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[Facts] Re: positive energy to NY... :-( n/t
I wish I could donate blood, but I'm on a medication that prevents it.The afternoon/evening classes have been cancelled here in Milwaukee, and I've already encountered the "They must've done it, so lets attack them" attitude. Makes me sick when so-called educated people jump to a conclusion and break a few proverbial necks.Please don't call these [insert appropriate invective] animals because most animals don't kill unless it's to defend themselves, defend their offspring, food, or to create a situation that the male can increase his chance for the gene pool. I don't see anything in the above description that would include the assault on the grade school in Pennsylvania or the attacks in New York. *psychic fireballs heading for the spirits of the commissioners of these attrocities*I have friends in the Pittsburgh area where I spent the first 10 years of my life, and I also have a few relatives in New York. I wish the worst on those who decided to do this to the innocent people, far worse than anything that any of you on the board can remotely imagine.Sorry about my major rant here and thank you for letting me do this (especially you, Mike C., since this is your board).Phyllis (aka Sidhe Uaine or Gaia Euphoria [who's not so euphoric])
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No offense, Phyllys. By "animals" I did not mean any particular race, religious group, or any other kind of people. I just meant that animals kill, while it is true they are doing it for survival, without regard for other animals feelings. That is how I view those responsible because if you ask the sickos responsible they feel they are protecting their way of life and are killing for survival. I feel they should be hunted down and hanged from a very tall tree, cut the rope and use it on the next one. It is a cheap form of execution and they are not worth any more resources spent on them then necessary. Prayers for all families and friends, my cousin is in NY right now also but I am pretty sure she is o.k.
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Yep, I agree with you 100 percent about how animals shouldn't be confused with the kind of human scum who did this. I think a lot of people just naturally tend to call human scum "animals", because of religious indoctrination from childhood telling people all the time that human beings are "higher" than the animals. Whereas human beings are really animals, too. I don't think that a lot of people mean any disrespect to non-human animals -- it's just a bad habit of an expression.People just have to get used to using the term "human scum". I'm certainly used to using it. :)-- Nanaea
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NanaeaI've been using the phrase "insert invective" because I can't think of a better way of putting it. I have a relatively large vocabulary, and I can't think of a word or phrase that is low enough to describe what I'm thinking of to describe these (insert invective). Combined, even your Satanicness, the Oh Greek One, and the Krusty the Klown Kollege Graduate don't have a word or phrase low enough for how I'm thinking of describing them. I've lit two magickally charged yartzeit candle for those who won't ever see their families on this plane of existance again.Phyllis (aka Sidhe Uaine or Gaia Euphoria)
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