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[Opinions] Re: Alexandra or Alix
I have a special place in my heart for Queen Victoria, as well. :) Her daughter, Alice, happens to be Aleksandra's mother. Alice wanted to name her daughter after herself, but needed a suitable substitute for the name Alice because it was too difficult to pronounce among the native German-speaking population. "Alix" was as close as she got. Little Alix also recieved the names of all her maternal aunts and she was christened Victoria Alix Helena Louise Beatrice. When Alix was about six or seven, her mother died and she went to live with her grandmother, Victoria and remained there until she married Nikolai. [/history lesson] Sorry, I ramble sometimes. :)Unfortunately, I know almost nothing about Mary, Queen of Scots! I'l have to read up on her. Julia Mary is a fine name, BTW. :) How lucky you are to use it as a name to honour relatives as well as a person from history. The name Mary is a lovely middle name and complements almost any first name.Anastasia is quite a character! She was very much the "énfant terrible", always in some kind of scrape, lol. My favourite Romanov child is the same as my BtN screen name, Maria. I just love looking at pictures of them all. They seemed so happy.
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I love history lessons and that was so cool! :)So Maria is your favorite. I remember loving her nickname but at the moment I can't remember what it was! :(I thought it was so cool when I first found out that Victoria and Anastasia were related, but I shouldn't have been surprised, European royals have been inter-marrying since forever! :)Image hosted by
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