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[Facts] Nicknames for ...
Hi. I'm looking for creatve suggestions for a nn for the name Clementine . I don't really like anything I've come up with, and I though someone else might have a great suggestion. It doesn't have to be strictly derived from the name; for example, my friend has a daughter named Josephina and they call her Pippa . I never would have thought of that, but I think it's extremely cute. I'm hoping to find something "unexpected" like that.Thanks!
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Okay Danna, I'm just going to throw out ideas. Some or all might be silly but here goes. Emmy, Clemmy, Tiny, Lemy, Clinty, Lettie, Minnie, Tyne,
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Some more suggestions...Tina , Tine, Clee, Lee , Tee, Mint, Minta , Minty , Menty, etc. If you want to scar her for life, maybe Cleek or Cleeky.
(I promise if I post anymore on this board I'll stick with one name)
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LOL!Stick around, Lilith. :)Sorry you had to come in on the tail end of a sorta flame war, but it wasn't so much about someone here using multiple names as it was about someone here getting all nasty and then trying to "disguise" herself with a couple of aliases.We don't bite. Much. :) And your posting here was cool.-- Nanaea
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Ha, just try and make me leave :-)I haven't exactly just come in, I've been a lurker here for a while (BTN is awesome!). The reason I said that about sticking with one name is because I've also posted as Erin and Eireann and having multiple names irks me. Thanks :)
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Nuh-uh...Who's gonna mess with someone named after Adam's demon wife? ;) I think I like that handle better than "Erin" or "Eireann" -- hope you decide to stick with it.I'm sure Mike C. will appreciate the props re. the site. We're not a bad lot, really. We just don't suffer fools gladly.And, as I already said, you sound pretty cool to me. :)-- Nanaea
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LOL!I must agree. Lilith's one of my favorite names, in part because it has a great meaning for someone who claims to be nocturnal (I am! Really!). I just used Erin because it's my given name. Of course, some people disagree with me on Lilith. For instance, at (I'd do a link, but I forget how).-Lilith, the epitome of coolness :)
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Everyone......back the h* off of this name! Its MINE. MINE! All MINE! Whoop Whoop Whoop!Sorry about that.
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Hahahaha! You'd better keep yo' hands off ULALUME, Zelda! :)
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I kinda like the name "Clementine" spoken whole. It's not that big a mouthful -- certainly no bigger than "Samantha" or "Alison".It's a favorite name of mine. In addition to its etymological meaning, I like the fact that it's also the name given to those sweet little oranges -- "clementines". That makes it a hippy name or a nature name, too! :)-- Nanaea
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Melina, perhaps?
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Cleo , perhaps?
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You're back!!:p
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