Well as it is now I am "only" working on a list of the names in Shakespeare's plays. Perhaps mythology will follow some other time, but one thing at the time aye? :)
The list I am making focuses mainly on the main characters of the plays. That means that minor roles, which perhaps does not get to say much may be overlooked for now. Yet, if you would like to help me then it would be great if you would go through the plays (or what you have time for) pointing out names of minor roles which I have missed.
Also it would be nice if you would check if I misspelt some of the names and if I got the gender wrong.
Phyllis ask to help with that too, but no harm done in having one more pair of eyes to help out, since six eyes see better than four.
I have posted some of the work done in the following two posts.
Thank you for your offer of help
Tracie . If both you and
Phyllis help with this it may very well be that we get all the names of every single role in Shakespeare's plays recorded in this first attempt.