[Opinions] WDYT of Infinity?
I think "concept" names are difficult to pull off and could provoke teasing. What if, for example, the child developed a weight problem? I can just imagine some of the zingers ("Look at the size of her butt. It goes on to infinity."
even worse, that 8 on it's side symbol means infinity!
Mathematical concept, yes. Child, no.
Proudly Australian

"a boy's best friend is his mother" - Norman Bates in Psycho
"Go infinity and beyond!!!" That was my initial cognitive response. Doubt that's a good thing. Also, I doubt the adult entertainment industry would accept it either. But that's just my opinion.
Sadly, when I think of it in the context of a name, the first thing I think is CAR!
Sounds like a perfume. Not so good as a name for a person.
This message was edited 10/30/2006, 10:38 AM
Wow great in theory, i love it! its such a stricking name great meaning, but unfortunately im not sure i could ever bring myself to name my child Infinity.

Hate it.


Loving the names Alexa Noelle and Owen Seth
Check out MySpace: www.myspace.com/turtlefreek2

Loving the names Alexa Noelle and Owen Seth
Check out MySpace: www.myspace.com/turtlefreek2
Don't want to say "hate," but pretty much. . .

Same here.
Loving Theodore Elliott and Chava Louise!
me too
and it would be sort of funny in a morbid way to ever see it on a gravestone.... (like: here ends Infinity).
there are also no nns to make it better: Inny? or worse: Finity? Fin?
and it would be sort of funny in a morbid way to ever see it on a gravestone.... (like: here ends Infinity).
there are also no nns to make it better: Inny? or worse: Finity? Fin?
Me too
I'm with you. Sorry... Name of a car or a 'number,' not a child.
As a name, it is ridiculous imo.