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[Facts] Benedict
I like the name Benedict (also the name of my patron Saint), and I usually see its meaning given as "blessed."
However, the Latin components of the name seem to imply to me a possible meaning of "good speech" (Bene Dictus).
Am I off the mark here?
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You are not off the mark. The literal meaning of benediction is "good words". You can take that meaning a step further to obtain "words wishing good" aka "blessing"
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You are right: in classical Latin there is "bene dicere" (to speak well, to be eloquent). Used with the Dative, it could also mean "to speak in favour of, to praise". That's why "benedictus" (past participle) was ideal to serve as a translation for the Greek "eulogetos" (there is only Eulogios as a name), which again is the translation of the Hebrew "Baruch" (blessed, praised), a name found in the bible.
So in Latin (as in Greek) the spoken word seems to be the main thing, whereas in the Hebrew bible there is always some action that goes with the spoken word: hands placed on s.o. else or at least hands lifted up, a kiss or a hug. The original meaning of the Hebrew word "barahk" is "to endow with healing power".Andy ;—)
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Thank you very much, Andy and Ivayla!
What a great resource this board is and you folks are! Incredible to find such knowledge of Hebrew and Latin both in one place.
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