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Thoughts on Frances for a girl?Does it work with brother Thomas?
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I think Frances is a little too frumpy but I like Francesca.
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My grandma's name was Frances so I prefer the Frances spelling for girls and the Francis spelling for boys. I think Frances pairs alright with Thomas as they're both long standing "traditional" names.
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Very cute! It works well with Thomas as well, a nice subtle match :3
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I think Frances works very well with Thomas.
Personally, the name brings up the cartoon character from PBS' Arthur.... Not an association I like, but on a real human, that association would melt away quickly.
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It reminds me of the kids show Arthur because of Francine.
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Kinda like it. Knew a Frances though who did not and insisted on being called Francine.
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Don't like it at all, prefer Francine.
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I think Frances is cute and can age well. Fran is, too. And I think both work as a pairing with Thomas.
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