[Games] Quigonjecca's Fantasy Adoption/Congrats Game round one!
Well, I havn't decided how many rounds we will be playing probably 5-10. Hope you have fun. Oh! Don't forget to write me back on how your children are doing! Also, feel free to correct me on spelling, genders, or ask for special request for the next round. oh, or if I forgot to put you in the sign up just tell me so!
UN: Ladybug
Ln Winship
Dh: Gregory Nicolai
DW; Laurel Bethan
DD: Anderyn Kate
DD: Briony Elise
DS: Eoin Gregory
DS: Leo Nicolai
AD (dryad): Willow
A beautiful dryad daughter you now have. Willow is believed to be one of the last of her kind. When in tree form she is a beautiful weeping willow. In dryad form she is a petite girl with a lovely talent for singing.
UN: Rachel
LN: Sims
DH: Kenneth Elijah
DW: Liliana Imogen
AS (marsh-wiggle): Puddle-glum
Puddle glum is a wonderful young marsh-wiggle. He is very grateful that he is now adopted. Despite his cheery looks, he is actually quite a wet blanket. We hope that you adopting him will give him a more optimistic look on life!
UN: Keepskuh
LN: Lennon
DH: Marshall George
DW: Linden Jean Anderson
DS: Wlliam George
DS: Christopher Samuel
DD: Mary Amelia
AS (hobbit): Shiloh Danderfinn
Shiloh "lolo" is a funny little hobbit boy of about ten years. He is constantly playing pranks and being goofy. He will fit in well with other hobbits, but we are doubtful about how he will fit in with the other human children.
UN: Sarah-lee
DH: remus Enil
DW: Nanaea Christiane
DS: Clement Anana
DD: Gemini Sveta
DS: Argus Matthieu
DS: Alzei Valentin
AD (centaur): Sandra
Sandra is a beautiful Centaur maiden of fourteen years. She is stubborn and fiesty but can be rather nice at times. She will listen to those she trusts, but will fight fiercly against anyone who is sly or cruel.
UN: Sugar
LN: Madison
DH: Joseph Dean
DW: Daina-hazel "dazel"
DD: Sarah Daina "sally"
DD (mermaid): Corellia Nadine "cory"
Cory is a bright beautiful mermaid child. She has light pink hair and a pink fin. She loves to draw, though her pictures always get wet. She is trying to train herself to stay up on a rock without diving into the water so she may draw more easily. She is also an excellet story teller and will captivate any audience with her wonderful tales.
UN: Loz
DH: Nicholas Edward
DW: laura Jane
AS (giant): Leroy Thwamp
Leroy is a black-haired blue eyed baby giant. He is only a year old but is already three feet tall! He is very strong and enjoys picking up and throwing things, When he is done he claps his hands and runs over to do it again.
UN: Miss_Smiley
LN: Smith
DH: Brandon Mtthew
DW: Elise Matilda
DS/DD: Noah gabriel/tallulah Poppy
AD(dwarf): Schquarshikel "Kelly"
Kelly is a three month old baby dwarf girl. She is very cute and is already starting to grow a beard (a sign of strength in dwarfish)
UN: ACG233
DH: Gable Shawn
DW: Latayasha Claire
DD: Betsy ann
DS: Thomas Juan
UN: Bex
DH: Apollo Ludovic
DW: Arabella Zuleika
DS: Alair Igantius
DS: Fabian Ludovic
DS: Jupiter Antonin
DH: Evelyn Meredith
DW: Claudia Rachel
DS: Gabriel Frances
DS/DS: Adrian Louis/Julian Walter
DS: Dominic Arthur
AD (fairy): Celestina
Celestina is graceful and has blue skin and hair. Intertwined in her curls are tiny stars. She has dark blue eyes lined in tiny stars. She enjoys astronamy and is very quiet and thoughtful. She is 13 yrs old.
UN: Ember
LN: vichea
DH: Ransey Arun "rain"
DW: camille Rebecca
UN: Kelga
LN: Kelga
DH: Elrond Rivendell
DW: Elora Rivendell
AD (half eleven): Elodie Faleen (13)
Elodie is a beautiful half-elven girl. Her parents are unknown as she was abandoned when she was very young. We didn't wven know she was half-elven until we noticed her eyars and, something about her eyes... Anyway she has beautiful, long hair, though we had never seen a red-headed elf. She also has freckles. however, despite these facts, she will not accept herself as a half-elf but beleives that she is in fact full-blooded elf (for she has never seen one). We hope that she will feel welcome in Rivendell and with your help, will learn to accept herself as she is.
UN: Natla'd
LN: de la Croix
DH: ramon Alister
DW: Montrose Adamina
DS: ceaser Vyvyan
DD: Valentina Joy
AS (fairy): Jasper Stone
Jasper is an adorable fiary boy (well, he prefers to be called a "wee man") of about four years. He has orange hair and skin. he believes he is very fierce and would take on any fairy twice his size. However, never let him do so for he is quite a wimp in reality!
UN: Ladybug
Ln Winship
Dh: Gregory Nicolai
DW; Laurel Bethan
DD: Anderyn Kate
DD: Briony Elise
DS: Eoin Gregory
DS: Leo Nicolai
AD (dryad): Willow
A beautiful dryad daughter you now have. Willow is believed to be one of the last of her kind. When in tree form she is a beautiful weeping willow. In dryad form she is a petite girl with a lovely talent for singing.
UN: Rachel
LN: Sims
DH: Kenneth Elijah
DW: Liliana Imogen
AS (marsh-wiggle): Puddle-glum
Puddle glum is a wonderful young marsh-wiggle. He is very grateful that he is now adopted. Despite his cheery looks, he is actually quite a wet blanket. We hope that you adopting him will give him a more optimistic look on life!
UN: Keepskuh
LN: Lennon
DH: Marshall George
DW: Linden Jean Anderson
DS: Wlliam George
DS: Christopher Samuel
DD: Mary Amelia
AS (hobbit): Shiloh Danderfinn
Shiloh "lolo" is a funny little hobbit boy of about ten years. He is constantly playing pranks and being goofy. He will fit in well with other hobbits, but we are doubtful about how he will fit in with the other human children.
UN: Sarah-lee
DH: remus Enil
DW: Nanaea Christiane
DS: Clement Anana
DD: Gemini Sveta
DS: Argus Matthieu
DS: Alzei Valentin
AD (centaur): Sandra
Sandra is a beautiful Centaur maiden of fourteen years. She is stubborn and fiesty but can be rather nice at times. She will listen to those she trusts, but will fight fiercly against anyone who is sly or cruel.
UN: Sugar
LN: Madison
DH: Joseph Dean
DW: Daina-hazel "dazel"
DD: Sarah Daina "sally"
DD (mermaid): Corellia Nadine "cory"
Cory is a bright beautiful mermaid child. She has light pink hair and a pink fin. She loves to draw, though her pictures always get wet. She is trying to train herself to stay up on a rock without diving into the water so she may draw more easily. She is also an excellet story teller and will captivate any audience with her wonderful tales.
UN: Loz
DH: Nicholas Edward
DW: laura Jane
AS (giant): Leroy Thwamp
Leroy is a black-haired blue eyed baby giant. He is only a year old but is already three feet tall! He is very strong and enjoys picking up and throwing things, When he is done he claps his hands and runs over to do it again.
UN: Miss_Smiley
LN: Smith
DH: Brandon Mtthew
DW: Elise Matilda
DS/DD: Noah gabriel/tallulah Poppy
AD(dwarf): Schquarshikel "Kelly"
Kelly is a three month old baby dwarf girl. She is very cute and is already starting to grow a beard (a sign of strength in dwarfish)
UN: ACG233
DH: Gable Shawn
DW: Latayasha Claire
DD: Betsy ann
DS: Thomas Juan
UN: Bex
DH: Apollo Ludovic
DW: Arabella Zuleika
DS: Alair Igantius
DS: Fabian Ludovic
DS: Jupiter Antonin
DH: Evelyn Meredith
DW: Claudia Rachel
DS: Gabriel Frances
DS/DS: Adrian Louis/Julian Walter
DS: Dominic Arthur
AD (fairy): Celestina
Celestina is graceful and has blue skin and hair. Intertwined in her curls are tiny stars. She has dark blue eyes lined in tiny stars. She enjoys astronamy and is very quiet and thoughtful. She is 13 yrs old.
UN: Ember
LN: vichea
DH: Ransey Arun "rain"
DW: camille Rebecca
UN: Kelga
LN: Kelga
DH: Elrond Rivendell
DW: Elora Rivendell
AD (half eleven): Elodie Faleen (13)
Elodie is a beautiful half-elven girl. Her parents are unknown as she was abandoned when she was very young. We didn't wven know she was half-elven until we noticed her eyars and, something about her eyes... Anyway she has beautiful, long hair, though we had never seen a red-headed elf. She also has freckles. however, despite these facts, she will not accept herself as a half-elf but beleives that she is in fact full-blooded elf (for she has never seen one). We hope that she will feel welcome in Rivendell and with your help, will learn to accept herself as she is.
UN: Natla'd
LN: de la Croix
DH: ramon Alister
DW: Montrose Adamina
DS: ceaser Vyvyan
DD: Valentina Joy
AS (fairy): Jasper Stone
Jasper is an adorable fiary boy (well, he prefers to be called a "wee man") of about four years. He has orange hair and skin. he believes he is very fierce and would take on any fairy twice his size. However, never let him do so for he is quite a wimp in reality!
UN: Ladybug
LN: Winship
DH: Gregory Nicolai (writer, 34)
DW: Laurel Bethan (nurse, 34)
DD: Aderyn Kate (8)
DD: Briony Elise (6)
DS: Eoin Gregory (4)
DS: Leo Nicolai (2)
AD (dryad): Willow (10)
Willow is so pretty and is fitting in perfectly with our fantasy loving family. She is teaching Aderyn and Briony how to sing and nuturing the plants on our property. She tells the most beauiful stories to us each night before we tuck the children into bed.
We love you Willow! :)

LN: Winship
DH: Gregory Nicolai (writer, 34)
DW: Laurel Bethan (nurse, 34)
DD: Aderyn Kate (8)
DD: Briony Elise (6)
DS: Eoin Gregory (4)
DS: Leo Nicolai (2)
AD (dryad): Willow (10)
Willow is so pretty and is fitting in perfectly with our fantasy loving family. She is teaching Aderyn and Briony how to sing and nuturing the plants on our property. She tells the most beauiful stories to us each night before we tuck the children into bed.
We love you Willow! :)

Can we change nicknames?
UN: Miss_Smiley
LN: Smith
DH: Brandon Mtthew
DW: Elise Matilda
DS/DD: Noah Gabriel / Tallulah Poppy (3)
AD(dwarf): Schquarshikel "Kelly" (0)
If we can, I would call Kelly, Lily.
Siggy Congrats Game...
--Brandon & Elise--
Our beautiful twins, Tallulah and Noah, have arrived :)
**Brandon & Elise**
Our gorgeous triplets, Zac, Lallie and Evie, join big brother, Noah, big sisters, Chloe and Tiara and Xander the dog :)
UN: Miss_Smiley
LN: Smith
DH: Brandon Mtthew
DW: Elise Matilda
DS/DD: Noah Gabriel / Tallulah Poppy (3)
AD(dwarf): Schquarshikel "Kelly" (0)
If we can, I would call Kelly, Lily.
Siggy Congrats Game...
--Brandon & Elise--
Our beautiful twins, Tallulah and Noah, have arrived :)
**Brandon & Elise**
Our gorgeous triplets, Zac, Lallie and Evie, join big brother, Noah, big sisters, Chloe and Tiara and Xander the dog :)
Only if your adopted child wants to change his or her nick name! ( - :
You forgot me... I signed up before if you need to see it again:
LN: Vincent
DH (name and job): Christopher Jacob [28] (surgen)
DW (name and job): Summer Jeanna [27] (professor)
Current children: (names and ages): Damian Connor [7] and Anika Faith [5]
Hobbies of family: outdoors, sports, reading, writing, etc
Gender: mix
Age: 0-4
Will you accept...
Sibs?: only twins
Twins?: yes
Triplets?: no
Quads or more?: no
What species will you accept? (please choose at least five):
Humans: yes
Unicorns: yes
Elves: yes
Half-Elves: yes
Water Sprites:
Peonixs: yes (Phoenixes you mean)
Sea Serpents:
Dragons: yes
Ents (more tree than man):
Marsh-wiggles (more man than tree):
Talking Pegasus:
Any other species? (please name them):
Which of these species do you consider pets?: Dragon, Unicorn, and Phoenix
Will you accept pets?: just those above
Daughter to 6
Sister to many
Girl Friend to one
"Mommy" to another
LN: Vincent
DH (name and job): Christopher Jacob [28] (surgen)
DW (name and job): Summer Jeanna [27] (professor)
Current children: (names and ages): Damian Connor [7] and Anika Faith [5]
Hobbies of family: outdoors, sports, reading, writing, etc
Gender: mix
Age: 0-4
Will you accept...
Sibs?: only twins
Twins?: yes
Triplets?: no
Quads or more?: no
What species will you accept? (please choose at least five):
Humans: yes
Unicorns: yes
Elves: yes
Half-Elves: yes
Water Sprites:
Peonixs: yes (Phoenixes you mean)
Sea Serpents:
Dragons: yes
Ents (more tree than man):
Marsh-wiggles (more man than tree):
Talking Pegasus:
Any other species? (please name them):
Which of these species do you consider pets?: Dragon, Unicorn, and Phoenix
Will you accept pets?: just those above
Daughter to 6
Sister to many
Girl Friend to one
"Mommy" to another
Very sorry, here ya go!
DH: Christopher Jacob
DW: Summer Jeanna
DS: Damian Connor
DD: Anika Faith
AD (human): Isla Aurellia
Isla was found wandering the shores of a far off distant land. We are not sure if she is deaf, or can not speak, or if she is just not able to understand us, for she has not spoken yet. She has the most peculiar eyes, Green and yellow mixed together. They accent her tan skin and Black hair wonderfully. We hope she will fit in with your family. (oh, and yes on the sign up form I did mean Pheonix (-: )
DH: Christopher Jacob
DW: Summer Jeanna
DS: Damian Connor
DD: Anika Faith
AD (human): Isla Aurellia
Isla was found wandering the shores of a far off distant land. We are not sure if she is deaf, or can not speak, or if she is just not able to understand us, for she has not spoken yet. She has the most peculiar eyes, Green and yellow mixed together. They accent her tan skin and Black hair wonderfully. We hope she will fit in with your family. (oh, and yes on the sign up form I did mean Pheonix (-: )
DH: Christopher Jacob
DW: Summer Jeanna
DS: Damian Connor (7)
DD: Anika Faith (5)
AD (human): Isla Aurellia (3)
((Are we allowed to change names? If so I would like to change it to Vanessa Aurellia "Nessie" ))
She fits perfectly into our family and Anika and her get along great! She does not talk often and does so very rarely, we believe she may have been truamatized before she was found. The girls enjoy playing with dolls and my make-up and they love to color together!
Daughter to 6
Sister to many
Girl Friend to one
"Mommy" to another
DW: Summer Jeanna
DS: Damian Connor (7)
DD: Anika Faith (5)
AD (human): Isla Aurellia (3)
((Are we allowed to change names? If so I would like to change it to Vanessa Aurellia "Nessie" ))
She fits perfectly into our family and Anika and her get along great! She does not talk often and does so very rarely, we believe she may have been truamatized before she was found. The girls enjoy playing with dolls and my make-up and they love to color together!
Daughter to 6
Sister to many
Girl Friend to one
"Mommy" to another
In answer to your question..
You may only change names if your adopted child wants his or her name changed! ( - ;
You may only change names if your adopted child wants his or her name changed! ( - ;
So is this okay?
Isla did not like her came as she came from the island of Islay and did not like remembering her home everytime she heard her name. She became quite the fan of butterflies, especially the genus Vanessa. Anika then told us that her new name would be Vanessa... but she wanted to go by Nessie because she'd have the name of something nice (butterfly) and sometime feared (Ness Lock Monster)
Daughter to 6
Sister to many
Girl Friend to one
"Mommy" to another
Isla did not like her came as she came from the island of Islay and did not like remembering her home everytime she heard her name. She became quite the fan of butterflies, especially the genus Vanessa. Anika then told us that her new name would be Vanessa... but she wanted to go by Nessie because she'd have the name of something nice (butterfly) and sometime feared (Ness Lock Monster)
Daughter to 6
Sister to many
Girl Friend to one
"Mommy" to another
sounds good!
UN: Natla'd
LN: de la Croix
DH: Ramon Alister "Ray"
DW: Montrose Adamina "Monty"
DS: Ceaser Vyvyan (15) (biological - human)
DS: Jasper Stone (4) (adopted - fairy)
DD: Valentina Joy (2) (biological - human)
Jasper has fit in quite well with the family (although he keeps attacking the neighbour cat, Mr. Fliffleflaffle). Monty is pleased to finally have a redheaded child, regardless of species.
"You've become quite a stud."
"And...you're the most stylin' girl in the world."
LN: de la Croix
DH: Ramon Alister "Ray"
DW: Montrose Adamina "Monty"
DS: Ceaser Vyvyan (15) (biological - human)
DS: Jasper Stone (4) (adopted - fairy)
DD: Valentina Joy (2) (biological - human)
Jasper has fit in quite well with the family (although he keeps attacking the neighbour cat, Mr. Fliffleflaffle). Monty is pleased to finally have a redheaded child, regardless of species.
"And...you're the most stylin' girl in the world."
I didn't get one!
Camille J
future 1st place winner of the local Piano Fest
future piano student of the esteemed Proffesor Amano
future music student at our local university
future professional pianist!
Camille J
future 1st place winner of the local Piano Fest
future piano student of the esteemed Proffesor Amano
future music student at our local university
future professional pianist!
No you are on there, you just got a biological child!