[Opinions] Lindsay
WDYT (for a girl)?
I consider Lindsay a boy's name.
I like it for a boy only, for a girl it seems dated and not really my style.
It seems a bit too 80s/early 90s trendy and overused.
I like the name but only this spelling and only on a boy. It sounds tacky (or something, can't quite think of the right word atm) on girls and it's over used on that sex.
I think Lindsay is a beautiful name and it's a wonderful spelling. Happy parenting!
It's allright. It's not a favorite.
Top ten name
Emma, Emily, Elizabeth, Charlotte, Catherine, Erika, Chealsea, Jennifer, Jessica, Jocelyn.
Top ten name
Emma, Emily, Elizabeth, Charlotte, Catherine, Erika, Chealsea, Jennifer, Jessica, Jocelyn.
Its ok, not something I'd use though. :)
It's not my style and I don't like it.
Loving Theodore Elliott and Chava Louise!
I actually quite like this. I prefer the spelling Lindsey, but both are nice.

This is my cousin's name, but she spells it Lynnsey. I prefer this spelling (or even Lynsey) to Lindsay/Lindsey which are both rather popular around here.
Wonderful name; I love it, but spelled Lindsey.
Thank you, someone who likes the name and the spelling "Lindsey." This is how I spell my name. I am glad you like it.
Lindsay is a bit common for my tastes, so I wouldn't really consider using it, but I do really like to see it on other children. I have an adorable baby cousin with this name, so I might be a little biased, though. :)
I really dislike it. I know 1 Lindsay, and she was very promiscuious, and snotty. I also think of Linsday Lohan whom I dislike although she is a good actress.
"a boy's best friend is his mother" - Norman Bates in Psycho