[Games] Rachel's 20 Question CAF
Welcome to Rachel's 20 Question CAF. Answer the questions to determine the genders and naming rules. Choose the name you like best or hate lest. Have fun!
1. Last Name
Which virtue name do you like best?
Hope: http://surnames.behindthename.com/php/search.php?terms=Chinese&title=Chinese+Names&type=u
Destiny: http://surnames.behindthename.com/php/search.php?terms=Japanese&title=Japanese+Names&type=u
Love: http://surnames.behindthename.com/php/search.php?terms=Icelandic&title=Icelandic+Names&type=u
Faith: http://surnames.behindthename.com/php/search.php?terms=Jewish&title=Jewish+Names&type=u
Peace: http://surnames.behindthename.com/php/search.php?terms=Scottish&title=Scottish+Names&type=u
2. Dear Husand's Name
Which form of Alexander do you perfer?
Alexander: http://behindthename.com/nmc/fri.php
Alastair: http://behindthename.com/nmc/theo.php
Alec: http://behindthename.com/nmc/khm.php
Shura: http://behindthename.com/nmc/chi.php
Alesandro: http://behindthename.com/nmc/tur.php
3. Dear Wife's Name
Which flower name to you like best?
Rose: http://www.behindthename.com/php/search.php?terms=daughter&nmd=m&suppress=yes&title=Daughter+Names&heading=none
Lily: http://www.behindthename.com/php/search.php?terms=mother&nmd=m&suppress=yes&title=Motherly+Names&heading=none
Dahlia: http://www.behindthename.com/php/search.php?terms=ruby+emerald+sapphire+gem+diamond&nmd=m&suppress=yes&title=Gemstone+Names&heading=none
Lilac: http://www.behindthename.com/php/search.php?terms=king+queen+emperor+empress&nmd=d&suppress=yes&title=Royal+Names&heading=none
Violet: http://www.behindthename.com/php/search.php?terms=moon&nmd=m&suppress=yes&title=Moon+Names&heading=none
4. First Child's Gender
What continent do you live on?
North America: DS
Europe: DD
Other: DD
5. Fist Child's Name
Which name do you perfer?
Velma: http://behindthename.com/top/lists/100us1900s.php
Maxine: http://behindthename.com/top/lists/100us1910s.php
Ellen: http://behindthename.com/top/lists/100us1920s.php
Julia: http://behindthename.com/top/lists/100us1930s.php
Dianne: http://behindthename.com/top/lists/100us1940s.php
6. Second Childs Gender
How old are you
10-20: DD
21-30: DS
31-40: DD
41 +: DS
7. Which form of Elizabeth to you prefer?
Elizabeth: http://behindthename.com/anagram/anagram1.php
Isabel: http://behindthename.com/anagram/anagram2.php
Lisette: http://behindthename.com/anagram/anagram3.php
Maribel: http://behindthename.com/anagram/anagram4.php
Zsoka: http://behindthename.com/anagram/anagram5.php
8. Third and Fourth Child’s Genders
What color is your hair (naturally)?
Blonde: DD/DS
Brown: DS/DS
Black: DS/DD
Red: DD/DD
9. Third and Fourth Child Names.
Which name to you like LEAST?
Shane: http://behindthename.com/top/lists/100ni2001.php
Jose: http://behindthename.com/top/lists/100ct2003.php
Oliver: http://behindthename.com/top/lists/100hu2004.php
Christian: http://behindthename.com/top/lists/100au2005.php
Anthony: http://behindthename.com/top/lists/100ca2005.php
10. Fifth Child Gender
Do you have children?
Yes: DS
No: DD
11. Fifth Child Naming
Which unisex name do you like best on a girl?
Riley: http://behindthename.com/nmc/eng3.php
Devin: http://behindthename.com/nmc/eng9.php
Hayden: http://behindthename.com/nmc/eng6.php
Brooke: http://behindthename.com/nmc/eng16.php
Leslie: http://behindthename.com/nmc/eng7.php
12. Pet 1 Species
What color shirt are you wearing right now?
Blue, Purple, Green: Lizard
Red, Yellow, Orange: Dog
White, Black, Grey: Cat
Other/No shirt on: Horse
13. Pet Naming
Which ‘Fairy’* Name would you most likely use on a human?
Starmoon: A day of the week
Sugarnose: A month
Snowwing: A number
Quicktoes: A color (that is well known)
Giggleglow: One of these 5 names.
14. Pet 2 Species
What does your computer sit on?
A Corner Desk: Gerbil
A Table: Mouse
A Desk: Hamster
Other: Rat
15. Pet 2 Name
Which ‘Kreatve’* name do you like best (by spelling and sound)
Vyncynte: http://behindthename.com/nmc/pac-myth.php
Theeodoar: http://behindthename.com/nmc/chr-myth.php
Dareeque: http://behindthename.com/nmc/ame-myth.php
Da'shonda: http://behindthename.com/nmc/far-myth.php
Mawrkuss: http://behindthename.com/nmc/sla-myth.php
16. Pet 3 Species
What shape do you like best?
Star: Cat
Heart: Dog
Crescent: Bird
Square: Snake
17. Pet 3 Name
Which ‘Hillbilly’* name do you prefer?
Barnfarmer: http://behindthename.com/nmc/cel-anci.php
Hogtoter: http://behindthename.com/nmc/ger-anci.php
Potatoeater: http://behindthename.com/nmc/astr.php
Hoghauler: http://behindthename.com/nmc/tha.php
Coweater: http://behindthename.com/nmc/man.php
18. Pet 4
Species anything you want
Which “Witch’* name is the coolest?
Dragonspit: http://behindthename.com/nmc/eng-m.php
Fearspoon: http://behindthename.com/nmc/eng-m2.php
Stewfire: http://behindthename.com/nmc/sca-myth.php
Leatherspoon: http://behindthename.com/nmc/iri-myth.php
Fearspit: http://behindthename.com/nmc/ice.php
19. Be honost
Did you enjoy this?
Yes: A child, gender your choice
No: A Pet, species your choice
Kind of: Your choice of pet or person!
20. Naming (For pet, only take the first name, or if you want, both)
Which Native American Name do you like best?
Aylen: http://behindthename.com/random/random.php?number=2&gender=both&surname=&all=no&usage_eng=1&usage_jap=1&usage_hb=1
Maiara: http://behindthename.com/random/random.php?number=2&gender=both&surname=&all=no&usage_alb=1&usage_ind=1&usage_goth=1
Nina: http://behindthename.com/random/random.php?number=2&gender=both&surname=&all=no&usage_dut=1&usage_lth=1&usage_myth=1
Rayen: http://behindthename.com/random/random.php?number=2&gender=both&surname=&all=no&usage_jew=1&usage_vie=1&usage_theo=1
Wayra: http://behindthename.com/random/random.php?number=2&gender=both&surname=&all=no&usage_afr=1&usage_slk=1&usage_hist=1
*- Names from generator

1. Last Name
Which virtue name do you like best?
Hope: http://surnames.behindthename.com/php/search.php?terms=Chinese&title=Chinese+Names&type=u
Destiny: http://surnames.behindthename.com/php/search.php?terms=Japanese&title=Japanese+Names&type=u
Love: http://surnames.behindthename.com/php/search.php?terms=Icelandic&title=Icelandic+Names&type=u
Faith: http://surnames.behindthename.com/php/search.php?terms=Jewish&title=Jewish+Names&type=u
Peace: http://surnames.behindthename.com/php/search.php?terms=Scottish&title=Scottish+Names&type=u
2. Dear Husand's Name
Which form of Alexander do you perfer?
Alexander: http://behindthename.com/nmc/fri.php
Alastair: http://behindthename.com/nmc/theo.php
Alec: http://behindthename.com/nmc/khm.php
Shura: http://behindthename.com/nmc/chi.php
Alesandro: http://behindthename.com/nmc/tur.php
3. Dear Wife's Name
Which flower name to you like best?
Rose: http://www.behindthename.com/php/search.php?terms=daughter&nmd=m&suppress=yes&title=Daughter+Names&heading=none
Lily: http://www.behindthename.com/php/search.php?terms=mother&nmd=m&suppress=yes&title=Motherly+Names&heading=none
Dahlia: http://www.behindthename.com/php/search.php?terms=ruby+emerald+sapphire+gem+diamond&nmd=m&suppress=yes&title=Gemstone+Names&heading=none
Lilac: http://www.behindthename.com/php/search.php?terms=king+queen+emperor+empress&nmd=d&suppress=yes&title=Royal+Names&heading=none
Violet: http://www.behindthename.com/php/search.php?terms=moon&nmd=m&suppress=yes&title=Moon+Names&heading=none
4. First Child's Gender
What continent do you live on?
North America: DS
Europe: DD
Other: DD
5. Fist Child's Name
Which name do you perfer?
Velma: http://behindthename.com/top/lists/100us1900s.php
Maxine: http://behindthename.com/top/lists/100us1910s.php
Ellen: http://behindthename.com/top/lists/100us1920s.php
Julia: http://behindthename.com/top/lists/100us1930s.php
Dianne: http://behindthename.com/top/lists/100us1940s.php
6. Second Childs Gender
How old are you
10-20: DD
21-30: DS
31-40: DD
41 +: DS
7. Which form of Elizabeth to you prefer?
Elizabeth: http://behindthename.com/anagram/anagram1.php
Isabel: http://behindthename.com/anagram/anagram2.php
Lisette: http://behindthename.com/anagram/anagram3.php
Maribel: http://behindthename.com/anagram/anagram4.php
Zsoka: http://behindthename.com/anagram/anagram5.php
8. Third and Fourth Child’s Genders
What color is your hair (naturally)?
Blonde: DD/DS
Brown: DS/DS
Black: DS/DD
Red: DD/DD
9. Third and Fourth Child Names.
Which name to you like LEAST?
Shane: http://behindthename.com/top/lists/100ni2001.php
Jose: http://behindthename.com/top/lists/100ct2003.php
Oliver: http://behindthename.com/top/lists/100hu2004.php
Christian: http://behindthename.com/top/lists/100au2005.php
Anthony: http://behindthename.com/top/lists/100ca2005.php
10. Fifth Child Gender
Do you have children?
Yes: DS
No: DD
11. Fifth Child Naming
Which unisex name do you like best on a girl?
Riley: http://behindthename.com/nmc/eng3.php
Devin: http://behindthename.com/nmc/eng9.php
Hayden: http://behindthename.com/nmc/eng6.php
Brooke: http://behindthename.com/nmc/eng16.php
Leslie: http://behindthename.com/nmc/eng7.php
12. Pet 1 Species
What color shirt are you wearing right now?
Blue, Purple, Green: Lizard
Red, Yellow, Orange: Dog
White, Black, Grey: Cat
Other/No shirt on: Horse
13. Pet Naming
Which ‘Fairy’* Name would you most likely use on a human?
Starmoon: A day of the week
Sugarnose: A month
Snowwing: A number
Quicktoes: A color (that is well known)
Giggleglow: One of these 5 names.
14. Pet 2 Species
What does your computer sit on?
A Corner Desk: Gerbil
A Table: Mouse
A Desk: Hamster
Other: Rat
15. Pet 2 Name
Which ‘Kreatve’* name do you like best (by spelling and sound)
Vyncynte: http://behindthename.com/nmc/pac-myth.php
Theeodoar: http://behindthename.com/nmc/chr-myth.php
Dareeque: http://behindthename.com/nmc/ame-myth.php
Da'shonda: http://behindthename.com/nmc/far-myth.php
Mawrkuss: http://behindthename.com/nmc/sla-myth.php
16. Pet 3 Species
What shape do you like best?
Star: Cat
Heart: Dog
Crescent: Bird
Square: Snake
17. Pet 3 Name
Which ‘Hillbilly’* name do you prefer?
Barnfarmer: http://behindthename.com/nmc/cel-anci.php
Hogtoter: http://behindthename.com/nmc/ger-anci.php
Potatoeater: http://behindthename.com/nmc/astr.php
Hoghauler: http://behindthename.com/nmc/tha.php
Coweater: http://behindthename.com/nmc/man.php
18. Pet 4
Species anything you want
Which “Witch’* name is the coolest?
Dragonspit: http://behindthename.com/nmc/eng-m.php
Fearspoon: http://behindthename.com/nmc/eng-m2.php
Stewfire: http://behindthename.com/nmc/sca-myth.php
Leatherspoon: http://behindthename.com/nmc/iri-myth.php
Fearspit: http://behindthename.com/nmc/ice.php
19. Be honost
Did you enjoy this?
Yes: A child, gender your choice
No: A Pet, species your choice
Kind of: Your choice of pet or person!
20. Naming (For pet, only take the first name, or if you want, both)
Which Native American Name do you like best?
Aylen: http://behindthename.com/random/random.php?number=2&gender=both&surname=&all=no&usage_eng=1&usage_jap=1&usage_hb=1
Maiara: http://behindthename.com/random/random.php?number=2&gender=both&surname=&all=no&usage_alb=1&usage_ind=1&usage_goth=1
Nina: http://behindthename.com/random/random.php?number=2&gender=both&surname=&all=no&usage_dut=1&usage_lth=1&usage_myth=1
Rayen: http://behindthename.com/random/random.php?number=2&gender=both&surname=&all=no&usage_jew=1&usage_vie=1&usage_theo=1
Wayra: http://behindthename.com/random/random.php?number=2&gender=both&surname=&all=no&usage_afr=1&usage_slk=1&usage_hist=1
*- Names from generator

This message was edited 8/13/2006, 1:11 PM
Last Name
Dear Husand
Siemen Kai
Dear Wife
Isabel Adanna
First Child
George William
Second Child
Eleanor Catharine "Ella"
Third and Fourth Children
Paul David and Owen Rhys
Fifth Child
Violet Zoe
Sixth Child
Katey Denver
Pet 1
Lizard, Seven
Pet 2
Hamster, Pele
Pet 3
Cat, Vega
Pet 4
Cat, Niamh
Final Family
LN: Wolff
DH: Siemen Kai
DW: Isabel Adanna
DS: George William
DD: Eleanor Catharine "Ella"
DS/DS: Paul David / Owen Rhys
DD: Violet Zoe
DD: Katey Denver
DLizard: Seven
DHamster: Pele
DCat: Vega
DCat: Niamh
<>< miss lissa <><
<>< matthew 4:19 <><
Dear Husand
Siemen Kai
Dear Wife
Isabel Adanna
First Child
George William
Second Child
Eleanor Catharine "Ella"
Third and Fourth Children
Paul David and Owen Rhys
Fifth Child
Violet Zoe
Sixth Child
Katey Denver
Pet 1
Lizard, Seven
Pet 2
Hamster, Pele
Pet 3
Cat, Vega
Pet 4
Cat, Niamh
Final Family
LN: Wolff
DH: Siemen Kai
DW: Isabel Adanna
DS: George William
DD: Eleanor Catharine "Ella"
DS/DS: Paul David / Owen Rhys
DD: Violet Zoe
DD: Katey Denver
DLizard: Seven
DHamster: Pele
DCat: Vega
DCat: Niamh
<>< miss lissa <><
<>< matthew 4:19 <><
This message was edited 8/14/2006, 10:42 AM
LN: Levine
DH: Kai Fedde
DW: Candace Moa
DD: Emma Jo
DS: Alec Caden
DS/DS: Hayden Christopher / Matthew Noah
DD: Zara Wren
DD: Josslyn Kiley
Cat: Seven
Hamster: Zaramama
Dog: Brennus
Dog: Ferne
DH: Kai Fedde
DW: Candace Moa
DD: Emma Jo
DS: Alec Caden
DS/DS: Hayden Christopher / Matthew Noah
DD: Zara Wren
DD: Josslyn Kiley
Cat: Seven
Hamster: Zaramama
Dog: Brennus
Dog: Ferne
LN: Sherman
DH: Gerrit Kai
DW: Isabel Adannaya
DS: William Joseph "Liam"
DD: Ariella Lacey
DS/DS: David Alexander / Benjamin Adam "Ben"
DD: Carrie Celeste
DD: Abigail Sierra "Abby"
Cat: Eleven "Ellie"
Hamster: Pele
Dog: Cadeyrn "Cade"
Dog: Bridget

Jennifer Nicole
Loving the Names:
Ariella Kathryn, Carrie Marie, Elisabeth Ava, Faith Alexandra, Michaela Reese, Sadie Elisabeth
Cade Preston, Deacon James, Grant William, Jude Hamilton, Roman Spencer
DH: Gerrit Kai
DW: Isabel Adannaya
DS: William Joseph "Liam"
DD: Ariella Lacey
DS/DS: David Alexander / Benjamin Adam "Ben"
DD: Carrie Celeste
DD: Abigail Sierra "Abby"
Cat: Eleven "Ellie"
Hamster: Pele
Dog: Cadeyrn "Cade"
Dog: Bridget
Jennifer Nicole
Loving the Names:
Ariella Kathryn, Carrie Marie, Elisabeth Ava, Faith Alexandra, Michaela Reese, Sadie Elisabeth
Cade Preston, Deacon James, Grant William, Jude Hamilton, Roman Spencer
LN: Wirth
DH: Satan Lucifer (lol)
DW: Winona Batel
DS: Milton Eugene
DS: Arian Beli
DD/DS: Eimear Jodie/ Lorcan Lewis
DD: Hortensia Jaslyn
Bonus DS: Nitin Kalidas
DDog: Sunday
DHamster: Izanami
DBird: Odovacar
DDragon: Gerd
.Catherine Ann Genevieve.
DH: Satan Lucifer (lol)
DW: Winona Batel
DS: Milton Eugene
DS: Arian Beli
DD/DS: Eimear Jodie/ Lorcan Lewis
DD: Hortensia Jaslyn
Bonus DS: Nitin Kalidas
DDog: Sunday
DHamster: Izanami
DBird: Odovacar
DDragon: Gerd
.Catherine Ann Genevieve.
The Song Family
DH: Kai Gerrit
DW: Emese Moa "Emmy"
DS: William Michael "Liam"
DD: Isabel Shea "Belle"
DS/DS: Lucas David and Ian Gabriel "Luke" and "Ian"
DD: Zinnia Val "Zinnie"
DD: Eirene Mykolas
Cat: Seven
Gerbil: Remiel "Remy"
Bird: Brennus
Dog: Jonny
DH: Kai Gerrit
DW: Emese Moa "Emmy"
DS: William Michael "Liam"
DD: Isabel Shea "Belle"
DS/DS: Lucas David and Ian Gabriel "Luke" and "Ian"
DD: Zinnia Val "Zinnie"
DD: Eirene Mykolas
Cat: Seven
Gerbil: Remiel "Remy"
Bird: Brennus
Dog: Jonny
LN: Chan
DH: Christos "Chris" Adonai
DW: Luna Aylin
DS: Albert Raymond
DS: Graham Isaac
DS/DS: Julian Samuel / Oliver Gabriel
DD: Imogen Harriet
DD: Eris Batholomeus
DLizard: Eleven "Lev"
DHamster: Pele
DDog: Caratacus "Tac"
DCat: Floella "Flo"
"Why is it that, as a culture, we are more comfortable seeing two men holding guns than holding hands?" - Ernest Gaines
"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, then the world will know peace" - Jimi Hendrix
DH: Christos "Chris" Adonai
DW: Luna Aylin
DS: Albert Raymond
DS: Graham Isaac
DS/DS: Julian Samuel / Oliver Gabriel
DD: Imogen Harriet
DD: Eris Batholomeus
DLizard: Eleven "Lev"
DHamster: Pele
DDog: Caratacus "Tac"
DCat: Floella "Flo"
LN: MacFarlane
DH: Kai Siemen
DW: Safira Diamond
DS: Theodore David "Theo"
DD: Fiona Lavender
DS/DS: Gabriel "Gabe" Eric / Lucas Adam "Luc"
DD: Imogen Heather
Horse: Wednesday
Rat: Pele
Cat: Thelonius
Cat: Kalysta
Dog: Vishal
Friendship is more lasting than love, and more legal than stalking.
-Jane, Coupling
DH: Kai Siemen
DW: Safira Diamond
DS: Theodore David "Theo"
DD: Fiona Lavender
DS/DS: Gabriel "Gabe" Eric / Lucas Adam "Luc"
DD: Imogen Heather
Horse: Wednesday
Rat: Pele
Cat: Thelonius
Cat: Kalysta
Dog: Vishal
Friendship is more lasting than love, and more legal than stalking.
-Jane, Coupling
LN: Cohen
DH: Jelle Siemen
DW: Helen Selene
DS: John Theodore "Jack"
DD: Sara Adriana
DS/DS: Rafael Pau and Rubèn Guillem
DD: Zoe Violet
DS: Pramod Sanjiv
Cat: Nine
Mouse: Azrael
Bird: Vercingetorix "Tor" (I had to use it!)
Horse: Kailee
My lovely PPs!
!!! Phoenix and Zachary (twins) and Katya
LN Cohen
DH Kai Friso
DW Winona Isabel
DS: Theodore James
DS Isaac Dean
DS/DS: Samuel Matthew & Benjamin Seth
DS: Troy Wesley
DD: Indrajit Meera
Lizard: Friday
Hamster Azrael
Cat Cadeyrn
Horse Conall
DH Kai Friso
DW Winona Isabel
DS: Theodore James
DS Isaac Dean
DS/DS: Samuel Matthew & Benjamin Seth
DS: Troy Wesley
DD: Indrajit Meera
Lizard: Friday
Hamster Azrael
Cat Cadeyrn
Horse Conall
LN: Cohen
DH: Kai Joris
DW: Emese Nontle
DS: Leo Vincent
DD: Evelina Claire
DS/DS: Ian Samuel and Gabriel Isaac "Gabe"
DD: Vanessa Victoria
DD: Isabella Geert "Ella"
DLizard: Seven
DHamster: Tane
DDog: Kanya
DSnake: Loki
♥ Kristen ♥
Shake Your Body Like A Bellydancer.
Here is where you are
There is where you want to be
But you can't get there from here ♥
DH: Kai Joris
DW: Emese Nontle
DS: Leo Vincent
DD: Evelina Claire
DS/DS: Ian Samuel and Gabriel Isaac "Gabe"
DD: Vanessa Victoria
DD: Isabella Geert "Ella"
DLizard: Seven
DHamster: Tane
DDog: Kanya
DSnake: Loki
♥ Kristen ♥
Shake Your Body Like A Bellydancer.
Here is where you are
There is where you want to be
But you can't get there from here ♥
This message was edited 8/13/2006, 2:43 PM
LN: Lowe
DH: Klaes Joris
DD: Cordelia Batel "Delia"
DS: Jack Harvey
DS: Alexander Bryce "Alex"
DS/DS: Hugo Marcel / Ian Francisco
DD: Viola Wallis
DD: Orah Evron
DLizard: Thursday
DHamster: Melchior
DCat: Vercingetorix
DDog: Alyse
"Whatever you are, be a good one."
--Abraham Lincoln
DH: Klaes Joris
DD: Cordelia Batel "Delia"
DS: Jack Harvey
DS: Alexander Bryce "Alex"
DS/DS: Hugo Marcel / Ian Francisco
DD: Viola Wallis
DD: Orah Evron
DLizard: Thursday
DHamster: Melchior
DCat: Vercingetorix
DDog: Alyse
"Whatever you are, be a good one."
--Abraham Lincoln
LN: Song
DH: Kales Eilbert
DW: Helen Selene
DS: William James
DD: Anora Breann
DS/DS: Eric Xavier / Marc David
DD: Virginia Willow "Ginny"
DS: Caesar Davie "Davie"
DCat: Sé (prounced Shay. 6 in Irish Gaelic)
DHamster: Dismas
DCat: Caratacus
DDog: Kimberleigh
1 Hope
2 Alexander
3 Violet
4 North America
5 Julia
6 10-20
7 Elizabeth
8 Brown
9 Jose
10 No
11 Brooke
12 Black
13 Sugarnose
14 Desk (both of them)
15 Theeodoar
16 Star
17 Barnfarmer
18 Fearspoon
19 yes
20 Aylen
time flies like lightning
fruit flies like banannas
DH: Kales Eilbert
DW: Helen Selene
DS: William James
DD: Anora Breann
DS/DS: Eric Xavier / Marc David
DD: Virginia Willow "Ginny"
DS: Caesar Davie "Davie"
DCat: Sé (prounced Shay. 6 in Irish Gaelic)
DHamster: Dismas
DCat: Caratacus
DDog: Kimberleigh
1 Hope
2 Alexander
3 Violet
4 North America
5 Julia
6 10-20
7 Elizabeth
8 Brown
9 Jose
10 No
11 Brooke
12 Black
13 Sugarnose
14 Desk (both of them)
15 Theeodoar
16 Star
17 Barnfarmer
18 Fearspoon
19 yes
20 Aylen
time flies like lightning
fruit flies like banannas
LN: Lee
DH: Kai Sikke
DW: Isabel Cordelia
DS: James Robert
DD: Aleksandra Genevra
DS/DS: Luke William / Ethan Nicholas
DD: Katharine Krystelle
DHorse: Millie (short for 'Million')
DHampster: Papa
DDog: Sirius
DCat: Nevaeh
DD: Lily Marie
DH: Kai Sikke
DW: Isabel Cordelia
DS: James Robert
DD: Aleksandra Genevra
DS/DS: Luke William / Ethan Nicholas
DD: Katharine Krystelle
DHorse: Millie (short for 'Million')
DHampster: Papa
DDog: Sirius
DCat: Nevaeh
DD: Lily Marie

This message was edited 8/13/2006, 1:31 PM
1. Last Name
LN: Steinsson
DH: Lucifer Allah (41)
DW: Cordelia Isabel (36)
DS: Clarence James (12)
DD: Seraphine Agnes (10)
DS/DS: Robert Declan / Louis Shea (5)
DD: Violet Willa (3)
DD: Parvati Sushil (1)
DCat: Thursday
DHamster: Remiel
DCat: Bellatrix
DFish: Thor
Lucifer and Cordelia Steinsson
Clarence, Seraphine, Robert, Louis, Violet, and Parvati Steinsson
Thursday the cat, Remiel the hamster, Bellatrix the cat, and Thor the fish
LN: Steinsson
DH: Lucifer Allah (41)
DW: Cordelia Isabel (36)
DS: Clarence James (12)
DD: Seraphine Agnes (10)
DS/DS: Robert Declan / Louis Shea (5)
DD: Violet Willa (3)
DD: Parvati Sushil (1)
DCat: Thursday
DHamster: Remiel
DCat: Bellatrix
DFish: Thor
Lucifer and Cordelia Steinsson
Clarence, Seraphine, Robert, Louis, Violet, and Parvati Steinsson
Thursday the cat, Remiel the hamster, Bellatrix the cat, and Thor the fish
This message was edited 8/13/2006, 1:28 PM
LN: Kobayashi
DH: Samnang Vibol "Sam"
DW: Juliana Elizabeth
DS: Theodore David "Theo"
DD: Kalisha Logan "Kallie"
DS/DS: Riley Seth / Owen Thomas
DD: Ysabel Verity
DD: Melinda Kynaston
DHorse: Thirteen
DGerbil: Morana
DCat: Clovis
DMonkey: China

LN: Kobayashi
DH: Samnang Vibol "Sam"
DW: Juliana Elizabeth
DS: Theodore David "Theo"
DD: Kalisha Logan "Kallie"
DS/DS: Riley Seth / Owen Thomas
DD: Ysabel Verity
DD: Melinda Kynaston
DHorse: Thirteen
DGerbil: Morana
DCat: Clovis
DMonkey: China