah - http://www.behindthename.com/top/lists/100ir2002.php
Mary - http://www.behindthename.com/top/lists/100us1900s.php
Emily - http://www.behindthename.com/top/lists/100us2005.php
John - http://www.behindthename.com/top/lists/1000us1910s.php
William - http://www.behindthename.com/top/lists/100sw2004.php
Michael - http://www.behindthename.com/top/lists/1000us1995.php
8. Third Child (age 14)
Which place name do you like the best?
Brooklyn - DS
Dallas - DS
Indiana - DS
Kenya - DD
Paris - DD
York - DD
9. Third Child's Name
Which ancient or mythological name do you like the best?
Danae - http://www.behindthename.com/nmc/gre-myth.php
Lavinia - http://www.behindthename.com/nmc/rom-myth.php
Ceridwen - http://www.behindthename.com/nmc/wel-myth.php
Morrigan - http://www.behindthename.com/nmc/iri-myth.php
Demetria - http://www.behindthename.com/nmc/gre-anci.php
Constantina - http://www.behindthename.com/nmc/rom-anci.php
10. Fourth Child (age 12)
Which color name do you like the best?
Scarlet - DS
Gray - DS
Azure - DS
Saffron - DD
Lavender - DD
Cyan - DD
11. Fourth Child's Name
Which surname do you like the best?
Avery - http://www.behindthename.com/nmg/masculine.php OR http://www.behindthename.com/nmg/feminine.php (depending on the sex of your baby)
Campbell - http://www.behindthename.com/nmg/masculine2.php OR http://www.behindthename.com/nmg/feminine2.php
Emerson - http://www.behindthename.com/nmg/masculine3.php OR http://www.behindthename.com/nmg/feminine3.php
Kendall - http://www.behindthename.com/nmg/masculine5.php OR http://www.behindthename.com/nmg/feminine4.php
Quinn - http://www.behindthename.com/nmg/masculine6.php OR http://www.behindthename.com/nmg/feminine7.php
Spencer - http://www.behindthename.com/nmg/masculine7.php OR http://www.behindthename.com/nmg/feminine8.php
12. Fifth and Sixth Children (age 10)
Which unisex name do you like the best on a BOY?
Ashley - DD/DD
Kelsey - DD/DD
Mackenzie - DS/DS
Morgan - DS/DS
Robin - DD/DS
Skyler - DD/DS
13. Fifth and Sixth Children's Names
Which unisex name do you like the best on a GIRL?
Ashley - http://www.behindthename.com/php/search.php?terms=light+dark+black+white&nmd=m&gender=both&operator=or
Kelsey - http://www.behindthename.com/php/search.php?nmd=md&terms=fire+flame+water+ocean&submit=Go
Mackenzie - http://www.behindthename.com/php/search.php?nmd=md&terms=heaven+earth&submit=Go
Morgan - http://www.behindthename.com/php/search.php?nmd=md&terms=stone+flower&submit=Go
Robin - http://www.behindthename.com/php/search.php?nmd=md&terms=man+woman+son+daughter+sister+brother&submit=Go&start=250 (this page ONLY)
Skyler - http://www.behindthename.com/php/search.php?nmd=md&terms=warrior+soldier+peace+grace&submit=Go
14. First Adopted Child (age 6)
Which variation of William do you like the best?
William - DD
Guillaume - DD
Liam - DD
Viliam - DS
Wilhelm - DS
Wilson - DS
15. First Adopted Child's Name
Which month name do you like the best?
January - http://www.behindthename.com/namedays/lists/1.php
April - http://www.behindthename.com/namedays/lists/4.php
May - http://www.behindthename.com/namedays/lists/5.php
June - http://www.behindthename.com/namedays/lists/6.php
August - http://www.behindthename.com/namedays/lists/8.php
September - http://www.behindthename.com/namedays/lists/9.php
16. Second Adopted Child (age 4)
Which variation of Catherine do you like the best?
Catherine - DS
Caitlín - DS
Catriona - DS
Ekaterina - DD
Katherine - DD
Katrina - DD
17. Second Adopted Child's Name
Which X name do you like the best?
Xander - http://www.behindthename.com/nmc/dut.php (any page)
Xanthe - http://www.behindthename.com/nmc/gre-anci.php
Xavier - http://www.behindthename.com/nmc/fre.php (any page)
Xenia - http://www.behindthename.com/nmc/gre.php
Xiomara - http://www.behindthename.com/nmc/spa.php (any page)
Xzavier - http://www.behindthename.com/nmc/eng-m.php (any page)
18. Bonus
Which Literature/Popular Culture name do you like the best?
Anakin - You adopt 1-year-old twins named Luke Sky and Leia Star. Give them less cheesy names but keep their initials.
Arwen - You have just given birth to triplets, two boys and a girl. Give them names from your favorite books or writers.
Caspian - Your pregnant sister is moving in with your family and wants help naming her son. Sister's name: http://www.behindthename.com/top/lists/100us1970s.php Baby's name: http://www.behindthename.com/php/search.php?terms=water+sea+river+lake&nmd=m&suppress=yes&title=Watery+Names&heading=none
Draven - Your grandmother is moving in with your family. Name: http://www.behindthename.com/top/lists/100us1920s.php
Nemo - You are hosting a 17-year-old exchange student from Japan. Gender is your choice. Name: http://www.behindthename.com/nmc/jap.php
Undine - Your oldest child has just gotten married and is expecting a baby girl. Spouse's name: http://www.behindthename.com/namedays/lists/fre.php Baby's name: http://www.behindthename.com/top/lists/100fr2004.php
19. Pet's Species
Which "-ing" name do you like the best?
Blessing - Cat
Channing - Dog
Dawning - Bird
Kipling - Rabbit
Spring - Hamster
Sterling - Horse
20. Pet's Name
Which stone name do you like the best?
Amethyst - http://www.behindthename.com/php/search.php?terms=violet+purple&nmd=m&suppress=yes&title=Purple+Names&heading=none
Pearl - http://www.behindthename.com/php/search.php?terms=bright+light+shining+white&nmd=m&suppress=yes&title=Light+Names&heading=none
Jade - http://www.behindthename.com/php/search.php?terms=green&nmd=m&suppress=yes&title=Green+Names&heading=none
Garnet - http://www.behindthename.com/php/search.php?terms=red+scarlet&nmd=m&suppress=yes&title=Red+Names&heading=none
Sapphire - http://www.behindthename.com/php/search.php?terms=blue&nmd=m&suppress=yes&title=Blue+Names&heading=none
Jasper - http://www.behindthename.com/php/search.php?terms=yellow&nmd=m&suppress=yes&title=Yellow+Names&heading=none
Friendship is more lasting than love, and more legal than stalking.
-Jane, Coupling
1. Last Name
Which variation of Anne do you like the best?
Anne - http://surnames.behindthename.com/top/lists/100scs2001.php
Anna - http://surnames.behindthename.com/top/lists/100uss1990.php
Anya - http://surnames.behindthename.com/php/search.php?terms=Swedish+Norwegian+Danish+Icelandic&title=Scandinavian+Names&type=u&operator=orm
Annika - http://surnames.behindthename.com/php/search.php?terms=Ukrainian&title=Ukrainian+Names&type=u
Annette - http://surnames.behindthename.com/php/search.php?terms=Jewish&title=Jewish+Names&type=u
Hannah - http://surnames.behindthename.com/php/search.php?terms=Basque&title=Basque+Names&type=u
2. First Parent's Name (you can pick the gender and age)
Which variation of Emily do you like best?
Emily - http://www.behindthename.com/namesakes/lists/saintalpha.php
Amelia - http://www.behindthename.com/namesakes/lists/biblicalalpha.php
Amélie - http://www.behindthename.com/namesakes/lists/bardindiv.php
Emilia - http://www.behindthename.com/namesakes/lists/nobelalpha.php
Emiliana - http://www.behindthename.com/namesakes/lists/oscaralpha.php
Emlyn - http://www.behindthename.com/namesakes/lists/hurricanealpha.php
3. Second Parent's Name (you can pick the gender and age)
Which variation of Christopher do you like the best?
Christopher - http://www.behindthename.com/updates/update63.php
Christóbal - http://www.behindthename.com/updates/update62.php
Christoph - http://www.behindthename.com/updates/update61.php
Kester - http://www.behindthename.com/updates/update60.php
Kristoffer - http://www.behindthename.com/updates/update59.php
Topher - http://www.behindthename.com/updates/update58.php
4. First Child (age 20)
Which virtue name do you like the best?
Hope - DD
Faith - DD
Justice - DD
Grace - DS
Felicity - DS
Constance - DS
5. First Child's Name
Which flower name do you like the best?
Rose - http://www.behindthename.com/php/search.php?terms=ros*+*se&nmd=n&gender=both&operator=or
Daisy - http://www.behindthename.com/php/search.php?terms=*ais*+dai*+d*y&nmd=n&gender=both&operator=or
Magnolia - http://www.behindthename.com/php/search.php?nmd=n&terms=mag*+*gn*+*nol*+ol*+lia*&submit=Go
Lily - http://www.behindthename.com/php/search.php?terms=lil*+*ly+l*y&nmd=n&gender=both&operator=or
Dahlia - http://www.behindthename.com/php/search.php?terms=*dah*+*hl*+d*ia+lia*&nmd=n&gender=both&operator=or
Iris - http://www.behindthename.com/php/search.php?terms=*iri*+*ris&nmd=n&gender=both&operator=or
6. Second Child (age 17)
Which variation of Mary do you like the best?
Mary - DS
Maria - DS
Marieke - DS
Moira - DD
Molly - DD
Polly - DD
7. Second Child's Name
Which common name do you like the best?
Sarah - http://www.behindthename.com/top/lists/100ir2002.php
Mary - http://www.behindthename.com/top/lists/100us1900s.php
Emily - http://www.behindthename.com/top/lists/100us2005.php
John - http://www.behindthename.com/top/lists/1000us1910s.php
William - http://www.behindthename.com/top/lists/100sw2004.php
Michael - http://www.behindthename.com/top/lists/1000us1995.php
8. Third Child (age 14)
Which place name do you like the best?
Brooklyn - DS
Dallas - DS
Indiana - DS
Kenya - DD
Paris - DD
York - DD
9. Third Child's Name
Which ancient or mythological name do you like the best?
Danae - http://www.behindthename.com/nmc/gre-myth.php
Lavinia - http://www.behindthename.com/nmc/rom-myth.php
Ceridwen - http://www.behindthename.com/nmc/wel-myth.php
Morrigan - http://www.behindthename.com/nmc/iri-myth.php
Demetria - http://www.behindthename.com/nmc/gre-anci.php
Constantina - http://www.behindthename.com/nmc/rom-anci.php
10. Fourth Child (age 12)
Which color name do you like the best?
Scarlet - DS
Gray - DS
Azure - DS
Saffron - DD
Lavender - DD
Cyan - DD
11. Fourth Child's Name
Which surname do you like the best?
Avery - http://www.behindthename.com/nmg/masculine.php OR http://www.behindthename.com/nmg/feminine.php (depending on the sex of your baby)
Campbell - http://www.behindthename.com/nmg/masculine2.php OR http://www.behindthename.com/nmg/feminine2.php
Emerson - http://www.behindthename.com/nmg/masculine3.php OR http://www.behindthename.com/nmg/feminine3.php
Kendall - http://www.behindthename.com/nmg/masculine5.php OR http://www.behindthename.com/nmg/feminine4.php
Quinn - http://www.behindthename.com/nmg/masculine6.php OR http://www.behindthename.com/nmg/feminine7.php
Spencer - http://www.behindthename.com/nmg/masculine7.php OR http://www.behindthename.com/nmg/feminine8.php
12. Fifth and Sixth Children (age 10)
Which unisex name do you like the best on a BOY?
Ashley - DD/DD
Kelsey - DD/DD
Mackenzie - DS/DS
Morgan - DS/DS
Robin - DD/DS
Skyler - DD/DS
13. Fifth and Sixth Children's Names
Which unisex name do you like the best on a GIRL?
Ashley - http://www.behindthename.com/php/search.php?terms=light+dark+black+white&nmd=m&gender=both&operator=or
Kelsey - http://www.behindthename.com/php/search.php?nmd=md&terms=fire+flame+water+ocean&submit=Go
Mackenzie - http://www.behindthename.com/php/search.php?nmd=md&terms=heaven+earth&submit=Go
Morgan - http://www.behindthename.com/php/search.php?nmd=md&terms=stone+flower&submit=Go
Robin - http://www.behindthename.com/php/search.php?nmd=md&terms=man+woman+son+daughter+sister+brother&submit=Go&start=250 (this page ONLY)
Skyler - http://www.behindthename.com/php/search.php?nmd=md&terms=warrior+soldier+peace+grace&submit=Go
14. First Adopted Child (age 6)
Which variation of William do you like the best?
William - DD
Guillaume - DD
Liam - DD
Viliam - DS
Wilhelm - DS
Wilson - DS
15. First Adopted Child's Name
Which month name do you like the best?
January - http://www.behindthename.com/namedays/lists/1.php
April - http://www.behindthename.com/namedays/lists/4.php
May - http://www.behindthename.com/namedays/lists/5.php
June - http://www.behindthename.com/namedays/lists/6.php
August - http://www.behindthename.com/namedays/lists/8.php
September - http://www.behindthename.com/namedays/lists/9.php
16. Second Adopted Child (age 4)
Which variation of Catherine do you like the best?
Catherine - DS
Caitlín - DS
Catriona - DS
Ekaterina - DD
Katherine - DD
Katrina - DD
17. Second Adopted Child's Name
Which X name do you like the best?
Xander - http://www.behindthename.com/nmc/dut.php (any page)
Xanthe - http://www.behindthename.com/nmc/gre-anci.php
Xavier - http://www.behindthename.com/nmc/fre.php (any page)
Xenia - http://www.behindthename.com/nmc/gre.php
Xiomara - http://www.behindthename.com/nmc/spa.php (any page)
Xzavier - http://www.behindthename.com/nmc/eng-m.php (any page)
18. Bonus
Which Literature/Popular Culture name do you like the best?
Anakin - You adopt 1-year-old twins named Luke Sky and Leia Star. Give them less cheesy names but keep their initials.
Arwen - You have just given birth to triplets, two boys and a girl. Give them names from your favorite books or writers.
Caspian - Your pregnant sister is moving in with your family and wants help naming her son. Sister's name: http://www.behindthename.com/top/lists/100us1970s.php Baby's name: http://www.behindthename.com/php/search.php?terms=water+sea+river+lake&nmd=m&suppress=yes&title=Watery+Names&heading=none
Draven - Your grandmother is moving in with your family. Name: http://www.behindthename.com/top/lists/100us1920s.php
Nemo - You are hosting a 17-year-old exchange student from Japan. Gender is your choice. Name: http://www.behindthename.com/nmc/jap.php
Undine - Your oldest child has just gotten married and is expecting a baby girl. Spouse's name: http://www.behindthename.com/namedays/lists/fre.php Baby's name: http://www.behindthename.com/top/lists/100fr2004.php
19. Pet's Species
Which "-ing" name do you like the best?
Blessing - Cat
Channing - Dog
Dawning - Bird
Kipling - Rabbit
Spring - Hamster
Sterling - Horse
20. Pet's Name
Which stone name do you like the best?
Amethyst - http://www.behindthename.com/php/search.php?terms=violet+purple&nmd=m&suppress=yes&title=Purple+Names&heading=none
Pearl - http://www.behindthename.com/php/search.php?terms=bright+light+shining+white&nmd=m&suppress=yes&title=Light+Names&heading=none
Jade - http://www.behindthename.com/php/search.php?terms=green&nmd=m&suppress=yes&title=Green+Names&heading=none
Garnet - http://www.behindthename.com/php/search.php?terms=red+scarlet&nmd=m&suppress=yes&title=Red+Names&heading=none
Sapphire - http://www.behindthename.com/php/search.php?terms=blue&nmd=m&suppress=yes&title=Blue+Names&heading=none
Jasper - http://www.behindthename.com/php/search.php?terms=yellow&nmd=m&suppress=yes&title=Yellow+Names&heading=none
Friendship is more lasting than love, and more legal than stalking.
-Jane, Coupling
This message was edited 8/10/2006, 7:00 PM
Last Name - Solo
Wife - Keziah Ruth (37)
Husband - Seth Aaron (39)
DD: Kimberly Lile (20)
DD: Sarah Caoimhe (17)
DD: Bridget Niamh (14)
DS: Oscar Mordecai (12)
DD/DD: Ava Phoenix / Maya Amelia (10)
ADD: Juliana Valérie(6)
ADD: Kallisto Xanthe (4)
DS/DS/DD: Benjamin Henry / Daniel Elton / Rosalie Kestrel (nb)
Horse - Cyan
Kezzie, Seth, Kim, Sarah, Bridget, Oscar, Ava, Maya, Julia, Kallie, Ben, Daniel & Rosa.
Wife - Keziah Ruth (37)
Husband - Seth Aaron (39)
DD: Kimberly Lile (20)
DD: Sarah Caoimhe (17)
DD: Bridget Niamh (14)
DS: Oscar Mordecai (12)
DD/DD: Ava Phoenix / Maya Amelia (10)
ADD: Juliana Valérie(6)
ADD: Kallisto Xanthe (4)
DS/DS/DD: Benjamin Henry / Daniel Elton / Rosalie Kestrel (nb)
Horse - Cyan
Kezzie, Seth, Kim, Sarah, Bridget, Oscar, Ava, Maya, Julia, Kallie, Ben, Daniel & Rosa.
LN: Turner
DH: Benjamin James
DW: Rosina Margaret
DS: Lindsey Ely (age 20)
DS: Craig Martin (age 17)
DD: Phoebe Kassandra (age 14)
DS: Anton Blake (age 12)
DS/DS: Malcolm Jacob & Seth Montgomery (age 10)
DD: Izabella Lilian (age 6)
DD: Eve Juliette (age 4)
DS/DD: Lucas Simon & Lydia Sarah (age 1)
DHorse: Xanthe
DH: Benjamin James
DW: Rosina Margaret
DS: Lindsey Ely (age 20)
DS: Craig Martin (age 17)
DD: Phoebe Kassandra (age 14)
DS: Anton Blake (age 12)
DS/DS: Malcolm Jacob & Seth Montgomery (age 10)
DD: Izabella Lilian (age 6)
DD: Eve Juliette (age 4)
DS/DD: Lucas Simon & Lydia Sarah (age 1)
DHorse: Xanthe
LN: Zelenko
DH: Abraham Malachi (50)
DW: Charisma Meri (45)
DD: Rosalia Primrose (20)
DS: Albin Elliot (17)
DD: Minerva Bellona (14)
DD: Ariadne Beulah (12)
DS/DS: Miles Geoffrey / Charles Gunnar (10)
ADD: Milena Julia (6)
ADD: Kallistrate Ligeia (4)
Dsister: Heidi Lori
DNephew: Dylan Kendall
DHorse: Baila Akiko
DH: Abraham Malachi (50)
DW: Charisma Meri (45)
DD: Rosalia Primrose (20)
DS: Albin Elliot (17)
DD: Minerva Bellona (14)
DD: Ariadne Beulah (12)
DS/DS: Miles Geoffrey / Charles Gunnar (10)
ADD: Milena Julia (6)
ADD: Kallistrate Ligeia (4)
Dsister: Heidi Lori
DNephew: Dylan Kendall
DHorse: Baila Akiko
LN: Jones
DH: Kurt Leopold (53)
DW: Mary Noa (48)
DD: Primrose Rosheen "Rose" (20)
DS: Samuel Thomas "Sam" (17)
DS: Ulysses Vulcan "Uly" (14)
DS: Edison Finn "Eddy" (12)
DS/DS: Gwynedd Heddwyn "Gwyn" and Jyoti Kali "Johnny" (10)
ADD: Ludmila Marianna "Millie" (6) from Poland
ADD: Petronella Renate "Nelly" (4) from the Netherlands
Exchange student: Shin Tsukiko "Jimmy" (17) from Japan
Dog: Uri
Kurt and Mary Jones with:
Rose, Sam, Uly, Eddy, Gwyn, Johnny, Millie and Nelly
and with Uri the dog and Jimmy the exchange student.

DH: Kurt Leopold (53)
DW: Mary Noa (48)
DD: Primrose Rosheen "Rose" (20)
DS: Samuel Thomas "Sam" (17)
DS: Ulysses Vulcan "Uly" (14)
DS: Edison Finn "Eddy" (12)
DS/DS: Gwynedd Heddwyn "Gwyn" and Jyoti Kali "Johnny" (10)
ADD: Ludmila Marianna "Millie" (6) from Poland
ADD: Petronella Renate "Nelly" (4) from the Netherlands
Exchange student: Shin Tsukiko "Jimmy" (17) from Japan
Dog: Uri
Kurt and Mary Jones with:
Rose, Sam, Uly, Eddy, Gwyn, Johnny, Millie and Nelly
and with Uri the dog and Jimmy the exchange student.

LN: Murphy
SO: Alena Valentina
SO: Maritta Marie
DS: Sirius Eirik (20)
DD: Chloe Destiny (17)
DS: Amandus Felix (14)
DS: Evander Elton (12)
DD/DS: Clancy Absalom / Charis Drusilla (10)
DS: Raimond Symeon (6)
DS: Maxence Achille (4)
DS:/DD: Lukasz Stephen / Lisabeth Sophia (1)
PDog: Livius
Charlie Blue

Check Profile For PP's!
SO: Alena Valentina
SO: Maritta Marie
DS: Sirius Eirik (20)
DD: Chloe Destiny (17)
DS: Amandus Felix (14)
DS: Evander Elton (12)
DD/DS: Clancy Absalom / Charis Drusilla (10)
DS: Raimond Symeon (6)
DS: Maxence Achille (4)
DS:/DD: Lukasz Stephen / Lisabeth Sophia (1)
PDog: Livius

Check Profile For PP's!
LN: Lopez
Tobias Wolfgang Alexei *Tobe* & Adelia Careen
DS: (age 20) Blaise Kaiser Paisley
DS: (age 17) Max William Axel
DD: (age 14) Demitria Charis Melissa *Demi*
DS: (age 12)Cody Daniel Drago
12. DS/DS (age 10) Cael Casimir Achilles & Miles Frederick Charles
DD: First Adopted Child (age 6) Aniela Mai *Annie&
DS: Second Adopted Child (age 4) Alexis Emanuel *Lex*
Cat: Azure
Your grandmother Lillie Ella is moving in with your family.
Tobias Wolfgang Alexei *Tobe* & Adelia Careen
DS: (age 20) Blaise Kaiser Paisley
DS: (age 17) Max William Axel
DD: (age 14) Demitria Charis Melissa *Demi*
DS: (age 12)Cody Daniel Drago
12. DS/DS (age 10) Cael Casimir Achilles & Miles Frederick Charles
DD: First Adopted Child (age 6) Aniela Mai *Annie&
DS: Second Adopted Child (age 4) Alexis Emanuel *Lex*
Cat: Azure
Your grandmother Lillie Ella is moving in with your family.
LN Viteri
DH Adrian Cato
DW Linn Caja
DD Dahlia Liana 20
DS Samuel David 17
DD Ceridwen Nimue 14
DD Sophie Zhanna 12
DD/DS Florian Sten/Garnet Ivy 10
ADD Clotilde Elisée 6
ADD Angelien Lisanne 4
exchange student from Japan(girl): Sayuri Miyako
Horse Phoenix
You laugh because I'm different, I laugh because we're all the same.
DH Adrian Cato
DW Linn Caja
DD Dahlia Liana 20
DS Samuel David 17
DD Ceridwen Nimue 14
DD Sophie Zhanna 12
DD/DS Florian Sten/Garnet Ivy 10
ADD Clotilde Elisée 6
ADD Angelien Lisanne 4
exchange student from Japan(girl): Sayuri Miyako
Horse Phoenix
You laugh because I'm different, I laugh because we're all the same.
LN: Washington
DH: Samuel Alexander (40)
DW: Elizabeth Carol (40)
DS: Oliver Nolan (20)
DS: Jack Stephen (17)
DD: Alexandra Olympia (14)
DS: David Charles (12)
DS/DS: Cole Marcus / Finnian Apollo (10)
DS: Ivan Ronald (6)
DD: Sophia Eirene (4)
DCat: Guinevere
DSister: Sarah Rachel (34)
DS: Windsor Lincoln (0)
--Sarah Katherine
Un nome è qualcosa che dura per sempre
DH: Samuel Alexander (40)
DW: Elizabeth Carol (40)
DS: Oliver Nolan (20)
DS: Jack Stephen (17)
DD: Alexandra Olympia (14)
DS: David Charles (12)
DS/DS: Cole Marcus / Finnian Apollo (10)
DS: Ivan Ronald (6)
DD: Sophia Eirene (4)
DCat: Guinevere
DSister: Sarah Rachel (34)
DS: Windsor Lincoln (0)
--Sarah Katherine
Un nome è qualcosa che dura per sempre
LN: Brown
DH: William Robert “Will”
DW: Naomi Michaela
DD: Lilia Emily “Lily” (20)
DS: Nathan Christopher (17)
DD: Sophia Alexandra “Sophie” (14)
DD: Katherine Jane “Kate” (12)
DS/DS: Adam Elijah / Michael George (10)
ADD: Emma Karolina (6)
ADS: Benjamin Gabriel “Ben” (4)
ADS/ADD: Lucas Samuel “Luke” / Lauren Simone (1)
DH: William Robert “Will”
DW: Naomi Michaela
DD: Lilia Emily “Lily” (20)
DS: Nathan Christopher (17)
DD: Sophia Alexandra “Sophie” (14)
DD: Katherine Jane “Kate” (12)
DS/DS: Adam Elijah / Michael George (10)
ADD: Emma Karolina (6)
ADS: Benjamin Gabriel “Ben” (4)
ADS/ADD: Lucas Samuel “Luke” / Lauren Simone (1)
LN: Bell (Anne)
DW: Rosalyn Maria (45) (Emilia)
DH: Joram Ludovico (47) (Christopher)
DD: Rosamund Clarisse (20) (Faith, Rose)
DS: Marvin Theodore (17) (Maria, John)
DS: Athanas Solon (14) (Indiana, Demetria)
DD: Ethel Fiera (12) (Saffron, Emerson)
DD/DS: Sabina Maeve / Solomon Leo (10) (Robin, Skylar)
DAS: Cyrus Radzimir (6) (Wilhelm, September)
DAS: Antonio Estavan (4) (Catriona, Xiomara)
DS/DS/DD: Andrew Alai (Ender's Game, I couldn't use Ender as he's a one-and-only) / Arthur Cornelius (Harry Potter) / Lyra Serafina (His Dark Materials)
DCat: Flavius (Jasper)
Roz and Joram, Claretta, Marv, Than, Ethel, Bina & Sol, Cy, Antonio, Dandy, Arty & Lyra, and Flavie the cat
DW: Rosalyn Maria (45) (Emilia)
DH: Joram Ludovico (47) (Christopher)
DD: Rosamund Clarisse (20) (Faith, Rose)
DS: Marvin Theodore (17) (Maria, John)
DS: Athanas Solon (14) (Indiana, Demetria)
DD: Ethel Fiera (12) (Saffron, Emerson)
DD/DS: Sabina Maeve / Solomon Leo (10) (Robin, Skylar)
DAS: Cyrus Radzimir (6) (Wilhelm, September)
DAS: Antonio Estavan (4) (Catriona, Xiomara)
DS/DS/DD: Andrew Alai (Ender's Game, I couldn't use Ender as he's a one-and-only) / Arthur Cornelius (Harry Potter) / Lyra Serafina (His Dark Materials)
DCat: Flavius (Jasper)
Roz and Joram, Claretta, Marv, Than, Ethel, Bina & Sol, Cy, Antonio, Dandy, Arty & Lyra, and Flavie the cat
This message was edited 8/11/2006, 9:18 AM
1. Last Name
Which variation of Anne do you like the best?
2. First Parent's Name (you can pick the gender and age)
Which variation of Emily do you like best?
Noel Sebastien (44)
3. Second Parent's Name (you can pick the gender and age)
Which variation of Christopher do you like the best?
Tova Sparrow (39)
4. First Child (age 20)
Which virtue name do you like the best?
Grace - DS
5. First Child's Name
Which flower name do you like the best?
Roscoe Ambrose
6. Second Child (age 17)
Which variation of Mary do you like the best?
Moira - DD
7. Second Child's Name
Which common name do you like the best?
Sarah - http://www.behindthename.com/top/lists/100ir2002.php
Orla Rebecca
8. Third Child (age 14)
Which place name do you like the best?
York - DD
9. Third Child's Name
Which ancient or mythological name do you like the best?
Angharad Branwen
10. Fourth Child (age 12)
Which color name do you like the best?
Scarlet - DS
11. Fourth Child's Name
Which surname do you like the best?
Bernard Aneirin
12. Fifth and Sixth Children (age 10)
Which unisex name do you like the best on a BOY?
Morgan - DS/DS
13. Fifth and Sixth Children's Names
Which unisex name do you like the best on a GIRL?
Ebenezer Torsten and Winston Ruby
14. First Adopted Child (age 6)
Which variation of William do you like the best?
Wilson - DS
15. First Adopted Child's Name
Which month name do you like the best?
Gilbert Teodor
16. Second Adopted Child (age 4)
Which variation of Catherine do you like the best?
Catriona - DS
17. Second Adopted Child's Name
Which X name do you like the best?
Diego Cirino
18. Bonus
Which Literature/Popular Culture name do you like the best?
Caspian - Your pregnant sister is moving in with your family and wants help naming her son.
Sister's name: Angela Michelle
Baby's name: Douglas Meredith
19. Pet's Species
Which variation of Anne do you like the best?
2. First Parent's Name (you can pick the gender and age)
Which variation of Emily do you like best?
Noel Sebastien (44)
3. Second Parent's Name (you can pick the gender and age)
Which variation of Christopher do you like the best?
Tova Sparrow (39)
4. First Child (age 20)
Which virtue name do you like the best?
Grace - DS
5. First Child's Name
Which flower name do you like the best?
Roscoe Ambrose
6. Second Child (age 17)
Which variation of Mary do you like the best?
Moira - DD
7. Second Child's Name
Which common name do you like the best?
Sarah - http://www.behindthename.com/top/lists/100ir2002.php
Orla Rebecca
8. Third Child (age 14)
Which place name do you like the best?
York - DD
9. Third Child's Name
Which ancient or mythological name do you like the best?
Angharad Branwen
10. Fourth Child (age 12)
Which color name do you like the best?
Scarlet - DS
11. Fourth Child's Name
Which surname do you like the best?
Bernard Aneirin
12. Fifth and Sixth Children (age 10)
Which unisex name do you like the best on a BOY?
Morgan - DS/DS
13. Fifth and Sixth Children's Names
Which unisex name do you like the best on a GIRL?
Ebenezer Torsten and Winston Ruby
14. First Adopted Child (age 6)
Which variation of William do you like the best?
Wilson - DS
15. First Adopted Child's Name
Which month name do you like the best?
Gilbert Teodor
16. Second Adopted Child (age 4)
Which variation of Catherine do you like the best?
Catriona - DS
17. Second Adopted Child's Name
Which X name do you like the best?
Diego Cirino
18. Bonus
Which Literature/Popular Culture name do you like the best?
Caspian - Your pregnant sister is moving in with your family and wants help naming her son.
Sister's name: Angela Michelle
Baby's name: Douglas Meredith
19. Pet's Species
LN: Wolff
DH: Ezekiel Issachar "Zeke" (47)
DW: Sabina Rosette (45)
DS: Roscoe Blaise (20)
DD: Marguerite Clara "Marta" (17)
DS: Leonius Justus "Leo" (14)
DS: Corbin Diederik (12)
DS/DS: Levi Wilbur / Linus Wright (10)
AS: Florian Timo (6)
AD: Elodie Lisette (4)
Sister: Deborah Renee
- DS: Lincoln Windsor "Link"
DHorse: Flavius
Zeke and Sabina with Roscoe, Marta, Leo, Corbin, Levi, Linus, Florian, Elodie, Aunt Deborah, Link and Flavius.
http://www.powerpets.com/signup.asp?rfID=456139 please click and sign up, it's a great site! have fun playing!
DH: Ezekiel Issachar "Zeke" (47)
DW: Sabina Rosette (45)
DS: Roscoe Blaise (20)
DD: Marguerite Clara "Marta" (17)
DS: Leonius Justus "Leo" (14)
DS: Corbin Diederik (12)
DS/DS: Levi Wilbur / Linus Wright (10)
AS: Florian Timo (6)
AD: Elodie Lisette (4)
Sister: Deborah Renee
- DS: Lincoln Windsor "Link"
DHorse: Flavius
Zeke and Sabina with Roscoe, Marta, Leo, Corbin, Levi, Linus, Florian, Elodie, Aunt Deborah, Link and Flavius.

This message was edited 8/11/2006, 8:15 AM
LN: Smith
DH: Patrick Sebastian (43)
DW: Rachel Elizabeth (41)
DS: Roly Sly (20)
DS: Ryan Daniel (17)
DS: Cian Bran (14)
DS: Eric Forrest (12)
DS/DS: River Ash / Brenton Elijah (10)
ADD: Alexandra Sophie / Julia Zoe (6)
ADD: Adelaide Claire (4)
DS/DS/DD: Connor Liam / Cormac Sean / Tuala Sorcha
DHorse: Elior
time flies like lightning
fruit flies like banannas
DH: Patrick Sebastian (43)
DW: Rachel Elizabeth (41)
DS: Roly Sly (20)
DS: Ryan Daniel (17)
DS: Cian Bran (14)
DS: Eric Forrest (12)
DS/DS: River Ash / Brenton Elijah (10)
ADD: Alexandra Sophie / Julia Zoe (6)
ADD: Adelaide Claire (4)
DS/DS/DD: Connor Liam / Cormac Sean / Tuala Sorcha
DHorse: Elior
time flies like lightning
fruit flies like banannas
The Pasternack Family
Arthur Titus (39) and Eleanor Anne (39)
DS: Judah Lachlan (20)
DD: Evelyn Grace (17)
DD: Theodora Agathe (14)
DS: Simon Reuel (12)
DS/DS: Malcolm Omar / Isaac Oscar (10)
AD: Laura Adriana (6)
AS: Daniel Louis (4)
DSister: Mary April (27)
DNephew: Lincoln Windsor (0)
DHorse: Lucius
A bad wound may heal, but a bad name will kill.
Scottish Proverb
"'Scuse me, do you mind not farting while I'm saving the world?"
Arthur Titus (39) and Eleanor Anne (39)
DS: Judah Lachlan (20)
DD: Evelyn Grace (17)
DD: Theodora Agathe (14)
DS: Simon Reuel (12)
DS/DS: Malcolm Omar / Isaac Oscar (10)
AD: Laura Adriana (6)
AS: Daniel Louis (4)
DSister: Mary April (27)
DNephew: Lincoln Windsor (0)
DHorse: Lucius
A bad wound may heal, but a bad name will kill.
Scottish Proverb
"'Scuse me, do you mind not farting while I'm saving the world?"
This message was edited 8/11/2006, 7:09 AM
LN: Henderson
DH: Thaddeus Jude (45)
DW: Bethel Susannah (40)
DS: Gervais Dmitry (20)
DS Theodore Lawrence (17)
DS Kyros Lysander(14)
DS Scott Russell(12)
DS/DS: Donovan Blake & Doyle Abner (10)
AS Leopold Norbert (6)
AS Yanick Valentine(4)
Grandmother : Martha Josephine
Horse Whitaker
DH: Thaddeus Jude (45)
DW: Bethel Susannah (40)
DS: Gervais Dmitry (20)
DS Theodore Lawrence (17)
DS Kyros Lysander(14)
DS Scott Russell(12)
DS/DS: Donovan Blake & Doyle Abner (10)
AS Leopold Norbert (6)
AS Yanick Valentine(4)
Grandmother : Martha Josephine
Horse Whitaker
LN: Campbell
DH: John Sebastian (44)
DW: Eve Felicity (45) "Evie"
DS: Darcy Blaise (20)
DS: Charles Albert (17) "Charlie"
DD: Ceridwen Guinevere (14) "Ceri"
DD: Edith Cecilia (12) "Edie"
DD/DS: Isabel Lydia / Joseph Montgomery (10)
DD: Maria Flora (6)
DS: Aurelien Henri (4)
DS/DS/DD: Edward Dorian / Walter Guy / Elizabeth Julia (newborn)
Cat: Flavius
~Louise x
~*~Top Names~*~
Charles Frederick & Isabel Primrose

DH: John Sebastian (44)
DW: Eve Felicity (45) "Evie"
DS: Darcy Blaise (20)
DS: Charles Albert (17) "Charlie"
DD: Ceridwen Guinevere (14) "Ceri"
DD: Edith Cecilia (12) "Edie"
DD/DS: Isabel Lydia / Joseph Montgomery (10)
DD: Maria Flora (6)
DS: Aurelien Henri (4)
DS/DS/DD: Edward Dorian / Walter Guy / Elizabeth Julia (newborn)
Cat: Flavius
~Louise x
Charles Frederick & Isabel Primrose

1. Last Name
Which variation of Anne do you like the best?
Annika - Kedzierski
2. First Parent's Name (you can pick the gender and age)
Which variation of Emily do you like best?
Amélie - Alexander William (48)
3. Second Parent's Name (you can pick the gender and age)
Which variation of Christopher do you like the best?
Topher – Katarina Sonje (49)
4. First Child (age 20)
Which virtue name do you like the best?
Faith – DD Loris Meiriona
6. Second Child (age 17)
Which variation of Mary do you like the best?
Mary – DS - Andrew Eugene
8. Third Child (age 14)
Which place name do you like the best?
Paris – DD – Ceridwen Nimue
10. Fourth Child (age 12)
Which color name do you like the best?
Saffron – DD - Anna Bianka “Annushka”
12. Fifth and Sixth Children (age 10)
Which unisex name do you like the best on a BOY?
Robin - DD/DS - Mayim Salacia / Mortimer Phoenix
14. First Adopted Child (age 6)
Which variation of William do you like the best?
Wilhelm – ADS - Borislav Emil
16. Second Adopted Child (age 4)
Which variation of Catherine do you like the best?
Katherine – DD - Adela Emperatriz
18. Bonus
Caspian - Your pregnant sister is moving in with your family and wants help naming her son. Sister's name: Kristina Michele
Baby's name: Marinus Windsor
19. Pet's Species
Which "-ing" name do you like the best?
Sterling – Horse – - Flavius.

LN: Aldana
DH: Dominic Henry Aldana (48)
DW: Kylie Shae Aldana (43)
DS: Darcy Blaise Aldana (age 20)
DS: Ryan Matthew Aldana (age 17)
DD: Chloe Iris Aldana (age 14)
DD: Tabitha Violet Aldana (age 12)
DD/DS: Gwen Phoenix Aldana / Blake Finnian Aldana (age 10)
DD: Sophia Jane Aldana (age 6) (adopted)
DD: Natalie Rachel Aldana (age 4) (adopted)
DS/DS/DD: Moses Benjamin Aldana / Jesse Nathaniel Aldana / Rebekah Mary Aldana (newborns)
Pet Horse: Flavius
DH: Dominic Henry Aldana (48)
DW: Kylie Shae Aldana (43)
DS: Darcy Blaise Aldana (age 20)
DS: Ryan Matthew Aldana (age 17)
DD: Chloe Iris Aldana (age 14)
DD: Tabitha Violet Aldana (age 12)
DD/DS: Gwen Phoenix Aldana / Blake Finnian Aldana (age 10)
DD: Sophia Jane Aldana (age 6) (adopted)
DD: Natalie Rachel Aldana (age 4) (adopted)
DS/DS/DD: Moses Benjamin Aldana / Jesse Nathaniel Aldana / Rebekah Mary Aldana (newborns)
Pet Horse: Flavius
LN: Walker
DW: Ava Seraphina
DH: James Xavier
DD: Eloise Primrose
DS: Donovan Cole
DD: Morrigan Bran
DS: Grayson Ford
DS/DS: Michael Tafari / George Kalani
DD: Viola Kalliope
DS: Charles Etienne "Charlie"
Sister: Elizabeth Shannon
> DNephew: Dylan River
Dog: Azure
DW: Ava Seraphina
DH: James Xavier
DD: Eloise Primrose
DS: Donovan Cole
DD: Morrigan Bran
DS: Grayson Ford
DS/DS: Michael Tafari / George Kalani
DD: Viola Kalliope
DS: Charles Etienne "Charlie"
Sister: Elizabeth Shannon
> DNephew: Dylan River
Dog: Azure
LN: Aldana
DH: Jude William (43)
DW: Lainey Eliora "Laine" (41)
DD: Lacey Lillian (20)
DS: Jacob Samuel (17)
DS: Damon Evander (14)
DS: Roman Spencer (12)
DS/DS: Brenton Douglas "Brent" / Jordan Elijah (10)
AD: Alexandra Maria (6)
AD: Janna Isabella (4)
Sister: Michelle Monica (32)
---DS: Dylan River
Dog: Chloe

Jennifer Nicole
Loving the Names:
Ariella Kathryn, Carrie Marie, Elisabeth Ava, Faith Alexandra, Michaela Reese, Sadie Elisabeth
Cade Preston, Deacon James, Grant William, Jude Hamilton, Roman Spencer
DH: Jude William (43)
DW: Lainey Eliora "Laine" (41)
DD: Lacey Lillian (20)
DS: Jacob Samuel (17)
DS: Damon Evander (14)
DS: Roman Spencer (12)
DS/DS: Brenton Douglas "Brent" / Jordan Elijah (10)
AD: Alexandra Maria (6)
AD: Janna Isabella (4)
Sister: Michelle Monica (32)
---DS: Dylan River
Dog: Chloe
Jennifer Nicole
Loving the Names:
Ariella Kathryn, Carrie Marie, Elisabeth Ava, Faith Alexandra, Michaela Reese, Sadie Elisabeth
Cade Preston, Deacon James, Grant William, Jude Hamilton, Roman Spencer
LN: Zelenko
DW: Adriana
DH: James
DS: Reese
DS: Alexander "Zane"
DD: Daphne
DS: Blaze
DS/DS: Finnian & Raiden "Finn & Ray"
DD: Aniela "Annie"
DD: Esther
My sister's name: Maria
Her son: River
Pet: Horse named Argus
DW: Adriana
DH: James
DS: Reese
DS: Alexander "Zane"
DD: Daphne
DS: Blaze
DS/DS: Finnian & Raiden "Finn & Ray"
DD: Aniela "Annie"
DD: Esther
My sister's name: Maria
Her son: River
Pet: Horse named Argus
LN: Torres
DH: Louis Alberic (46)
DW: Karen Suzette "Suzie" (43)
DS: Ambrose Ross (20)
DD: Rebecca Louise "Becca" (17)
DD: Enid Guinevere (14)
DS: Spencer Royce (12) "Spence"
DD/DD: Amethyst Rose "Amy" / Columbine Jade (10)
AD: Erika Irene (6)
AS: Emilio Hector (4)
AS/AD: Logan Seth / Lucy Scarlett (1)
DCat: Yolanda "Yo-Yo"
'06-'07 jazz sax section leader
'06-'07 flute section leader
'06-'07 lead pan section leader
DH: Louis Alberic (46)
DW: Karen Suzette "Suzie" (43)
DS: Ambrose Ross (20)
DD: Rebecca Louise "Becca" (17)
DD: Enid Guinevere (14)
DS: Spencer Royce (12) "Spence"
DD/DD: Amethyst Rose "Amy" / Columbine Jade (10)
AD: Erika Irene (6)
AS: Emilio Hector (4)
AS/AD: Logan Seth / Lucy Scarlett (1)
DCat: Yolanda "Yo-Yo"
'06-'07 jazz sax section leader
'06-'07 flute section leader
'06-'07 lead pan section leader
Last Name: Solo
Wife (47):Viola Timandra
Husband(49):James Geoffrey
Son(20):Sirius Meirion
Daughter(17):Cordelia Ellen
Daughter (14):Rhea Victoria
Daughter(12): Zara Winifred
Daughter/Daughter(10):Marigold Saffron and Poppy Lavender
Adopted Daughter (6):Genevieve Leona
Adopted Daughter (4):Magdalena Olivia
Daughter(23): Diana Kathryn
Grand-Daughter: Meredith Rosemary
Rabbit: Luminita
Wife (47):Viola Timandra
Husband(49):James Geoffrey
Son(20):Sirius Meirion
Daughter(17):Cordelia Ellen
Daughter (14):Rhea Victoria
Daughter(12): Zara Winifred
Daughter/Daughter(10):Marigold Saffron and Poppy Lavender
Adopted Daughter (6):Genevieve Leona
Adopted Daughter (4):Magdalena Olivia
Daughter(23): Diana Kathryn
Grand-Daughter: Meredith Rosemary
Rabbit: Luminita
LN: Wilson
DH: Ezra Felix (50)
DW: Felicitas Griet "Liss" (46)
DS: Ambrose Reese (20)
DS: Jack Niall (17)
DD: Alexandra Photine "Lux" (14)
DD: Adelaide Belle "Ada" (12)
DD/DS: Abner Delwyn / Blanche Devin (10)
DAD: Julia Adele (6)
DAD: Cilla Gertrude (4)
DAD/DAS: Lara Scarlett / Linus Sullivan (1)
DHorse: Flavius
The Wilson Family
Ezra and Liss
Ambrose, Jack, Lux, Ada, Abner, Blanche, Julia, Cilla, Lara, Linus, and Flavius the horse
"Whatever you are, be a good one."
--Abraham Lincoln
DH: Ezra Felix (50)
DW: Felicitas Griet "Liss" (46)
DS: Ambrose Reese (20)
DS: Jack Niall (17)
DD: Alexandra Photine "Lux" (14)
DD: Adelaide Belle "Ada" (12)
DD/DS: Abner Delwyn / Blanche Devin (10)
DAD: Julia Adele (6)
DAD: Cilla Gertrude (4)
DAD/DAS: Lara Scarlett / Linus Sullivan (1)
DHorse: Flavius
The Wilson Family
Ezra and Liss
Ambrose, Jack, Lux, Ada, Abner, Blanche, Julia, Cilla, Lara, Linus, and Flavius the horse
"Whatever you are, be a good one."
--Abraham Lincoln
Bette Estelle Garcia Moore 38
Layne Koret Moore 45
Dusty Brais Moore 20
Arlie Lillian Moore 17
Damon Orion Moore 14
Finnegan Grady Moore 12 'Finn'
Mason Anthony Moore 10
Torsten Stephen Moore 10
Bella Maive Moore 6
Nikolas Straton Moore 4 'Niko'
Romeo Sebastian Moore 0
Rocco Mario Moore 0
Viola Francesca Moore 0
Dog: Chloe
**Disclaimer: None of the ideas above are mind. They are given to me by Luther and Fernando, the 10 inch space aliens living under my desk. In return they are given permission to eat any dust bunnies they may find.
LN: Mortensen
DW: Elizabeth Rose (43)
DH: Baxter Jonathan (41)
DS: Reese Alphonse (20)
DS: Noah William (17)
DS: Conall Fionn (14)
DS: Aidan Bentley (12)
DS/DS: Brenton Ash / Elijah Jordan (10)
AD: Viola Sophia (6)
AD: Emma Annemarie (4)
DSister: Lisa Kathleen
DNephew: Kai Kenton
DDog: Azure
DW: Elizabeth Rose (43)
DH: Baxter Jonathan (41)
DS: Reese Alphonse (20)
DS: Noah William (17)
DS: Conall Fionn (14)
DS: Aidan Bentley (12)
DS/DS: Brenton Ash / Elijah Jordan (10)
AD: Viola Sophia (6)
AD: Emma Annemarie (4)
DSister: Lisa Kathleen
DNephew: Kai Kenton
DDog: Azure
This message was edited 8/10/2006, 10:28 PM
1. Last Name
Which variation of Anne do you like the best?
Anna - http://surnames.behindthename.com/top/lists/100uss1990.php
2. First Parent's Name (you can pick the gender and age)
Which variation of Emily do you like best?
Emily - http://www.behindthename.com/namesakes/lists/saintalpha.php
3. Second Parent's Name (you can pick the gender and age)
Which variation of Christopher do you like the best?
Christopher - http://www.behindthename.com/updates/update63.php
4. First Child (age 20)
Which virtue name do you like the best?
Grace - DS
5. First Child's Name
Which flower name do you like the best?
Rose - http://www.behindthename.com/php/search.php?terms=ros*+*se&nmd=n&gender=both&operator=or
6. Second Child (age 17)
Which variation of Mary do you like the best?
Maria - DS
7. Second Child's Name
Which common name do you like the best?
Sarah - http://www.behindthename.com/top/lists/100ir2002.php
8. Third Child (age 14)
Which place name do you like the best?
York - DD
9. Third Child's Name
Which ancient or mythological name do you like the best?
Ceridwen - http://www.behindthename.com/nmc/wel-myth.php
Which variation of Anne do you like the best?
Anna - http://surnames.behindthename.com/top/lists/100uss1990.php
2. First Parent's Name (you can pick the gender and age)
Which variation of Emily do you like best?
Emily - http://www.behindthename.com/namesakes/lists/saintalpha.php
3. Second Parent's Name (you can pick the gender and age)
Which variation of Christopher do you like the best?
Christopher - http://www.behindthename.com/updates/update63.php
4. First Child (age 20)
Which virtue name do you like the best?
Grace - DS
5. First Child's Name
Which flower name do you like the best?
Rose - http://www.behindthename.com/php/search.php?terms=ros*+*se&nmd=n&gender=both&operator=or
6. Second Child (age 17)
Which variation of Mary do you like the best?
Maria - DS
7. Second Child's Name
Which common name do you like the best?
Sarah - http://www.behindthename.com/top/lists/100ir2002.php
8. Third Child (age 14)
Which place name do you like the best?
York - DD
9. Third Child's Name
Which ancient or mythological name do you like the best?
Ceridwen - http://www.behindthename.com/nmc/wel-myth.php
Lots of kids! (Still very fun, though)
LN: Clark
DH: Arthur Jack (49)
DW: Elisabeth Praise (43)
DS: Oliver Ignaas (20)
DS: Henry Lawrence (17)
DD: Luciana Virginia (14)
DD: Juliet Lark (12)
DD/DS: Susanna Lavinia / Moses Theophilus (10)
DD: Alexandra Antonia (6)
DD: Rosa Candela (4)
DS/DS/DD: Harry Joseph / Arthur King / Eloise Jane (0)
DCat: Phoebe
Arthur and Elisabeth
Oliver, Henry, Luciana, Juliet, Susanna, Moses, Alexandra, Rosa, Harry, Arthur, and Eloise
LN: Clark
DH: Arthur Jack (49)
DW: Elisabeth Praise (43)
DS: Oliver Ignaas (20)
DS: Henry Lawrence (17)
DD: Luciana Virginia (14)
DD: Juliet Lark (12)
DD/DS: Susanna Lavinia / Moses Theophilus (10)
DD: Alexandra Antonia (6)
DD: Rosa Candela (4)
DS/DS/DD: Harry Joseph / Arthur King / Eloise Jane (0)
DCat: Phoebe
Arthur and Elisabeth
Oliver, Henry, Luciana, Juliet, Susanna, Moses, Alexandra, Rosa, Harry, Arthur, and Eloise
1. Last Name
Which variation of Anne do you like the best?
Anna - http://surnames.behindthename.com/top/lists/100uss1990.php
2. First Parent's Name (you can pick the gender and age)
Which variation of Emily do you like best?
Amélie - http://www.behindthename.com/namesakes/lists/bardindiv.php
3. Second Parent's Name (you can pick the gender and age)
Which variation of Christopher do you like the best?
Christopher - http://www.behindthename.com/updates/update63.php
4. First Child (age 20)
Which virtue name do you like the best?
Hope - DD
5. First Child's Name
Which flower name do you like the best?
Lily - http://www.behindthename.com/php/search.php?terms=lil*+*ly+l*y&nmd=n&gender=both&operator=or
6. Second Child (age 17)
Which variation of Mary do you like the best?
Molly - DD
7. Second Child's Name
Which common name do you like the best?
William - http://www.behindthename.com/top/lists/100sw2004.php
8. Third Child (age 14)
Which place name do you like the best?
Indiana - DS
9. Third Child's Name
Which ancient or mythological name do you like the best?
Morrigan - http://www.behindthename.com/nmc/iri-myth.php
10. Fourth Child (age 12)
Which variation of Anne do you like the best?
Anna - http://surnames.behindthename.com/top/lists/100uss1990.php
2. First Parent's Name (you can pick the gender and age)
Which variation of Emily do you like best?
Amélie - http://www.behindthename.com/namesakes/lists/bardindiv.php
3. Second Parent's Name (you can pick the gender and age)
Which variation of Christopher do you like the best?
Christopher - http://www.behindthename.com/updates/update63.php
4. First Child (age 20)
Which virtue name do you like the best?
Hope - DD
5. First Child's Name
Which flower name do you like the best?
Lily - http://www.behindthename.com/php/search.php?terms=lil*+*ly+l*y&nmd=n&gender=both&operator=or
6. Second Child (age 17)
Which variation of Mary do you like the best?
Molly - DD
7. Second Child's Name
Which common name do you like the best?
William - http://www.behindthename.com/top/lists/100sw2004.php
8. Third Child (age 14)
Which place name do you like the best?
Indiana - DS
9. Third Child's Name
Which ancient or mythological name do you like the best?
Morrigan - http://www.behindthename.com/nmc/iri-myth.php
10. Fourth Child (age 12)
so much fun.
LN: Gray
DH: Frederick Winston (46)
DW: Eliora Charisma (43)
DS: Ambrose Blaise (20)
DS: Everett Theodore (17)
DS: Callias Nicodemus (14)
DD: Verity Sophia (12)
DS/DS: Miles Branimir / Dieter Sebastian (10)
AD: Agnes Marcella "Aggie" (6)
AD: Charis Artemisia (4)
DS/DS/DD: Atticus Edward / Cedric Nicholas / Hermione Eliza (newborn)
DDog: Clancy
LN: Gray
DH: Frederick Winston (46)
DW: Eliora Charisma (43)
DS: Ambrose Blaise (20)
DS: Everett Theodore (17)
DS: Callias Nicodemus (14)
DD: Verity Sophia (12)
DS/DS: Miles Branimir / Dieter Sebastian (10)
AD: Agnes Marcella "Aggie" (6)
AD: Charis Artemisia (4)
DS/DS/DD: Atticus Edward / Cedric Nicholas / Hermione Eliza (newborn)
DDog: Clancy
Last Name: Bell
DW: Ophelia Beatrice, 40
DH: Augustin Baldovino, 43
DS: Lachlan Judah, 20
DD: Molly Claire, 17
DS: Lancelot Owain, 14
DS: Stellan Roderic, 12
DS/DS: Winston Adonis / Stanford Perseus, 10
DAS: Florian Achille, 6
DAS: Zef Arie, 4
DD/DS/DS: Artemis Violet / Hercule Vonnegut / Huxley Oswyn, new born
DRabbit: Flavius
Ophelia, Augustin (can't type the thing over the i), Lachlan, Molly, Lancelot, Stellan, Winston, Stanford, Florian, Zef, Artemis, Hercule, Huxley, and Flavius Bell! (So many boys! Poor Artemis and Molly and especially poor Ophelia!)
DW: Ophelia Beatrice, 40
DH: Augustin Baldovino, 43
DS: Lachlan Judah, 20
DD: Molly Claire, 17
DS: Lancelot Owain, 14
DS: Stellan Roderic, 12
DS/DS: Winston Adonis / Stanford Perseus, 10
DAS: Florian Achille, 6
DAS: Zef Arie, 4
DD/DS/DS: Artemis Violet / Hercule Vonnegut / Huxley Oswyn, new born
DRabbit: Flavius
Ophelia, Augustin (can't type the thing over the i), Lachlan, Molly, Lancelot, Stellan, Winston, Stanford, Florian, Zef, Artemis, Hercule, Huxley, and Flavius Bell! (So many boys! Poor Artemis and Molly and especially poor Ophelia!)
LN: Aiza
DH: Dustin Spencer
DW: Jasmin Chiyo
DS: Judah Liam (20)
DS: Cameron Wyatt (17)
DD: Sophia Photine (14)
DD: Bethany Alba (12)
DS/DS: Soloman Anwar "Solly" / Charles Gunnar "Charlie" (10)
AD: Rebeka Edith "Bekky" (6)
AD: Sibylla Xene "Sibby" (4)
DSister: Renee Erica
---DNephew: Kelvin Lake
DBird: Azure

DH: Dustin Spencer
DW: Jasmin Chiyo
DS: Judah Liam (20)
DS: Cameron Wyatt (17)
DD: Sophia Photine (14)
DD: Bethany Alba (12)
DS/DS: Soloman Anwar "Solly" / Charles Gunnar "Charlie" (10)
AD: Rebeka Edith "Bekky" (6)
AD: Sibylla Xene "Sibby" (4)
DSister: Renee Erica
---DNephew: Kelvin Lake
DBird: Azure

Last Name: Thorn
DW: Marie Pearl
DH: Kasper Joseph Morgan
DD: Liadan Agnes (20)
DD: Linnea Sofie (17)
DS: Evander Jove (14)
DD: Gwyneth Ella (12)
DS/DS: Torsten Arthur / Garnet Wystan (10)
ADD: Hanna Claire (6) (China)
ADD: Esmee Alison (4) (China)
DS/DS/DD: Atticus John / Dillon Harry / Harper Joanne
Kasper & Marie,
Liadan, Linnea, Evander, Gwyneth, Torsten, Garnet, Hanna, Esmee, Atticus, Dillon, and Harper.
DCat: Flavius
!!!!!: Morgaine, Arthur, Vivianne, Lancelot, & Guinevere
???????: William, Charles, Percival, Frederick, George, Ronald, & Ginevra
....: Peter, Susan, Edmund, & Lucy
DW: Marie Pearl
DH: Kasper Joseph Morgan
DD: Liadan Agnes (20)
DD: Linnea Sofie (17)
DS: Evander Jove (14)
DD: Gwyneth Ella (12)
DS/DS: Torsten Arthur / Garnet Wystan (10)
ADD: Hanna Claire (6) (China)
ADD: Esmee Alison (4) (China)
DS/DS/DD: Atticus John / Dillon Harry / Harper Joanne
Kasper & Marie,
Liadan, Linnea, Evander, Gwyneth, Torsten, Garnet, Hanna, Esmee, Atticus, Dillon, and Harper.
DCat: Flavius
!!!!!: Morgaine, Arthur, Vivianne, Lancelot, & Guinevere
???????: William, Charles, Percival, Frederick, George, Ronald, & Ginevra
....: Peter, Susan, Edmund, & Lucy
LN: Collins
Which variation of Anne do you like the best? ~ Anna
DW: Abigail Mary
Which variation of Emily do you like best? ~ Amelia
DH: Stewart Lionel
Which variation of Christopher do you like the best? ~ Kester
DS: Willy Lindsey (age 20)
Which virtue name do you like the best? ~ Felicity - DS
Which flower name do you like the best? ~ Lily
DD: Lena Beatrice (age 17)
Which variation of Mary do you like the best? ~ Moira - DD
Which common name do you like the best? ~ Mary
DD: Flora Diana (age 14)
Which place name do you like the best? ~ York - DD
Which ancient or mythological name do you like the best? ~ Lavinia
DS: Clement Branson "Clem" (age 12)
Which color name do you like the best? ~ Scarlet - DS
Which surname do you like the best? ~ Campbell
DS/DS: Stephan Ebenezer / Stanley Garnet "Stan" (age 10)
Which unisex name do you like the best on a BOY? ~ Mackenzie - DS/DS
Which unisex name do you like the best on a GIRL? ~ Morgan
DD: Prudence Estelle "Pru" (age 6)
Which variation of Anne do you like the best? ~ Anna
DW: Abigail Mary
Which variation of Emily do you like best? ~ Amelia
DH: Stewart Lionel
Which variation of Christopher do you like the best? ~ Kester
DS: Willy Lindsey (age 20)
Which virtue name do you like the best? ~ Felicity - DS
Which flower name do you like the best? ~ Lily
DD: Lena Beatrice (age 17)
Which variation of Mary do you like the best? ~ Moira - DD
Which common name do you like the best? ~ Mary
DD: Flora Diana (age 14)
Which place name do you like the best? ~ York - DD
Which ancient or mythological name do you like the best? ~ Lavinia
DS: Clement Branson "Clem" (age 12)
Which color name do you like the best? ~ Scarlet - DS
Which surname do you like the best? ~ Campbell
DS/DS: Stephan Ebenezer / Stanley Garnet "Stan" (age 10)
Which unisex name do you like the best on a BOY? ~ Mackenzie - DS/DS
Which unisex name do you like the best on a GIRL? ~ Morgan
DD: Prudence Estelle "Pru" (age 6)
(Anne) LN: Murphy
(Emilia) DH: Elias Simon (45)
(Christopher) DW: Selah Mariam (42)
(Faith, Lily) DD: Liliana Kelly "Lily" (20)
(Mary, William) DS: Elias Simon Jr. (17)
(Indiana, Ceridwen) DS: Dylan Owain "Dom" (14)
(Scarlet, Quinn) DS: Nicolas Oliver "Nick" (12)
(Morgan, Kelsey) DS/DS: Elijah River and Phoenix Ash (10)
(William, May) AD: Maya Elena (6)
(Katherine, Xiomara) AD: Isabel Benigna (4)
(Caspian) Sister: Jennifer Melanie "Jenna" (38)
(Caspian) Sister's Son: Kendall Conway "Kenny" (nby)
(Sterling, Jade) Horse: Chloe (female, 6)
My lovely PPs!
!!! Phoenix and Zachary (twins) and Katya
LN: Zimmermann
DH: Ezra James (53)
DW: Elizabeth Godelieve "Lizzie" (49)
DS: Blaise Alphonse (20)
DD: Elsa Isabelle (17)
DS: Remus Evander (14)
DS: Gage Felix (12)
DS/DS: Elijah Douglas / Jordan Leander (10)
AD: Emma Sigrid (6)
AD: Clementina Elena "Tina" (4)
DAunt: Angela Dawn
DNephew: Lincoln Conway
DHampster: Violet "Lettie"
Is this judged?
DH: Ezra James (53)
DW: Elizabeth Godelieve "Lizzie" (49)
DS: Blaise Alphonse (20)
DD: Elsa Isabelle (17)
DS: Remus Evander (14)
DS: Gage Felix (12)
DS/DS: Elijah Douglas / Jordan Leander (10)
AD: Emma Sigrid (6)
AD: Clementina Elena "Tina" (4)
DAunt: Angela Dawn
DNephew: Lincoln Conway
DHampster: Violet "Lettie"
Is this judged?
This message was edited 8/10/2006, 7:05 PM
No, it's just for fun. Also, small mistake...
The sister's baby is a boy.
Friendship is more lasting than love, and more legal than stalking.
-Jane, Coupling
The sister's baby is a boy.
Friendship is more lasting than love, and more legal than stalking.
-Jane, Coupling
This message was edited 8/10/2006, 7:02 PM
LN: King
DH: Aaron Samson (55)
DW: Alea Liora (53)
DD: Lily Lyndsay (20)
DS: Alexander Aron (17)
DS: Remus Italus (14)
DS: Greyson Eric (12)
DD/DD: Cordelia Eponine/ Cressida Cosette (10)
AD: Lena Alexander (6)
AS: Nikolaas Christiaan (4)
AS/AD: Luke Sawyer / Lydia Selene (1)
DHorse: Chloe
I looooove these!
1. Last Name
Which variation of Anne do you like the best?
2. First Parent's Name
Which variation of Emily do you like best?
DW: Desdemona Rosalind (35)
3. Second Parent's Name
Which variation of Christopher do you like the best?
DH: Morgan York (36)
4. First Child (age 20)
Which virtue name do you like the best?
Felicity - DS
5. First Child's Name
Which flower name do you like the best?
Sirius Eirik
6. Second Child (age 17)
Which variation of Mary do you like the best?
Marieke - DS
7. Second Child's Name
Which common name do you like the best?
Finley Pierce "Finn"
8. Third Child (age 14)
Which place name do you like the best?
York - DD
9. Third Child's Name
Which ancient or mythological name do you like the best?
Maeve Grainne
10. Fourth Child (age 12)
Which color name do you like the best?
Saffron - DD
11. Fourth Child's Name
Which surname do you like the best?
Phoenix Rosalie
12. Fifth and Sixth Children (age 10)
Which unisex name do you like the best on a BOY?
Morgan - DS/DS
13. Fifth and Sixth Children's Names
Which unisex name do you like the best on a GIRL?
1. Last Name
Which variation of Anne do you like the best?
2. First Parent's Name
Which variation of Emily do you like best?
DW: Desdemona Rosalind (35)
3. Second Parent's Name
Which variation of Christopher do you like the best?
DH: Morgan York (36)
4. First Child (age 20)
Which virtue name do you like the best?
Felicity - DS
5. First Child's Name
Which flower name do you like the best?
Sirius Eirik
6. Second Child (age 17)
Which variation of Mary do you like the best?
Marieke - DS
7. Second Child's Name
Which common name do you like the best?
Finley Pierce "Finn"
8. Third Child (age 14)
Which place name do you like the best?
York - DD
9. Third Child's Name
Which ancient or mythological name do you like the best?
Maeve Grainne
10. Fourth Child (age 12)
Which color name do you like the best?
Saffron - DD
11. Fourth Child's Name
Which surname do you like the best?
Phoenix Rosalie
12. Fifth and Sixth Children (age 10)
Which unisex name do you like the best on a BOY?
Morgan - DS/DS
13. Fifth and Sixth Children's Names
Which unisex name do you like the best on a GIRL?
LN: Wasylyk
DH: Aidan Francis (45)
DW: Lorea Maeve (42)
DS: Oliver Nolan (20)
DD: Paige Emily (17)
DS: Damon Evander (14)
DD: Sofia Rosalind (12)
DS/DS: Leander Simon "Lee" / Reuben Stanley (10)
DaD: Eva Nadezda (6)
DaS: Gabriel Hector "Gabe" (4)
DSister: Erica Julie (31)
DNephew: Kenton Douglas "Kent" (newborn)
DHamster: Whitaker
Friendship is more lasting than love, and more legal than stalking.
-Jane, Coupling
LN: Wasylyk
DH: Aidan Francis (45)
DW: Lorea Maeve (42)
DS: Oliver Nolan (20)
DD: Paige Emily (17)
DS: Damon Evander (14)
DD: Sofia Rosalind (12)
DS/DS: Leander Simon "Lee" / Reuben Stanley (10)
DaD: Eva Nadezda (6)
DaS: Gabriel Hector "Gabe" (4)
DSister: Erica Julie (31)
DNephew: Kenton Douglas "Kent" (newborn)
DHamster: Whitaker
Friendship is more lasting than love, and more legal than stalking.
-Jane, Coupling
This message was edited 8/10/2006, 6:46 PM