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Does anyone have any bad associations with the name Ian? Does anyone have good associations with the name Ian? Do you think it would be okay to use in America or is it a name that people see as "wimpy" or simply ugly?
What names would you suggest to go with it in a sibset? Male and female names are welcome.
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I like Ian very much, and don't find it whimpy or ugly at all.Siblings:
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I have a personal bad association with Ian, but I also have a good one, so I guess they cancel each other out. I like the name and I don't think it is seen as wimpy.
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I actually know of a sibset with Ian. He's the only child I've ever known with the name, and I wasn't familar with it before then.Ian
Lynnea Shari prn: Lynn-a-uh (long a sound) Nn prn "Sherry"
Jadon Ronald I do not know Ian's mn...I'm actually quite fond the name Ian... :)Some middle names that have been previously suggested that I like are:Ian Alexander
Ian Rhys (No, I don't think it's too short, I think it's rather cool)
Ian Matthew I also thought of:
Ian Addison
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I think it's already in use in America. I don't think that it is a name seen as wimpy or ugly, but I can't really speak for a whole country. Personally, yes, I do have positive associations with it, because my freshman year, one of the greatest seniors on my mock trial team was named Ian and I associate the name with him. And, as he was in fact neither wimpy nor, I see this as a very strong name, and very versatile too.
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Oh, it is in use in the US. Has been for awhile.
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The only Ian I know is strong (in a wheel-chair after having been hit by a drunk driver a few years back, but pulling through and making the best our of it) and very talented (his drawings are amazing). I'd use the name! Though I'm not American, so I don't know how much that helps... (the Ian I know is, though!)Good name, good associations for me!(I also like how it has only 3 letters but still isn't really short)
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I love this name. If my sister were a boy, she would have been named Ian. I know a little boy (he's absoultely adorable - he has curly red hair, blue eyes, and porclein skin) named Ian.
No bad associations for me. Only good.
Oh, and my sister would have been Ian Alexander or Ian Alastair.

This message was edited 6/29/2007, 12:38 PM

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I am sort of getting the feeling that the combo Ian Alexander may be too popular. Oh well, maybe I should look for different combos.
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My associations are based on the only Ian I knew growing up, who was kinda gawky but kinda athletic, with a knack for making people laugh really hard. Then there's the popularity of the name over the last decade or two. I've met or heard of a LOT of Ians age 7-teens.It was a favorite name of mine for several years (about 1999-2003?). I still like it a lot and the only turnoff for me is, it feels overused.
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I think Ian is very handsome. its kind of popular where I live though. I know of a sibset that I babysit for there names are Coby Ian and Avery (b). I like it. WDYT
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I like the name Avery, but it looks odd with Ian imo and matching all three together is nmsaa.
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I like it a lot. I know an Ian who is about five now, and he's never had a problem. His name is Ian Kelly, and I just love that Kelly is used on a boy. They're Irish, obviously. Ian Rhys is wonderful. I don't think it's too short at all.
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I think Ian is adorable. I haven't noticed any bad images attatched to Ian in the U.S.Good Sib Names:
Ian and Olivia
Ian and Sophie
Ian and Lydia
Ian and Kate
Ian and Emma
Ian and Roma
Ian and Ramona
Ian and ClaireIan and Gabriel
Ian and Samuel
Ian and Cole
Ian and Isaak
Ian and Isaiah
Ian and Connor
Ian and Mason
Ian and Oliver
Ian and Henry
Ian and FinnIan would go great with a lot of names!Middle Name Ideas:
Ian Rhys
Ian Lucas
Ian Ellis
Ian Peter
Ian Samuel
Ian Porter
Ian Matthew
Ian Gray
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I really like the combo Ian Rhys, do you think it is too short?
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It depends on the LN I guess. I don't have any problems with names being too short. I think Ian Rhys looks nice and balanced, so I wouldn't worry about both names being short.
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I like Ian. I don't think it is wimpy or ugly at all. I don't have any bad associations with it, in fact I have a good association.It would be perfectly fine to use in America.-Tara

This message was edited 6/29/2007, 10:23 AM

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I think it'd be fine in America. It's a good name, in my opinion, albeit rather too ordinary. I've never come across any bad associations. It reminds me of Dr. Ian malcolm from Jurassic Park, who is the only person the name Ian brings to mind and, seeing as I love Dr. Ian Malcolm, that's a good thing. It's definitely not wimpy or ugly.
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I think Ian is a fine name, tho a bit boring. My co-worker just married an Ian, and he is in no way wimpy - full beard, hiker, works for an outfitters/sports store. His siblings are Heather and Brian. I think Brian is to similar, but it made hand-me-downs easier, just add a BR in front of IAN, hehe.I'm not good at sibsets, but most names would probably work since it's such a common name. Maybe Melanie, Claire, Cole, Tristan, etc. To spice it up a bit you might try some less common Scottish names, like Alasdair, Callum, Conall, Fiona, Lilias, etc.
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You mentioned Scottish names, but do you think Ian could work well with Norse names like Freya, Ingrid, Astrid? Do you think it could work with classic names like Beatrice, Amelia, Joshua, and Helena?
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Definitely, it's so simple and versatile. I think Ian and Ingrid is almost rhyme-y, but the others are good. I esp. like Ian and Helena, but it definitely works with the other classic names just as well. Also, someone said that the Ians she knew weren't too smart, and it reminded me that my friend's Ian is a mechanical engineer (almost)...Now, I'm starting to like the name more and more!
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It's a good name. strong and very masculin in my opinion.the first who comes to my mind is Ian Blair aho is a Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police (head of the Metropolitan Police Service) for thouse who don't know. is it a good or bad association? rather good :-)as a middle name I would choose something long like
Ian Christopher or Ian Alexander
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I actually know an Ian Alexander and I think he is a great friend and if I ever had a kid one day I would like to name it after him. Do you prefer Alexander or Aleksandr, or even on of the other many variations with the name Ian?
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I've never known an Ian so I don't have any associations with the name. I've never seen it as wimpy. My dh absolutely adores this name. It's the name he wanted if any of our three dds had been a ds. It's not going to happen, of course, but I've grown to like Ian too and would probably use it now. It has really grown on me.
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I think Ian's kind of boring, where I live, at least. I know two Ian's and both are really nice kids, but both are very, very... not smart.I don't think Ian is wimpy or ugly, but like I said before, I just think it's boring.

This message was edited 6/29/2007, 9:23 AM

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The problem is that it's too short, as far as I'm concerned. I don't live in the US, but i don't see why people there should universally find it so ugly. IMO, it's not the greatest name on earth, but it's definitively not ugly either.
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I was not implying it was ugly, I wanted to know if people think it is ugly.
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Ian is a nice name. When I think of Iam I think of my Uncle who died before I was born. Also, Ian was the name of the minister who used to be at our church. He was a nice man.
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I think of my sister's ex-boyfriend who is an incredible jerk.
Too bad, because I like the name otherwise.
I think it would be fine to use in America, but I'm not American, so I can't be completely sure what people's general view on the name would be.
I think it's totally fine though, and not wimpy or ugly at all.
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Ian is all right, but not something special, imo. The only Ian I know is annoying. I prefer Sebastian, or another "I" name such as Isaiah.
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