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[Surname] Gilhuly?
Can anyone give me any information on this surname and its true ethnic origin?I've heard that its Irish, but I've also heard that its from Eastern Europe.( sorry, I'm not sure which one it is)Any help would be appreciated.
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Gilhooly is certainly Irish, but I've never seen this spelling before. I think the odds are on it being Irish, but keep an open mind. After all there are Hungarians called Kennedy.
The meaning of the name, Mac Giolla Ghuala, is said to be "son of servant of shoulder". Further explanation is beyond my capabilities.
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From my Irish name book ...Gilhooley, Gilooley: moderate numbers particularly in Leitrim, etc. In Irish Mac Giolla Ghuala (guala, a glutton). A sept of Leitrim-Roscommon, related to O'Mulvey. An Irish version of Mac Giolla Shúligh appears in the Annal of Lock Cé, but Woulfe considers it a corruption.
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