[Facts] zunera, zunaira, jhanara, zuneirah
any idea where it comes from? I thought it was arabic...then parsi...it pops up infrequently in South Asia as a name for girls, yet it is listed as a common name in Australia...?
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No idea, but I'm in a mood for anagrammin' :)zunera, zunaira, jhanara, zuneirah
Janizarian, Nazarene, Zarah, Uhuru
Nauruan near Uriah, hear nazi jazz
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zunaira means "a chain of flowers"
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I'm Australian, and . . .. . . I've never heard of it! Baby name sites often stick "Australian" onto names they can't find the origin of!It looks like an Arabic name, but I'm not sure . . . I'll do some research and see what I can find :-)
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I've found them . . .They all appear on lots of Arabic or Islamic-related websites, so they're probably Arabic. I can't find anything about the meanings, though. You could try asking an Arabic-language website if they have an obvious meaning?

This message was edited 9/20/2004, 11:18 PM

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Why do you tell someone to try elsewhere just because you can't find it in 15 minutes on google?
You don't think much of your fellow posters, that's clear enough.
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Gosh, you're a rude one, aren't you. Can't you even spare a little energy to be civil?I almost can't be bothered replying to this obviously fight-picking post, but I will point out that I did not say that no-one on this board can answer her query. I said that an Arabic-language website would be a good place to look. I've been posting on this website for a long time and I've never seen a regular with any expertise in Arabic names - hence my reccommendation that expertise could be sought elsewhere.So unless you have some answers for this young lady - which you clearly don't - stop cluttering up the thread with irrelevancies.EDIT: Minor typo

This message was edited 9/21/2004, 5:14 PM

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