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WDYT of Allyria?What type of person do you imagine when you hear this name?
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I don’t know why but Allyria sounds more like a place name than Illyria, an actual place.It’s a very fantasy/elven style name, I can’t quite picture it on a real person.
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Fantasy princess.Or just an ordinary gal...It's pretty, but seems a little shallow. Not excessively, but about like Arwen, fanciful and not totally serious. That's not a dealbreaker. It could be appealing. I can picture her enjoying having her name.
I think it'd be more likeable if it were not from the book it's from.
I'd want to spell it differently, myself. Elyria maybe
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Oh, true, Elyria is way better.
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I think it's pretty!
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It's really pretty, but I prefer the spelling of Alyria! I love the name Alyria and find it breathtakingly beautiful; it's highly underused! I'd imagine a girl who is sweet and artistic, with this name.
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I prefer Alyria or Elyria. Illyria is more of an obvious reference but it looks awkward without serifs.I'm imagining Allyria as the daughter of hippies, maybe a bit of a hippie herself, definitely a fantasy fan and maybe an amateur fantasy author too. She's either a performer of some kind (musician, actor, etc.) or a hobbyist (makes period costumes or obscure musical instruments or something) or both. Sometimes goes by Ally or Allie.
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I guess it sounds reasonable, but it still comes off like an attempt to "try something new", or something wildly embellished my sister might name a video game character. Definitely fantasy/sci-fi sounding. I can't picture specific personalities for names, but somehow I can conjure the worlds in which a person with a name might live. Allyria seems to live in some futuristic haven where magic is the new science and the arts literally "make dreams come to life." The name flows, well, I suppose. Pleasant color, lovely sound, good number.
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I think it is pretty. I have a hard time associating specific personalities with names.
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I'd imagine the type of parents who liked Twelfth Night but didn't check the spelling of the country Viola ends up in after the shipwreck. Illyria doesn't look particularly human, but at least it has some kind of history. Allyria doesn't.
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My thoughts exactly!
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Don't like it at all
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