[Opinions] Gemma
I'm going through one of those phases where I am getting obsessed with every name I hear. And right now I love Gemma. What do you think of when you hear Gemma?
Do any suggested mn's come to mind?
Britney Tamber
*DH: Adam Jeffrey*
Do any suggested mn's come to mind?
Britney Tamber
*DH: Adam Jeffrey*
I love Gemma! It was on my list of other names I liked when I was pregnant, even though I knew I was going to use Caroline. It's not often heard in the states (I've never known a Gemma). But it would make sense for it to gain in popularity, with it's similarity to Emma.
I think of the model Gemma Ward. I don't think she's one of the most gorgeous women in the world as another poster said, but I guess a supermodel is always a good association? I personally think Gemma Ward is a bit strange-looking. Anyway, wdyto... ?
Gemma Evelyn
Gemma Avaline
Gemma Laurel
Gemma Paige
Gemma Taylor
Gemma Celestine
Gemma Simone
Gemma Elizabeth
Gemma Eloise
Gemma Rosalind

"The dog is a gentleman; I hope I go to his heaven, not man's."
- Mark Twain.
Gemma Evelyn
Gemma Avaline
Gemma Laurel
Gemma Paige
Gemma Taylor
Gemma Celestine
Gemma Simone
Gemma Elizabeth
Gemma Eloise
Gemma Rosalind

"The dog is a gentleman; I hope I go to his heaven, not man's."
- Mark Twain.
This message was edited 8/20/2006, 12:17 AM
Hmm it's cute, but it was very popular in Britain around 80s/90s, so it's quite dated to me. I'd be surprised to see a baby called Gemma born now.
I love Gemma, makes me think of the supermodel Gemma Ward, who is probably one of the most gorgeous women on the planet.
No. It makes me think of the annoying girl Gem off the Sabrina cartoon my nephew watches. I don't like it.
I love it but I don't think I'd use it because of the overuse of the similar sounding Emma. :(
Some mn ideas:
Gemma Pearl
Gemma Evangeline
Gemma Beatrice
"Why is it that, as a culture, we are more comfortable seeing two men holding guns than holding hands?" - Ernest Gaines
"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, then the world will know peace" - Jimi Hendrix
Some mn ideas:
Gemma Pearl
Gemma Evangeline
Gemma Beatrice
It just makes me think of an unorganized, spoiled person (because of a story I wrote; LOL!). I prefer something like Jenna.
But some mns . . .
Gemma Margaret
Gemma Adelaide
Gemma Paige
Gemma Elizabeth
Gemma Charlotte
Gemma Susanne
Gemma Lisette
Gemma Christine
Gemma Cecile
Gemma Elise
Gemma Avaline
Gemma Katherine
Do you like any?
Edit: to spell Cecile right.
Loving Theodore and Chloe!
But some mns . . .
Gemma Margaret
Gemma Adelaide
Gemma Paige
Gemma Elizabeth
Gemma Charlotte
Gemma Susanne
Gemma Lisette
Gemma Christine
Gemma Cecile
Gemma Elise
Gemma Avaline
Gemma Katherine
Do you like any?
Edit: to spell Cecile right.
This message was edited 8/18/2006, 11:07 AM
I like the name but I remember when I was little I used to watch the Sabrina animated show. It reminds me of the snobby girl on that but I doubt anyone else would think of it. Anyway lovely name, if I wasn't riddled with so many other favorites this would probably be one.