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[Opinions] Re: Texas BA's Part 2
HEAVEN - G - Tacky
ELEKTRA - G - Now seems tacky because of the movie and Carmen Electra
ZULEYKA - G - Not crazy about the spelling but I like the name
KAL'EL - B - Too Superman
ATREYU - B - Too 'Neverending Story'
FELIX - B - Love it
IRIS - G - Love it
BRIGHTON - ? UNKOWN - Ok for a boy
MAHOGANY - G - ridiculous
LYNNETT - G - Ok, an E on the end would've looked nicer, though
AMERCIA - G - Is this supposed to be America? Either way, nms
LONDYN - G - ugh
HAYWARD - B - ok
OASIS - G - tacky
PASSION - G - VERY tacky
NEVE - G - Ok but I prefer Niamh
ELIEZER - B - ok
CYRUS - B - love it
BRAILYN - G - horrible
SAXON - B - Not horrible but may cause teasing
WHITT - B - kind of cool but he might get called Half-Whitt or Dim-Whitt :-/
HAGEN - B - I knew a little boy with this name and thought it was a kre8tiv spelling. Glad to see it's not but it still looks trendy. :(
VENTURA - G - silly
DALAMINE - G - sounds like a chemical
CAPRICE - G - nms
JASPER - B - love it
SYDIANA - G - silly
LOVEIANA - G - ridiculous
PHOENIX - G - nms
ASONG - B - ?
TORONA - G - nms
BRINLYN - G - horrible
GENESIS - G - nms
XA'MIRACLE - G - horrible
JOANGEL - B - silly
LYRIK - B - I HATE misspelled werd naymz!
ABBOTT KIDD - B - um, ok?
ARDEN - B - not bad
CEDARIA - G - eh
MAEVYN - G - I love Maeve but not this

"Why is it that, as a culture, we are more comfortable seeing two men holding guns than holding hands?" - Ernest Gaines

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, then the world will know peace" - Jimi Hendrix
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Texas BA's Part 2  ·  Sabrina Fair  ·  9/3/2006, 8:28 PM
Re: Texas BA's Part 2  ·  Isla  ·  9/4/2006, 12:19 PM