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[Facts] What does my last name mean?
I dont need to know my family tree, only what the name WERNER means for my school project.
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Just click on ANGELA.Andy ;—)
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need to know the meaning of "Andrade".
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Looks like it is used as a surname with Spanish speaking people. I would guess: it is from Andrew, Andreas, Andreios … (click on one).Andy ;—)
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Just would like to know orgin of Cotterman.Thank you!
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what does the last name hoops mean?
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I would say, it means, what it says: hoops (of a barrel). It may have something to do with the names Hooper (or Cooper, but this of course is from a different word).Andy ;—)
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what does the last name crawford mean
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There is a place in the south east of Scotland called Crawford (and more in Canada and the US). Crawford is a 13th cent surname in Britain.Andy ;—)
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COTTERMAN does not appear in my Oxford Dictionary of English Surnames. But there is COTTIS, COTTER, COTTENHAM, COTTEREL etc. Most of those go back to the word "cottage", some to personal names like Cot or Cotta, the origin of which I could not find. COTTER may be from the Scottish name Mac Ottar.Andy ;—)P.S.: Your messages will be more likely taken notice of, if you place them on top of the board, using the button "post a message".
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i want to know my last name and my family tree
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In England the name goes back to the 12th century. It means, what it says. I'm afraid you'll have to find out about your family tree yourself - unless you give further information.Andy ;—)
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What does this name mean?
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Maybe a variant of ROWAN (click on the name).
Or else from a place-name in Devon?Andy ;—)
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what does my last name mean
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Are you serious about asking this question?a
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I don't need my family tree, only what the name BEAN means
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According to the Oxford Dictionary of Surnames, there are several possible derivations of your name:
1. an original nickname from Middle English "bene" (pleasant, genial, kindly"
2. a grower or seller of beans
3. "Or we may have reference to the Twelfth-night custom when the man in whose portion of the cake the bean was found, was appointed king of the company"
4. "The Scottish Bean is from Gealic 'beathan', a deminutive of 'betha, beatha', 'life'So make you choiceAndy ;—)
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where did my last name come from

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"Carillo" means "cheek" in Spanish.Andy ;—)
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Oops! Double R of course!n
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Click here: Werner - for the meaning and origin
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what does dyer mea
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I should say, it means what it says: someone who colours fabrics, skins etc.Andy ;—)
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Re:What does my last name mean?Where did the name Huhn originate from?
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Re:What does my last name mean?What does my last name mean?
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Re:What does my last name mean?I need to know what my name means? Can you give me a site to go to? Then I would know forever and never bother anybody with this questions again?
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Re:What does my last name mean?In German "Stengel" means "stalk, stem".Andy ;—)
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what my last name meanswhat does my last name mean
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what does my last name mean?
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As a German surname it could be from "Hessen", an area in Germany.
For further information try this board: ;—)
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I couldn't find your surname in the Oxford Dictionary of Surnames, but I'm pretty sure it means what it says: nettles. There are names like Nettleton or Nettlefield and they have to do with nettles.
There are also some place-names starting with Nettle- like Nettleworth, and they are all places where nettles once grew …Not very appealing, but probably true.Andy ;—)
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what does my last name mean
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Re:What does my last name mean?"Huhn" is the German word for "chicken".Andy ;—)
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